Sunday – Rest day, so that meant I ate a gluten free donut, then a breakfast taco, and a homemade mocha. Then I had an arepa. And cooked all day. So pretty much my life was surrounded by food…like usual.

Monday – 

Back Squats: 6 x 3. First set at 75%. Add as you go –  My heaviest set was 160# and felt like crap. Wonderful.


With a 4 min clock:
400m Run
5 Power Cleans (185/135) – I used 95#
5 Front Squats – same weight


With a 4 min clock:
400m Run
5 Power Cleans (155/105) – I used 85#
5 Front Squats – same weight
Take 15% off from first round.

I got 2+8 and then 3+7 

Tuesday – Another day I felt like poop. Thankfully I like push jerks and burpees, but my elbows felt like they were dislocating the whole time. Not into it.

Deadlift: 5 x 3. Add as you go – My heaviest set of 3 was 205# 

Between sets 10/6 Strict handstand push ups or 5 slow as possible negatives or 40sec HS Hold. – I did 6 HSPU to 1 ab mat every set


15-12-9-12-15 Reps For Time Of:
Push Jerks (155/105) – I used 90# (sometimes my coach and I meet in the middle, I wanted to do 85# he wanted me to do 95#, so I did 90#)

I finished in 9:00.


Wednesday – You’re never going to believe this, but I felt like crap once again. Working out was stupid last week.

With a Running Clock:

0-9 mins: Find a Heavy 3 rep Squat Clean. Quick reset. – I got 135#

9-12 mins: REST and change weight

12-20 mins: For Time:
500m Row
30 Pull Ups
400m Run

I finished in 5:28 rx

20-26 mins: AMRAP OF:
5 Squat Cleans (205/145) – I used 95#
15 hand release push ups
30 Double Unders

I got 2+13. I hate that last part.

Thursday – REST DAY EFF YEAH!! All 3 of my last workouts felt crappy and I felt weak, so I decided a couple of rest days were in need. Sometimes you just need to listen to what your body is telling you. And mine was telling me that it needed to shop and eat. So that’s exactly what I did in Boulder. I shopped with a personal shopper, Liz from Mile High Style, and shopped at Common Threads and Chelsea and found AMAZING stuff for an upcoming photo shoot! Can’t wait to show you guys. Then I cooked up some stuff for something special. Can’t wait to tell you about that!

Friday – ANOTHER REST DAY EFF YEAH!! I was lazy as sh*t.

Saturday – This workout wasn’t on the website, it just said come in for a hero workout. So we knew it would be bad. And it definitely was. I hadn’t done this workout in probably 3 years and I hated it WAY more this time around. I do more sprint workouts on a regular basis so this one kicked my ass. 


3 rounds for time of:
30 squat cleans (95/65)
30 Pull-ups
Run 800 meters

I got 36:30 rx

Favorite workout songs of the week:

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  1. Christy says:

    Love the addition of the “favorite workout songs” at the end!!!!

  2. Britt Anne says:

    Love the weekly workout posts! They’re inspiring AND helpful 🙂 I’m wondering, how many days a week do you usually workout versus rest? Or does it change a lot depending on how you feel?

    1. juli says:

      totally depends how i feel! every week is different. obviously i try to workout more than rest, but whatever feels right

  3. Leigh says:

    Love the photo of Jackson. He is so super adorable. Sorry you had one those training weeks. As much as I hate them, I know they do help with getting to a week where you feel fabulous.

  4. Kelly says:

    It would be looovely to know what you eat pre/post workout. I started Crossfit in May and have never lifted this heavy or pushed myself so much before. Do you have protein shakes after every workout, or only when you feel you need them? Do you know if there are any on the go paleo protein bars? Or what types of foods would be best post workout? I Crossfit in the mornings before work and have under an hr to shower, get ready and eat something. Its tough! I’ve made a ton of your recipes and eat the leftovers for breakfast, but I’m curious what you do!

    1. Tracy Kurek says:

      Hi Kelly,
      Contact Heather Kelly at She can get you rolling on the perfect food for pre/ post workouts as well as daily diet.