I’ve recently been getting questions from people about sharing weekly workouts that can be done at home or with minimal weights. So today I’m showing what modifications can be done to create your own workouts at home based off the workouts I did in my gym. BUT, I have an even easier solution for you as well. If you’re a person who enjoys at home workouts or just need some simple bodyweight workouts to do while traveling, check out Bodeefit. They send you daily FREE emails straight to your inbox with body weight workouts, descriptions to the movements AND pictures of each movement. It’s awesome. This way you are constantly varying your workouts without getting bored. It’s awesome!

Now here are some of the workouts I did this week and some of the modifications you can do at home without weights and a barbell. Some things I don’t try to sub at all, like finding a 1rep max squat clean. Again, if you are looking for awesome at home workouts with explanations to all the movements, check out Bodeefit. They give way more details than I do about workouts!

Sunday – Rest Day!

Monday – It somehow became another rest day. Because the weather was sh*t outside and the couch was much more inviting. I’m not the kind of person who just doesn’t go to the gym. I’d say 95% of the time, when I don’t feel like going, I still go. But if my body is telling me it’s not into it, I listen.

Tuesday – The last part of this workout was one hell of a b*tch. I absolutely LOVED it. I was super sore in my hamstrings the next few days and I just love being sore there!

20 sec work / 20 sec rest for 6 sets of each: L-Sit ( for quality) and handstand walk ( for max distance- mats)

For at home/body weight: sub l-sits for hollow rocks and handstand walk for plank holds



Every 3 mins for 6 sets. (Score is slowest time in any one set)

10 Deadlifts (225/155)

40 Double Unders

15 Burpees

*My slowest time was my first set at 1:27 using 125#*

For at home/body weight: 20 air squats, 40 DU or 80 singles jumps (jump in place if you don’t have a rope), 15 burpees


Every 45 sec for 7 1/2 mins: Power Clean & Push Jerk x 2. All sets at 75% of 1 rep max Clean & Jerk

*I used 105#*

Strict Press: 4 max effort sets at 75%. 90 sec rest between sets – total reps. (8 mins)

*I used 70# and got 25 reps*

For at home/body weight: do max effort push ups on toes or knees

8 min AMRAP Of:

15 KB Swings (70/55)

12 Box Jumps (30/24)

*I got 5 rounds + 13 swings using 45#*

For at home/body weight: 12 jumping lunges and 12 box jumps or step ups continuously for 8 minutes

Thursday – If you’ve read my blog before, you know that I hate doing any chest movements. I don’t like ring dips, muscle ups, or even push ups. Now that I don’t compete in CrossFit anymore, I’ve pretty much lost all the muscle I had before on my chest. So those movements just kind of hurt. Turns out, I’d much rather do bench press than any of those other movements. What’s that about? It doesn’t hurt near as bad as the other movements! I actually enjoyed the sore chest I had the next day!

Bench Press: (14 mins)

Max Effort Reps at 70% of 2 rep max – I got 8 reps

Max Effort Reps at 65% – I got 10 reps

Max Effort Reps at 60% – I got 12 reps

– Between sets find a heavy 3 Weighted Pull Up – I got 3 strict pull ups with 10#

For Time: (16 min Time Cap)

500m Row

12 Strict HSPU

24 Toes To Bar

400m Run

9 Strict HSPU

18 Toes To Bar

500m Row

6 Strict HSPU

12 Toes To Bar

400m Run

*I got 15:32*

For at home/body weight: run the block of your neighborhood for the rowing and the running, do v-ups instead of T2B, and if you cannot do handstand push ups, sub push ups

Friday – This was one of those workout that my body just wasn’t into. It didn’t like the squat cleans, it wasn’t feeling muscle ups. So it was a Friday evening workout where I just went through the movements more than anything. But I guess getting some kind of workout in is better than nothing at all. Especially when it was a holiday weekend and LOTS of eating was going on.

14 mins to find a heavy Squat Clean

*I stopped squat cleaning at 115#*

8 min AMRAP Of:

6 Squat Cleans (70% of above)

6 Muscle Ups / 8 Burpee Pull Ups

*I got 4 rounds + 1 squat cleans at 75#*


800m Run For Time

*I finished in 3:41*

For at home/body weight: sub squat cleans for 15 jumping squats and muscle ups for 8 burpees with jump but make it a jump that you try to touch your knees to your hands (high knees, if you will) then finish with an 800m run or try running 2 big square blocks if you don’t know the distance.

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  1. Christine says:

    Bodeefit link is broken, fyi

  2. Linda @ The Fitty says:

    Do you do much yoga? Your handstands are magnificent, and I still can’t hold one myself yet. It’s especially challenging to also do hollow backs without a wall.

    1. juli says:

      no, i really should thought

  3. Kerry says:

    I have tried Paleo a few times now, I find it pretty much stops my migraines and gives me more energy however I find I am constantly starving especially when I do my workouts, I try to make sure I get enough protein after my workouts and drink lots of water… any other tips? I really want to stick to it as I do generally feel so much better but I just can’t hack being starving all the time, I cave and eat loads of carbs!

    1. juli says:

      i would recommend eating more and try some dense carbohydrates like sweet potatoes after a workout

    2. Staci says:

      Kerry try adding more fat to your diet. Adequate protein and fat should keep you full. In addition to what juli said about adding dense carbs that have fiber ( like sweet potatoes).

  4. Tessa says:

    I subscribed to Bodeefit off your suggestion and love it! I’d been doing Mark Sisson’s PEM program but it’s nice to have a light variation and it’s still something I can do in the park.

    1. juli says:

      that’s awesome!! so glad to hear it!