I think something that is sometimes hard for people, or at least was for me, was figuring out how much I should workout. When I first started CrossFit, I would go 5 days a week and saw a huge shift in my appearance. I lost weight, gained muscle, had more energy. So to me, I thought that if I worked out more that I would lose more weight, gain more muscle, and still have more energy. Well, it didn’t work that way. I got to the point that I was working out every day, multiple times per day, and before I knew it I was gaining weight and still some muscle. But I felt like sh*t and my mind had gone crazy too since I couldn’t put two and two together that I was beating my body down without giving it enough rest.
Fast forward to now, a few years later, I take rest days whenever I see fit. I don’t feel bad about it, I don’t have the itch to go to the gym, I just do other things with my day. Because of this, my body has lost weight, I’ve definitely lost some muscle, but I also have my energy back. I watch people at the gym who cannot take rest days and think their bodies can continue to work all the time. I also see them at some point start to deteriorate wherever that’s strength wise, body wise, or even mind wise. Don’t be that person. Remember that our bodies were made to work but they were also created to rest. Take rest days, let your body recover and take care of yourself. Don’t be a dummy, bro.
Sunday – I worked out on Sunday for some odd reason (I hate working out on Sundays) and I have no clue what I did because I half assed it and hated every second of it. I don’t know why I even go to the gym because I think I burn probably 6 calories and waste a hour or two of my life. But hey, HEALTH! Oh wait, and socializing. I’m totally one of thoooose that likes to chat it up at the gym.
Monday – Rest Day
Tuesday – Fit Class
* Tabata core
* Tabata Push ups and hallow rocks
* Tabata core
Wednesday – CrossFit Class – This workout. Holy shart. It’s one of those workouts that you think will be hard but not THAT hard. It was THAT hard. My forearms almost exploded. Then I couldn’t breathe. Then I coached classes in a miserable state. It’s for real so hard.
EMOM x 3: 2 Snatch @ 70%, quick reset – 85#
EMOM x 3: 2 Snatch @ 75%, quick reset – 90#
EMOM x 3: 2 Snatch @ 80%, quick reset – 95#
EMOM x 3: 1 Snatch @ 85%- 105#
EMOM x 3: 1 Snatch @ 90% – 110#
5 min AMRAP Of:
20 KB Swings (70/55)
10 Burpees
4 min AMRAP Of:
15 KB Swings
7 Burpees
3 min AMRAP Of:
10 KB Swings
5 Burpees
I got 3+16, then 3+9 then 4+10 using 45# KB
Thursday – CrossFit Class – After Wednesday’s workout, I couldn’t function very well. So this class, I just went through the movements, staying light and just getting some hamstring work in with the deadlifts. I honestly didn’t care how many reps I got, I just was happy I got a little sweat on during a stressful week (book edits).
Deadlifts: (14 mins) – 2 min rest between sets.
Max Reps at 88%
Max Reps at 83%
Max Reps at 78%
Max Reps at 73%
7min AMRAP Of:
7 Box Jumps with Step Down (30/24)
7 Muscle Ups / 9 Burpee Pull Ups – I did burpee pull ups
7 Front Squats (205/145) – I did 135# deadlifts
I got 3 + 3
2000m Partner Row For Time (must change every 250m) – My partner and I finished in 7:39
Friday – Rest Day – It was national donut day so who needs to workout when you can go get a donut? NOT ME! I had one bite of a REAL donut, gluten filled style, and it was seriously probably the best thing I’ve ever tasted. No joke. Maybe it’s because I don’t eat gluten regularly, but HOLY BALLS, it was so so so damn good.
Saturday – CrossFit Class – This workout was uber fun. For the first time ever, I did 50 wall balls in a row. Never done that before and I will never do that again. But then on the last round of wall balls, I did it in probably 5 sets. Fail.
50 wall balls
400m run
15 power snatch (135/95) – I used 65#
400m run
15 power snatch
400m run
50 wall balls
I finished in 15:11
And just FYI to any of you stinky people out there. And I say that in the kindest way possible because I stink bad too. I’ve teamed up with Primal Pit Paste for this month of June to bring you 20% off your order when using the coupon code: PPPOMG at checkout! I just started using it a month ago and I absolutely LOVE it. I don’t stink whatsoever after a long day and I usually smell within 5 minutes of a workout. Check them out and pick up some to try today while it’s 20% off!!
Wow… Just Reading your schedule makes me realize i neeeeed to go to the gym. Like right now. It’s been too long!
I know you post this every week but thank you for posting today!NI needed that kick in the @ss today to take a rest. I’m the dummy that works out everyday (sometimes multiple) and is watching myself gaining weight, deteriorating and not paying attention to why.
What was the weight of your med balls?
I need to try some Primal Pit Paste ASAP!
Looove that sports bra. Where did you get it?!
i got it on theclymb.com. it’s a hurley sports bra though!
Which is your favorite scent of the Primal Pit Paste? I see you have jasmine in the pic!
that’s all i’ve tried so far!
Does the pit paste help with sweating at all? I made my own deodorant with similar ingredients and while I didn’t stink… I was rockin’ some unfortunate pit stains. I’m on my feet all day at work yet still need to look professional so I’m still stuck with anti-persperant (Tom’s of Maine) but I’d love to find something else.
You’re so right about the resting part – it took me quite a while to figure out that I was not cheating if I took a day off here and there, or if I stopped and walked during a run. Occasionally I eat things with sugar and white flour in them (the horror!) just to prove to myself that I haven’t become a total health nut or a food Nazi. It’s just not right that you can still look cute after a workout (even if you get smelly) and don’t get all red like I do.
I tried Primal Pit Paste n live it. I had a reaction n went to the lite formula but eased back into the scented.