YOU GUYS!! Don’t forget to sign up for my Thrive Market giveaway. Because it ends this week and I’ll be starting another one before you know it, so don’t miss out on this one!
Anywho, I’m going through this moment in life where I feel like I should be doing a bit more “spot treatment”. I don’t think that’s the right word for this situation. Whatever. I’m trying to concentrate more on one area in hopes of it tightening up or toning up just a little more. I’m not a big believer in that, but I feel like if I want my butt to look a certain way, I’m going to need to do some extra stuff on the side of CrossFit to make sure I’m getting those results. Like doing things after class such as sprints and abs and lunges and 1 legged squats. Do you guys ever do that? And do you see results from it? I just remember doing that stuff growing up and never getting results from it, but now that I do CrossFit, I feel like supplementary movements can’t hurt! What have you found that works best? Tell me your wise story.
Monday – Spent my day getting a blowout, trying on wedding dresses and eating as much food as possible in LA. It was so delightful.
Tuesday – After getting home from a flight, I sprinted over to the gym to get a quick workout in and burn some calories from my weekend in LA. This was so damn hard. 18 reps, unbroken? That’s just silly. So I couldn’t get very heavy at all. Which is fine since lifting heavy just ain’t my thang anymore.
6 Power Cleans – 6 Front Squats – 6 Push Jerks, all reps done without dropping the bar
4 Sets, Adding. First set at 45% of 1 rep mac C&J. 3 mins Rest Between Attempts. – I got to 85#
Then 6 min AMRAP Of:
50 Double Unders
10 Ring Dips – I did parallete dips with my feet raised
– 3 min REST THEN –
6 min AMRAP Of:
200m Row
10 Strict HSPU – I went to 1 ab mat
On the first AMRAP, I got 4 rounds + 50 double unders, second AMRAP I got 2 rounds plus 1 HSPU
Wednesday – After doing 18 reps the day before, then we were forced to do 10 reps. I started this workout using 65# and after the first round dropped down to 55# and still had trouble at it. Come on shoulders.
4 Rounds Of:
10 x Strict Press. All sets at 65 – 70%
Rest 30 sec then
100m Farmers Carry in both hands (heavy)
Rest 60 sec.
I used 55# on my strict press and 45# KB carry
Then 5 Rounds For Total Time Of:
14 Alternating DB Snatch (Heavy) – I used 30# DB
10 Box Jumps (30/24)
200m Sprint – I did 15 calories on the air dyne bike
REST 1 min
I finished in 16:48
Thursday – Who finds deadlifts slightly scary? I do! I feel like once I get over 185#, I’ll almost always feel it in my back. Do you have any tricks for deadlifts that work for you? What works for me is staying light. Ha. I’m funny.
Deadlifts: (16 mins)
2-3 Warm Up sets then:
5 reps @ 70%
5 reps @ 75%
5 reps @ 80%
5 reps @ 85%
Think speed of the floor!
I finished at 175#
Then – With a 12 min Clock, as far as possible with:
10 Pull Ups
3 Power Cleans (70%)
10 Pull Ups
6 Power Cleans (70%)
10 Pull Ups
9 Power Cleans (70%)
10 Pull Ups
12 Power Cleans (70%)
I finished my round of 12 and then got 35 more reps using 95#
Friday – Rest Day – I washed my hair, worked on the computer all day, mowed the lawn, cleaned the house. It was pretty much the best Friday ever.
Saturday – I decided to drop in at another gym to do a partner workout with a friend. It’s so weird working out at other gyms when everyone’s gym warms up and workouts so differently. On book tour this year, I’m hoping to stop in at a handful of gyms and they better all be awesome! Any recommendations? Ps have you seen my book tour stop list yet?!
Partner workout
4 rounds
20 toes to bar
20 clean and jerk (95/65)
20 power snatch (95/65)
20 wall ball
No clue what time we finished in but we tried to finish as quickly as possible so we could get to breakfast sooner.
I’m going to third pilates. I quit crossfit in January after years of doing and in just months, my body was totally transformed by pilates (studio metamorphosis in pasadena, ca) ! So tight and toned, I LOVE it!!!
Try Bikram yoga if you really want a challenge! Doing yoga poses in 100 degrees will get your heart rate up and sweaty, super fast! I’ve always felt better mentally and leaner when I do Bikram.
Now I am really interested to try pilates. So awesome that you are doing some book signings with Vanessa. In Austin you can check out CrossFit City Limits, but it is probably a little far from where you are going to be staying. I just started working at a new place called CRUSH Fitness right downtown and it is an amazing cardio and weight HIIT class. You should check it out!
I’ve been following your blog for a while and I think you look fabulous..I can’t imagine where else you could tighten up. I just started Crossfit a few months ago and you are so inspirational to me- to ever be as strong and fit as you are. I know it’s hard to see it in your own body..but you look about as fit as a person can get to me. I just say keep up the good work 🙂
What helps me when it comes to dead lifts, light or heavy, is thinking about using my quads and squeezing my butt. This tends to save my back a little bit. I would stay lighter while practicing this until you get the feel for it.
Also, when it comes to an insane amount of reps in a WOD, I tend to turn to a lifting belt. I know some may think this is just a crutch; however, if it saves me from a tight and achy back and getting up from my chair at work like a grandma, then I’ll use it.
Hope it helps. 🙂
The thing that changed my deadlift was to ouch my knees put into my elbows on my set up. It stabilized my whole posterior chain and I just feel safer. Drive through heels, squeeze glutes and hamstrings. Check out Rippetoe’s DL videos. Good luck! Oh, and check out Bret Contreras for glute tips.
Push* not ouch.
you should give us some ab workout ideas!!
I was crossfitting multiple times a week, but also supplementing with Barre3 classes. it’s a cross between pilates/yoga/ballet but none of the awkward ballet dancing (if you are uncoordinated like me) definitely works all the muscles with small movements that create length and tone. There’s a couple studios around Denver, or come back to Portland, and there’s 5 different locations in/around the city! 😉