Sunday – I don’t really like working out on Sundays. I just don’t feel that motivated and I don’t warm up enough so my workouts just kind of suck. I feel like I shouldn’t even be there, but I guess some kind of workout is better than no workout at all. I guess.
8 min AMRAP OF:
5 Hang Power Snatch (135/95) – I used 75#
15 Wall Ball – I used 14# ball
I got 6 rounds + HPS
Tennis ball sprints with Jackson. I swear I got more of a workout with him than I did with my 8 minute AMRAP.
Monday – REST DAY! Because it was a squat day and I hate squats. When I see people post things about how pumped they are about squats, I think they are weirdos. I hate back squats, front squats, I used to love overhead squats until I hyperextended my elbow, but then I LOVE squat snatch. Whatever. I don’t care about getting stronger and my ass never looks any different, so I purposely skipped this squat day. Which I will also be doing again this Monday. Muahahaha.
Tuesday – I love these fast little workouts with no squatting. Just beautiful.
Strict Press: 5-5-5-5. Add as you go – I got 75#
Split Jerk: 3-3-3-3. Add as you go. (16 mins) – I got 125#
2 Rounds For Time:
200m Run
30 KB Swings (70/55)
200m Run
30 Box Overs (24/20)
I finished the workout in 8:49 with a 45# kettlebell
Wednesday – Ring dips blow.
EMOM FOR 21 minutes: 7 sets each of the following, Alternating between:
1st minute: 3 Snatch ( 85%) – I used 100#
2nd minute: 12 Ring Dips – I used a hella amount of resistance with bands. I don’t think my boobs appreciate ring dips.
3rd minute: 60 Double Unders – I did rx
5 min AMRAP OF:
15 Wall Ball – I used a 14# ball
10 Pull Ups
I did 4 rounds + 10 wall balls rx
Thursday – Love me a power clean day. AND handstand push ups? Heaven.
Power Cleans: 10 second reset between reps (15 mins) – I got 5 sets in of 4 singles and I ended up getting 150#
For Time:
1000m/900m Row
5 Rounds For Time Of,
7 Power Cleans (185/135) – I used 115#
14 HSPU or 4 Wall Walks – I did kipping handstand push ups
I got 12:19
Friday – Gross. Squats. But I planned to not workout on Saturday so I HAD to workout Friday. Dumb.
Back Squats: 7 x 2. First set at 78%. Add as you go (18 mins) – I ended up going to 165# – I literally hate squats. I don’t do enough mobility or care enough to, so my squats don’t get better. My legs just kind of suck. Aw well.
For Time:
21 Front Squats (135/95)
21 KB Swings (70/55)
400m Run
15 Front Squats (135/95)
15 KB Swings (70/55)
400m Run
9 Front Squats (135/95)
9 KB Swings (70/55)
400m Run
I got 12:00 using 85# for front squats and 45# for swings. Again, I hate squats
Saturday – REST DAY! That meant lake day for me! Jackson pretty much slept until noon the next day. I love lake days.
Ditto on the squats…I don’t say it often but…HATE! Ha ha, glad to not be alone on that one. I just took two days off in a row for the first time in almost a year and it was heaven! To be repeated.
It’s usually (guy’s rx weight/girl’s rx weight) in lbs.
I love the pic of you and Jackson. He already looks like a natural at pushups or was it burpees?
I think it’s funny because I actually love back and front squats and HATE overhead squats because they hurt my hands, elbows and shoulders (I must be doing them wrong).
I am trying to get my butt in shape so that’s probably why I like squats. I did back squats today and stayed light on the weight because I have an umbilical hernia and will need to have surgery next month.
I figured it’s probably smarter to avoid strangling the thing until I get it fixed.
It stinks that I’ll have to be out for a few weeks recovering, but I’ll be happy when it’s done.
I actually get extra-anxious before workouts when I know they incorporate back squats. Front squats scare me slightly less. Overhead squats I don’t even like to mention.
Was Jackson doing burpees?
Ha! The picture of you and Jackson is precious!
Reading about you hyperextending your elbow… I recently started crossfit and did snatches for the first time in probably 5 years. I couldn’t straighten my elbow for like a week and it swelled up super bad! Do you just avoid doing those things or rest a lot and try again?
i never had issues like that and it hasn’t swollen up before. i just don’t go very heavy with overhead squats anymore
This is off-topic but I thought you might see this post if I post on the most recent entry.
Do your recipe cook times reflect altitude differences? I.e., are your recipes already adjusted for Denver elevation? I live in Denver as well and I don’t want to overcook or undercook my frittata tonight.
all the recipes I make are made in Denver, so you won’t have to change anything
Awesome, thanks!
Say what, does altitude matter in terms of cooking? How?
Regards from a Dane aka a ignorant flatlander. 🙂
Former flatlander here. At higher altitude, water evaporates at lower temperature and gases are less soluble, due to the lower air pressure (imagine a reverse pressure cooker).
According to Wikipedia, this effect is recognizable over 2000 ft. For a more detailed explanation on baking at high altitudes, I found this helpful:
See, and I love squats! Especially the back squat. It’s my favorite! I HATE the snatch – it’s so hard! Who would think that moving your arms out just a little bit would make it THAT much more challenging!
I love your headband! Where is it from?
I have a love/hate relationship with squats. Most days it hate 🙂 I’ve been following your blog for a while now, and I have to say that I notice a change in your physique….in a good way! Trying to give you a compliment without it sounding weird! lol You look amazing. Perfect amount of muscle but keeping it feminine. I know you’ve mentioned before about cutting out the crazy heavy lifting and listening to your body. Just curious, if you have noticed a change? Whatever it is that you are doing it is working! Good job, girl!
for sure! i’ve lost probably around 15 pounds and fit into clothes a lot easier! and I just feel comfortable in my skin