Happy Monday, my little healthy worker-outers holiday weekend-ers. That made sense, right? Right. Are you working out today? You better be! No better way to start a holiday off than with a workout. That’s what I’ll be doing today; coaching a class at the gym then getting a workout in! Holidays are just better when they start with a workout.

This week was back to normal workouts at my CrossFit gym. It was so nice to get back to a normal routine, BUT I feel so out of shape. It’s amazing the type of strength you lose when you’re not doing it every day. I felt like I was in slow motion the entire week. And coming back to working out at altitude is literally the worst. I don’t know how people move here and still workout, breathing is impossible in Colorado. Now let’s get to workouts! And if you’re looking for a travel workout, check out the bottom of this post, I’ll be sharing at least one travel workout per week!

Sunday – CrossFit

3 sets of Weighted Step Ups:

Take 40% of 1 rep max front squat – I used 55#

1st set: max reps step ups on each leg, 2 minutes rest between each leg

2nd & 3rd set: 70% of max reps on each leg with 30 seconds rest between each leg


For Total Time:

3 Clean & Jerk(185/125) – 10 GHD sit ups

6 C & J – 10 GHD sit ups

9 C &J – 10 GHD sit ups

3 minutes rest

9 C &J – 10 GHD sit ups

6 C & J – 10 GHD sit ups

3 C & J – 10 GHD sit ups

I finished in 13:06 at 85#


Monday – Early morning workout by myself before heading to LA. I just made something up on the spot.

8 minute AMRAP:

200m run and 15 goblet squats – I used a 35# KB

2 minutes rest

8 minute AMRAP:

25 KB swings and 50 double unders – I used 35# KB

2 minute rest

8 minute AMRAP:

20 wall balls and 15 burpees

Tuesday – Rest day while recording a cooking segment on Home & Family TV

Wednesday – Fit Class

12 minute time cap for all parts:


pull ups, man makers, turkish sit ups


dumbbell bicep curl to shoulder press, slider push ups, dips


cross country skier with light weight punches, wall ball sit ups against wall, 100m farmer carry

Thursday – CrossFit Class

7 min AMRAP Of:

5 Strict Deficit HSPU (45 / 35# plates) and 5 Strict C2B Pull Ups – I went to 1 ab mat and did strict pull ups and got 4 rounds + 2 reps

Then using dumbbells, one in each hand. 5 sets of 12 Alternating Backwards Lunges (6 each leg). Add as you go. – my heaviest set was using 40# in each hand

And 9 min AMRAP Of:

30 / 25 Cal Row

15 Push Jerk (155/105) – I used 85#

I got 3 rounds

Friday – CrossFit Class

Snatch: 15 mins to find a Heavy Single for the day. – I got 112#

THEN 5 mins to hit 3 Snatch at 95% of Above – I used 95#

And as far as possible in 10 mins of:

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8… Reps Of:

Power Snatch (165/105)

Burpee Muscle Ups / x 2 Burpee Pull Ups

I got through sets of 6 + 1 power snatch using 85#

Saturday – CrossFit Class

25 minute AMRAP:

12 strict handstand push ups (I did kipping because i’m just super sick of strict)

15 deadlift (225/155)

18 wall balls

400m run

I got 4 rounds + 8 reps using 115#

Travel Workout of the Week:

First: 1 mile run

Then 75 dumbbell thrusters for times

5 burpees every minute on the minute

*When the clock starts, do as many dumbbell thrusters as you can in the first minute then when it hits 1 minute, do 5 burpees then start back at dumbbell thrusters until you finish 75 total.

Tabata core:

Lastly, for 4 minutes: 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest – alternating

bicycle sit ups

leg lifts

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  1. Maeve says:

    Juli, thanks so much for taking the time to write out these workouts! So inspiring and helpful!

    Also… See “Hashtags”: http://www.vogue.com/13299678/instagram-rules-social-media/.

    “The #blessed hashtag is only acceptable when used ironically. Note: The #blessed hashtag used unironically (e.g., an image of a green juice with the caption “#greenjuice #cleanliving #lovemylife #healthy #gogreen #blessed #soblessed”) is a clear indicator that you should unfollow that girl and avoid her in real life at all costs.”


  2. Anne says:

    Love the weekly workout posts. They’re my favorite!! Also a question: after you stopped lifting heavy and restricting your eating, how long did it take for your body and appetite to change? I am really trying to do the same and am inspired by your story, but I am anxious that I will just lose muscle and gain fat. Thanks!

    1. juli says:

      it’s taken over 2 years to get to a body composition i’m happy with! i don’t think i really restrict my eating, i’m more lenient now than i was when I was competing in CrossFit.

      1. Anne says:

        Thank you so much for the reply! (and excuse my poor sentence structure! I did mean when you *stopped* restricting your eating as well as stopped lifting as heavily!)

  3. Madi says:

    You’re so badass. seriously like girl crush x5ever