I’m still hungover from the weekend. When did Halloween turn from eating sh*t loads of candy to drinking sh*t loads of alcohol. Either way, I hate it. I think it’s time for me to throw in the towel, grow up, and just start staying in on Halloween. When you’re still hungover 2 days later, it’s time to reevaluate your life decisions. That’s just how it is.
Last weeks workouts were a normal week of workouts, doing my normal CrossFit thing. Since I have been traveling so much, I’ve lost a ton of strength, especially core strength. So movements overhead, like push jerks, are more challenging than they used to be. But I’m happy to go lighter and pretty much just move through workouts. Especially since I’m traveling again this weekend. And maybe drinking. Damn alcohol, you creep up everywhere.
Be sure to check the bottom of the post! I have a simple at home or hotel gym workout for you plus new music AND some sweet new fitness apparel that is perfect for the winter that’s rearing it’s ugly head.
Sunday – Rest day/Travel day in Nebraska
Monday – Rest day/Travel day back home from Nebraska
Tuesday – CrossFit Class
Back Squats: Every 2 mins x 6 sets, 3 Squats at 85-90% – I worked to 155#
Then 14 min AMRAP Of:
21 Cal Row
15 Pull Ups
9 Squat Cleans (135/95)
I got 3+21 using 85#
Wednesday – CrossFit Class
Every 90 sec x 11 sets (15 mins): Snatch High Pull + Hang Snatch + Snatch. First set at 65%, Add as you go. – I got to 90#
Then 5 rounds For Time Of: (14 min Time Cap)
8 Strict HSPU
16 KB Swings (70/55)
40 Double Unders
I finished in 8:59 using 45#KB
Thursday – CrossFit Class
Deadlifts: 5 x 3. Adding (15 mins). Touch and go. – I got to 185#
Between Sets: 30 sec HS Walk Practice.
7 min AMRAP Of:
9 Push Jerk (135/95)
9 Box Jumps (24/20)
– 3 min REST –
5 min AMRAP Of:
7 Push Jerk (135/95)
7 Box Jumps (24/20)
I got 6+14 then 5+7 using 75#
Friday – CrossFit Class
EMOM x 9: 3 Touch and Go Power Cleans. First set at 65%, add as you go. – I got to 125#
Barbell OH Holds: 30 sec on / 30 sec off for 5 mins. You choose the weight. – I used 85#
12 min AMRAP Of:
15 Toes To Bar – I did GHD sit ups
15 Cal Row or Airdyne or 200m Run – I did the air dyne
I got 4 rounds
Saturday – CrossFit Class
With a partner, 1 person working at a time:
100 calorie row
100 kettlebell swings
100 burpees over barbell
100 thrusters
100 jumping lunges
800m run together
My partner and I finished in 30:27
Hotel Gym or At Home Workout:
25 minute AMRAP:
400 meter run
25 sit ups
15 dumbbell bicep curls
15 burpees
10 dumbbell shoulder press
A little dessert:
50 dead bugs
40 bicycle sit ups
30 leg lifts
10 v-ups
Favorite Workout Music Right Now:
Ex’s & Oh’s by Elle King
Kings Never Die by Eminem
Mad World by Hardwell
Favorite Workout Attire Right Now:
These leather looking leggings
These turquoise and coral leggings
The shoes that I have on in the picture above
I just started crossfit and So far I really like it. It’s been helpful and motivating to read your posts and now be able to understand what you are talking about. Thank you
Juli – I really love these posts, especially the at home/hotel gym workouts you post. I don’t really have the time (or money) to frequent CF or Orangetheory classes right now so I really appreciate these. I did the one you posted above yesterday and it kicked my ass. I also would love to see more “What I ate in a Day” posts- those are really helpful & so fun to read! Thanks for blogging – your authenticity and humor is refreshing!
you got it! just kept tabs on what i ate today to share that with you guys next week! so glad you are liking my workouts, I absolutely love hearing that and it keeps me wanting to create more!