I’m officially on a two day hangover. Why do I do this to myself? I don’t even feel that crappy, I just feel tired and grumpy. But that’s unattractive. Nobody likes grumpy people. So I’m hoping my workout in an hour turns my life around and I’m ready to take on the world again. I have absolutely no clue how parents drink then take care of their child the next day with a hangover. I could barely feed myself, let alone feed another human. I ended up watching Pitch Perfect 2 and 40 million episodes of Mad Men, then once I was firmly depressed from the alcohol in my body and the nature of Mad Men, I changed it up to watch at least 5 episodes of The Big Bang Theory. In hopes of having happy dreams. It didn’t work. I think I need to give up on dirty martinis and turn those drinks into water instead.
Anywho, I’ll tell you more about that tomorrow on the blog. Today is about motivation. And even though I’m sucking at it right now, I’m gonna try to motivate the crap out of you. This weeks workouts were awesome, per usual. Be sure to try out the lunges on Sunday, the squats on Wednesday and the entire Thursday workout. I was sore pretty much all week long and I am finally starting to see a difference in my squat form and strength! It’s been 6+ years of CrossFit and I’m always seeing body changes and strength or technique changes over time. Just a little reminder that sticking with something long term will continually help you progress in your long term goals. Just because you might have not seen the changes you wanted to in a 30 day plan doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. Stick with your goals. Stick with your plan. Longer than 30 days, longer than 60 days, longer than a year. The more time you stick with something, the more results you will see. Don’t ever forget that! Now go start your Monday off with a workout and kill it! Show the world how badass you are and stay motivated…every day.
Sunday –
Back Squats: 6 x 2. Adding. First set at 80%, Add as you go. (16 mins) – I got to 160#
2 x Max Effort Sets For Total Reps: Front Rack Walking Lunges, 2 x 55/35# KB’s. 2 min Rest Between Sets. Get more than last time! – I got 61 reps total using 2×35# kettlebells
8 min AMRAP Of:
30 Double Unders
3-6-9-12-15… Front Squats (155/105)
I got 18 + 8 using 75#
Monday – rest day
Tuesday –
16 mins To Find A Heavy Split Jerk, from rack. – I got to 160# (see video here)
12 min AMRAP Of:
2 Rounds of Cindy (5 Pull-ups, 10 Push ups, 15 Air Squats)
2 Squat Snatch (175 / 120. About 75% of 1 Rep Squat Snatch)
I got 5 rounds + 17 reps using 90#
Wednesday –
4 sets of: Deficit Push Ups: 4 x 10 With 3 sec descent – 3 sec hover – 1 sec up. (45/35# plates). Try to stay unbroken!!! (12 mins)
– 30 sec REST THEN –
8 x 1 + 1/2 Squats with 2 x 55/35# KBs in front rack (see video here)
– 30 sec REST –
5 Rounds For Time Of: (16 min time cap)
50 Double Unders
200m Run
25 Wall Ball
I finished in 14:01 rx
Thursday – see a video of KB swings here
8 min AMRAP Of:
20/18 Cal Row
12 Push Jerks (155/105)
– REST 5 mins THEN –
8 min AMRAP Of:
10 Deadlift(225/155)
12 Box Jumps w. step down (24″ for everyone)
– REST 5 mins THEN
8 min AMRAP Of:
20/18 Cal Row
18 KB Swings (70/55)
I got 3+12 (95#) | 5+13 (125#) | 3+13 (45#)
Friday – Rest Day
Saturday – see a video of movements here
4 sets of: with a 5 minute clock
400m run then
AMRAP in the remaining time of 6 clean and jerk (135/95) and 10 toes to bar
I got 2+3 | 2 | 2+1 | 2+3 (85#)
At Home or Hotel Gym Workout:
30 minute AMRAP:
5 wall walks
20 jumping lunges
30 russian twists
20 tuck jumps
*Every 2 minutes, do 5 burpees then start back where you left off
Favorite On Sale Workout Apparel:
You’re absolutely stunning, Super Woman! I’m new to the lifting heavy world. I thought it was important to have at least one rest days after lifting heavy, unless you’re doing splits (arms one day, legs the next)? xoxo
most of my workout are all over body workouts, so i don’t ever split them up
Haha I honestly have no idea why alcohol is legal either. I can hardly have 2 drinks these days without being dead the next day swearing that I’m never drinking again haha. Those Zella shorts are too cute <3
Those Nikes ARE adorable! I can just picture them with skinnies, a gray turtleneck, and a beanie…winter might suck but the fashion is on point! Thanks for the quick at-home workout – great ideas!
Totally putting Thursdays workouts in the plan for this week! I love a good challenge and that sore feeling.
Those kettle bell front rack walking lunges sound like they’d give the worst/best butt ache. Sorry if this is a bit of a personal question, but due to all the regular high intensity workouts and weight loss/gain, have you ever had any issues with your *cough* time of the month?
no i haven’t had any issues! any specific issues you have in mind?
That’s why I won’t drink anymore. I have two kids and it’s not worth it! Haha I’m usually more hungover than my husband so he ends up helping me out.
I did my Crossfit Level 1 this past weekend and was feeling sore and pretty defeated from the errors that were noted in my squat! This post motivated me to keep practising and sticking with it because there is always room for improvements regardless of how long you have been working on said sport! Thanks 🙂 And ps. Solid week of workouts, Julie!
omg i felt the same way after i finished my cert! they knocked my confidence down on my jerk haha!
I’ve lifted in a gym for a few years so weights are nothing new to me and wanted to try out some of your workouts to mix things up. I guess I’m just a little confused with how things are written in your weekly workouts. I haven’t done crossfit before, so I don’t know if this is some kind of special lingo that i just don’t understand. Could you do a blog post where you break down the workouts more and your abbreviations? I understand what the moves are, just not how much weight or how long to do. For example: 8 min AMRAP Of:
20/18 Cal Row 18 KB Swings (70/55). Do I do 8 minutes of Cal Row and then 8 minutes of KB swings or do a set of Cal row and then KB swings and then repeat? What does the 20/18 before Cal Row mean and the (70/55) after KB swings mean? Sorry I’m just a newbie, your bod is bangin’ and want to try out your workouts! Thanks xoxo
no worries, you’re not alone with not fully understanding the workouts, it took me a little while to figure it all about. so the 20/18 means 20 calories for guys, 18 calories for ladies. for the 70/55, it means 70 pound kb for guys and 55 pounds for ladies. for the AMRAP, it means that you’ll do 18 calories on the rower, then 18 swings, then back to 18 calories then back to 18 swings, repeating until the 8 minutes is over. i share my score of how many rounds, each round being the calories and swings. does that make more sense?