Weeeeeeeee, it’s Monday! I’m trying to start Monday off on a high note and act like I enjoy it. Fake it ’til ya make it! That’s really how life actually is anyways. I frequently get asked how I stay motivated in the gym and it’s pretty simple: just do it. Fake it ’til you make it.
We’re not always going to be motivated and many times we will have those internal battles about knowing that we need to go to the gym and coming up with a million excuses about why we shouldn’t go. So here’s the thing…do you always want to brush your teeth? Hell no. Do you always want to go to work? Definitely not. Do you always want to take care of your child or significant other? Eff no, you have other sh*t you want to do. Well, you still do all those things. You brush your teeth because you don’t want to end up getting gingivitis and have bad breath and forever be single. You go to work because you want to make it rain. And you take care of your family members pretty much because you have to and you love them and want them to take care of you (selfish, but true). We do all these things and they become routine and something that we may come to enjoy. You may not know it, but I’m almost positive you enjoy not having gingivitis.
Not everything becomes routine or second nature right away. It takes time. It takes programming your body to come to a point where you don’t question doing something, you just do it. Working out is one of those things. Most of us weren’t raised around working out. We weren’t taught that working out was important and something we should do regularly. So as adults, we must retrain ourselves into understanding that working out is important…just as important as brushing our teeth. Do you want to live longer, have stronger bones, be more confident, sleep better, eat better, have a better sex life? Then workout! And the more you do it, the more you’ll want to do it. Even on those days when the gym sounds really annoying.
So when people ask me how I stay motivated, the answer is simple: I just do it. No, this is not a Nike ad, this is just the truth. I go because I know it’s good for me. I go because I know I will see the results long term. I go because I have made it my routine, my second nature, my crutch. I don’t have to get motivated anymore because my body is motivated for me. So go get motivated! Go do what your body is thinking about doing! Stop making excuses, stop putting it off until tomorrow, stop wondering what could be. Be your own motivation and believe in yourself. That’s the only thing that is going to keep you going long term. If you can do those simple things, you’ll create your own gym routine in no time!
Sunday – Rest day
Monday –
For time:
1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run
I finished in 43:36 (I did 20 rounds of 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 air squats – no weight vest)
Tuesday –
Deadlift: 4 x 3. All sets at 85% (15 mins). Reset at Bottom of each rep. Must have slower descent than up movement! – I used 175#
Then 3 Rounds For Time Of: (14 min time cap)
50 Double Unders
25 / 22 Cal Row
15 OH Squats (135/95)
I finished in 9:43 at 65#
Wednesday –
20 mins Moving With Purpose
10 + 10 Double KB OH Walking Lunges. 10 steps forward with left leg leading, then 10 with right leg leading. As heavy as possible. (unbroken) – My heaviest set was 2 x 30#
15 Double Russian KB swings. AHAP. (unbroken)
10 Strict L Pull Ups – I did 6 each round
I got 4 rounds + 2 lunges
Then 8 min AMRAP Of:
10 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
10 Burpees
I got 6 rounds + 13 reps using 85#
Thursday – Rest day
Friday –
Every 30 sec for 10 mins: 1 Squat Clean @ 75%. All reps must have a 3 sec pause at knee. – I used 107#
Then 3 rounds For Time Of: (14 min time cap)
25 Cal Row / Bike
15 Toes To Bar
5 Deadlift (75% of 1 rep max)
I finished in 8:53 using 165# and doing 20 calories on the bike
Saturday –
With a partner:
2 x 400m sprint (each partner sprints 400m two times, resting while the other one sprints)
Then 40-30-20-10:
Hang power cleans (135/95)
Front squats (135/95)
Push jerks (135/95)
We finished in 22:50 using 85#
At Home/ Travel Workout:
5 minute AMRAP:
15 burpees
30 jumping squats
15 burpees
2 minute rest
5 minute AMRAP:
30 tuck jumps
20 hand release push ups
2 minute rest
5 minute AMRAP:
20 jumping lunges
10 pike push ups
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I have the exact same rule about my workout schedule- just do it. It is now second nature and so much of a habit that I feel off if I do not workout!
I’m on business travel and the body weight exercises are GREAT for me! Question about the first round for this one you have listed- did you mean to have two sets of burpees back to back (when you cycle rounds, you’ll end up doing 30 burpees total?)
Let me know and thank you for providing all this info!
When you were competing for Crossfit were you doing everything in the RX weight? I know you mentioned now that you do lighter weight than you used to. Has that helped you keep your leaner physique? I have been doing Crossfit since September and am getting much stronger. But I don’t want to keep adding weight all of the time just to up my max. What do you suggest?
i was doing Rx or above Rx and I was also doing 2-3 workouts per day, which is why i put on so much weight. i can’t suggest anything for you since i don’t know you or your lifestyle or your diet, so i just recommend doing what you feel is best for you. whether that’s increasing your weights in the gym or not. you gotta do what makes you happiest.
I eat Paleo and do Crossfit about 3-4 times a week. I love Crossfit but some coaches hound about adding more and more weight all the time just because. Is it necessary to continuously add weight? Like if power cleans are Rx of 95# I will do #75. I hate having to always justify why I am not doing the RX weight.
that’s your decision, not theirs
There are weird ads on your page now making it even slower than usual, maybe it’s my computer but the site is soooooo slow loading and even worse because of the weird video ads, is anyone else having this problem, it doesn’t happen with any other website.
definitely trying out some new things, but it doesn’t seem to be slow on my end! either, i emailed my guys to ask about solving this issue! thanks for letting me know, robin!
robin just wanted to give you an update from my ad company about what they said: “It is possible that some of your readers are not up-to-date on their latest browser versions, or mobile iOS systems and that could be causing some issues. It could also be that there are a lot of background apps/tabs/processes running and when the page is open for a long time things get out of sync and start to bog down.” I checked my site on multiple browsers and on my computer and phone and had no issues and my site is running super fast!
Thanks for checking Juli, I tried with with Explorer and it’s definitely faster than Chrome so I’ll have to switch my browser for you 🙂
p.s. love the snaps, you make me laugh and love that you don’t have to censor your f words…tee, hee 🙂
“You go to work because you want to make it rain”…You are my favorite!!! Also because when there is feta or rice in your ig pic, you add the disclaimer and the dummies still blast you with mean not paleo comments…you keep me entertained and addicted to online shopping! PS Your CAPTCHA codes are hard AF to get right!!