This week I feel like I’m getting stronger. Not near as strong as I used to be, but stronger than last month. And in all honesty, I don’t want to get stronger. I have no interest in getting personal records or beating other people’s scores. I’ve been there and I was super unhappy with my figure and how I felt in my skin. I was strong, but I wasn’t happy. So, even though I love to feel strong and have muscle, I don’t have any actual goals when doing my workouts, other than feeling good naked. Or in a swimsuit. That would do, as well. Oh, duh, and to live a long, healthy life. For sure.

So I’m wondering this week, what are your goals when you head to the gym? Do you have an actual short term goal? Half marathon? CrossFit comp? Post baby? Or is yours long term? Getting yo sexy on.

Now let’s look at what I did this week!

Sunday – I do not like working out on Sundays. I’m not inspired at all. Parks & Rec is just way more fun than the gym on Sundays. So most of the time, it takes me until 4 or 5pm to actually get there. And then I end up doing a work out by myself while the boyfriend lifts by himself. It’s really thrilling. So I half ass almost every workout. Including this one. 

18-15-12-9-6-3 Reps Of:
Hang Power Cleans – I used 95#
Burpees Over Bar

I finished in 10:40

Monday – REST DAY! I cooked and ate instead of working out. It was fantastic.

Tuesday – I’ve been going a little heavier in workouts than I want to. My coach seems to be quite persuasive. Or I’m just a p*ssy when it comes to saying no. I need to put my foot down. I don’t want to go heavier. Been there, done that, hate it.

Every 2 mins For 8 sets:

3 Position Squat Clean (high hang, hang, floor) into Split Jerk. Start at 70% of 1 rep Max C&J. Add as you go.

I finished at 120#


3 x Max Effort Sets Of Strict Handstand Push Ups / HS Holds. 90 sec rest between sets (score is total reps) 

I did strict handstand push ups to 1 ab mat. I got 9 reps, then 8 reps, then 7 reps – 22 reps total


For Time:

400m Run
15 Power Cleans (185/125) – I used 115#
300m Run
12 Power Cleans
200m Run
9 Power Cleans

I finished in 10:34 at 115#

Wednesday – This workout was AWESOME and pretty stupid hard. You should absolutely try this one.

5 Rounds For Time Of:

7 Deadlift (275/195) – I used 165# and 50 Double Unders


4 Rounds For Time Of:

18 KB Swings (70/55) – I used 45# and 10 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)


For Time:

60/50 calorie row and 30 push press (135/95) – I used 75#

I finished with a total time of 28:31

Thursday – Rest day. I usually workout on Thursdays and take Fridays off, but I got a chemical peel and my face was frightening looking. And felt even worse. So I stayed indoors in order to not frighten children.

Friday – I’ve been digging morning workouts lately. Morning meaning 9am. I see why people like working out early and having the whole day free afterwards. But I can definitely say that I don’t feel near as strong or awake when I workout in the morning. But I’m still in to it, especially since I have no interest in getting stronger.

Back Squats: 6 x 3. All sets at 82% – I did mine at 145#
Between Sets: Max Effort Deficit Push Ups.


3 min Clock:
200m Run
Max Effort Muscle Ups – I got 6 muscle ups

1 min Rest Then

3 min Clock:
200m Run
Max Effort Alternating Dumbbell Snatch – I used 45# and got 16 snatches

1 min Rest Then

3 min Clock:
200m Run
Max Effort Burpees – I got 32 burpees

1 min Rest Then

3 min Clock:
200m Run
Max Effort Dumbbell Goblet Squat – I got 36 goblet squats

Score is Total Reps – I got 90 reps total

Saturday – Another early morning workout, this time at 8am, but it was a good little sprinter with some other coaches before the classes. 

15 Minutes to find a 3 rep max power clean (can drop with quick reset) – I got 145#


3 min AMRAP:
3 power cleans (185,105)
6 box overs (30,24) I used 20″ box

1 min Rest

3 min AMRAP:
2 power cleans (205,115)
6 box overs (30,24) I used 20″ box

1 min Rest Then

3 min AMRAP:
2 power cleans (205,115)
6 box overs (30,24) I used 20″ box

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  1. Anna L says:

    I´ve got a new goal every quarter 🙂 Right now I´m training for a 10k in October. So I usually stick with CrossFIt 3 days a week and then add on whatever I´m training for in between. I believe this keeps me in love with CrossFit, 🙂

  2. Shelly says:

    I just did my first CrossFit competition last weekend, and it was a blast! I’m newer to CrossFit so all of my goals right now are focused on building my strength.

  3. Sue says:

    I love your posts and personality…however I don’t understand your workouts. Looks like Chinese to me. Can you please explain the terminology? I don’t crossfit (yet) I use the free weights and machines mostly. Maybe some pics with name of exercises would help. Thanks for your sense of humor and spunk!

    1. juli says:

      Sure! I’ll write more stuff out! But if you’ve never heard of a clean and jerk or something else, just google it and there are so many videos. I felt the same way about cf when I first started, I didn’t know any of the terminology, so I googled everything haha

  4. Flo says:

    I’m the same, don’t really have a goal in mind, I just have a vision of me looking great in s bikini for the first time ever!

    I was just wondering how you decide when you’re lifting heavy enough? For example, with your deadlift – you scaled it back to 165…I’m guessing that’s what you know you can do, but do you ever get used to that weight and think yeah okay I’ll go heavier?

  5. christa @ says:

    Totally agree with you — I can’t workout on Sundays unless I’m riding my bike or rollerblading (aka I trick myself into doing fun workouts). My fitness goal is to look sexay on my honeymoon in 6 months!

  6. Renee says:

    Love your blog! I am an endurance athlete and have several races coming up, but I really want to get back into CF. I so love that you put the RX and then comment on what you did…that is super fantastic!

    My goal is to do CF 3 days a week and ramp up my mileage on the other days…