When I travel, I actually get outside of my Denver/CrossFit/Paleo bubble. You see, working at home or at my CrossFit gym puts me at somewhat of a disadvantage when it comes to understanding the general population. But since I’ve been traveling a lot lately, I’ve been able to open my eyes to what most people are doing, eating, and how they are living. And as we know, most people aren’t living a healthy lifestyle. And most people are finding any excuse why not to live that healthy lifestyle. Because excuses are truly easier. Busy job, kids, picky wife or husband, stress, loss of a loved one. Whatever it is, it’s so easy to use that stressor as an excuse to not to workout or not to eat healthy.

But excuses are excuses. And the more you create one excuse, the more likely you’ll create even more in your life. So let’s start with some basics and this is more so food related since more people have an issue with changing their diet:

  1. Busy job and kids: You need to plan ahead. Life isn’t going to calm down. Get extra meals made early in the week so it’s easy to reheat and have something on hand when school gets crazy and sports start up, all while juggling your own job. If you have things on hand, you’ll stick with healthy eating even when it feels like you have no time left in the day for it.
  2. Picky spouse: Then tell them they can figure out their own meal and you plan yours. My husband eats what I make him because that’s his only option. He doesn’t want to make his own food so he eats what he is given. Sometimes he makes requests and I’ll definitely make that happen, but if I’m eating something, he will be eating it too. I think it’s important to put your own health first and if your spouse won’t get on board with that, then that is a conversation that needs to be had while you eat a healthy dinner that makes YOU feel your best. Don’t let anyone drag you down with them.
  3. Traveling: People love the travel excuse. But I went on a 20 day book tour through 13 states last year and I didn’t have trouble, almost ever. Sure, I ate a couple sh*tty salads at some airports, but I was still eating a salad instead of sipping down a crown & coke with a cheeseburger and fries. I packed snacks, I made the best decisions I could, and I did my research for healthy options in the cities I was in. There are always better options even if it’s just a burger without the bun and a little side salad.
  4. Stressors in life (maybe loss of a loved one or even a job): Eating unhealthy will not make that stressor better. Honestly, it will probably make things worst by messing with your hormones. So many times I’ve had something happen and automatically I think about food and what I should eat, but over time, I’ve just found that eating something sh*tty just makes me even more unhappy. Food make bring us pleasure but it should not be a crutch.

Excuses are bullsh*t and we all know it. It’s not like excuses won’t ever happen, they will definitely occur. But the less excuses we come up with and the more effort we put into our own lives, the more likely we will live a thriving and fulfilled lifestyle. It’s not about perfection, it’s about progress. And excuses hinder that progress. So next time you’re about to say that you can’t do something, stop, think long and hard if that excuse is really true, then figure out what you can do to change that excuse into hard work. It won’t always be easy, but it will be worth. Because you are.

Sunday – Barre Forte Lohi Class

Monday – CrossFit Broadway Class

25 minute partner AMRAP:

600m run

AMRAP of: 30 deadlift – 20 front squats – 10 hang power cleans (185/125)

We got 6 rounds + 38 reps

Tuesday – CrossFit Broadway Class

EMOM x 7: High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Push Jerk. All @ 70% – 85#

Immediately into: EMOM x 7: Hang Squat Clean + Push Jerk @ 80% – 100#

Immediately into: EMOM x 3: Hang Squat Cleans + Push Jerk @ Add As You Wish – 120#

Then 3 x 3 min AMRAP’s Of:

200m Run

15 front squats (135/95)

Max Burpees

– 1 min rest between rounds –

*score is total burpees for all 3 rounds combined – I got 60 reps

Wednesday – CrossFit Broadway Class

20 mins Moving With Purpose

20 x Unbroken Front Rack Walking Lunges (2 x 70 / 55) – used 2 x 35#

10 x Bent Over Rows. Warm up to a challenging set of 10 and stay there. – used 75#

6 – 10 x Strict HSPU OR 45 sec HS Hold. If 10 is easy go to a negative. – I did a hold

I got 5 + 12 

Then 7 min AMRAP Of:

25 Wall Ball

75 Double Unders

I got 4+3 rx

Thursday – Rest day

Friday – CrossFit Broadway Class

Tempo Sumo Deadlifts: Complete 70 Reps at 50% of your 1 Rep Max. Try to complete in 3-4 big sets. Descent MUST be slower EVERY REP!!! – I used 110# and did 25 reps, 25 reps, then 20 reps

After each set, spend 30 – 40 secs working on Hand stand skills. Walking / holding etc.

Then 3 Rounds For Time:

400m SPRINT!

15 Push Jerk (155/105)

– Rest 1 min after each round –

I finished in 9:58 using 85#

Saturday – Rest day – Travel day to Nebraska


Free Travel Workout:

2 x 7 minute AMRAPs (with 2 minutes rest between):

3-6-9-12…dumbbell squat clean and jerk

30 double unders

On Sale Fitness Apparel (Tanks & Sneakers):

Free People Tank Top (33% Off – 2 colors)

Alo Tank with Bra (15% off)

Lole T-Back Tank (30% off)

Nike Free RN Flyknit Running Shoes (15% off – 6 colors)

Nike Metcon 2 (15% off – 4 colors)

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  1. Amy says:

    THANK YOU for #2. It finally sunk in and was exactly what I needed to hear.

  2. Erin says:

    Amen Juli! I had cancer at 27. I let myself have the treatment time off (I still did a little bit), but got back into working out as soon as I could. If I can do it after a extremely painful treatments, anyone can! Oh, and BTW, your banana nut chocolate chip muffins were the ONLY thing I craved/could eat when I was sick from chemo. I also think it helped keep my numbers up. So thanks for keeping me alive. lol.

  3. Jenica says:

    Coming to back to this blog post a week later as I am experiencing an absolute sh*t day that has left me wanting to shove my face into a box of donuts. Your words kept ringing through my head, eating the crap food will NOT make my stressor better. Thanks for this Juli.

  4. Fie says:

    Very well put. Reasons for not doing the right things, be it eating right or living healthy, are often just excuses. I have a very hectic life working in an events promotion company in London. I am at events often, many of which are food related events; and so I have plenty of opportunity to overeat or to eat the wrong stuff. But I have managed to be disciplined, and eat in small potions, and I keep myself mobile, plus I get to enjoy the events too!