How cute are the people at my gym? They are just adorable! The other day we had 44 people in our Saturday am class! So badass! Love seeing people getting back at it on the weekends after their summer vacations!
Currently I am on plane heading back to Colorado after a weekend in Omaha. My brother-in-law played his final game of college football so we flew to Omaha then drove to Sioux Falls to watch his final game. I have no idea what Dakota that was in, but I do know that I drove through multiple states in one day. Wait, is it in Iowa? Who the hell knows. What I do know is that since I met my husband almost 5 years ago, I have flown and driven through more of the midwest than I’d ever like to in my lifetime. The things you do for love.
And at the moment, I have a man who is really invading my personal space on the armrest. I hope he is reading this.
Whenever we go to Omaha, I always pack a ton of snacks because I know meals will be limited. My husband’s family just doesn’t care about eating as much as I do. If I could, I would plan out every single meal of every single day. And I tend to do that when I’m traveling with my foodie friends. But that just doesn’t happen with his family. I know that I function best when I’m eating 3 meals on schedule and it keeps me feeling my best. Along with bringing snacks, if I ever have the opportunity to find a grocery store, I’ll pick up some food there as well.
What I’m getting at, and what I’ll touch upon more this coming Saturday in my podcast, is that if you plan ahead, if you think things through, and if you put yourself and your health first, you can stick with your goals and your progress while traveling. This weekend was tough and I didn’t plan well enough, but I still had some larabars and RxBars with me to keep me from diving into complete sh*t food when I was super hungry. And now that I’m almost back home, I’ll quickly make a meal that my body loves and be back on track right away.
Moments in our life don’t define how we take care of ourselves, we do. We can make up excuses like, “There was nothing else around” or “I had no other option” or whatever other bullsh*t we can think of, but at the end of the day, it’s our own fault for not thinking things through, for not planning, for not putting ourselves first. And then we only have ourselves to blame for the poor decisions that we made. Be sure to stay tuned on the podcast this week because I’ll be giving all sorts of tips and tricks to stay healthy while traveling because there is really no excuse when you have a plan! And if you haven’t checked out my podcast yet, be sure to listen to it on iTunes or Stitcher! I did a random episode this week talking about me and my wonderful guy (other than Jackson) and how we came to be! I rarely talk about my husband here so I thought it would be fun to share all my thoughts in my podcast!
Oh, and before I let you go, if you have anything or any topics you’d like me to cover in my podcast, let me know! I’m always looking for ideas from you guys! Now let’s workout!
Sunday – Rest day
Monday –
Front Squats: (16 mins)
1×3 at 87% – 125#
1×1 at 91% – 130#
1×3 at 87% – 125#
1×1 at 93% – 135#
1×3 at 87% – 125#
1×1 at 95% – 140#
Then 10 min Ladder Of: (starting at 10, then 12, 14, 16, 18, 20…..)
Front Squats (135/95)
Pull Ups
Box Jumps w. step down (24/20)
I got 16 + 23 using 80#
Tuesday –
Every minute on the minute for 15 minutes (Alternating):
18/12 Calorie Assault Bike
18 Alternating Pistols
18/12 Ring Push Ups
* Pick a number for each movement that can be completed within 40 secs for the entire workout!
I finished with 12 calories on the bike, 10 pistols, and 12 ring push ups
– REST 5 mins THEN –
Then 7 min As Many Rounds As Possible Of:
60 Double Unders
15 KB Swings (70/55)
I got 4 + 38 using 45#
Wednesday –
Deadlift: 2 x 20, Touch n Go. First set at 63%, 2nd set goal of 68% (10 mins) – 135# and 150#
Then For Time: (18 min time cap)
940m Run (2 laps)
30 Strict HSPU
1000m Row
470m Run
15 Strict Handstand Push Ups
500m Row
I finished in 16:46 using a few of these skinny gymnastics mats (lower than ab mats)
Thursday –
Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes: 2 x Power Cleans + Push Jerk. First set at 60%, build through the 11 sets to around 85% ONLY! – I started at 85# and worked up to 125#
Then 3 Rounds For Time Of: (14 min time cap)
15 Burpees
12 Power Cleans (165/115)
9 Muscle Ups / Burpee Chest to Bar Pull Ups
I finished in 9 something using 95# and doing 3 ring muscle ups
Friday – Rest Day
Saturday – Rest Day
Free Travel Workout:
5 rounds for time:
400m run
50 tuck jumps
25 burpees
On Sale Fitness Apparel (hover mouse over photo then click to be redirected to link):
I have a random question for your podcast! Do you portion your food? Do you try and eat so many veggies and so much meat? I can’t imagine you weighing your food but how do you decide how much of what to eat?
Juli! I love your blog. I’m a fairly newish reader that found you and got hooked from your Spaghetti Pie and Almond Butter blondies. So dang delicious. Can’t say that I am all paleo, but I am dabbling a bit and testing out how my body feels. Love you and your attitude! Question for you- when you say in this post you were ready to get home from traveling and make a meal that your body loved- what meal is your go to that your body craves after being in vacation and not in your own kitchen. Just curious! Keep being as awesome as you are!
honestly, just a home cooked meal. but our usual go to is salmon, a green veggie and some sort of starch like potatoes or sweet potatoes!
I LOVE listening to you podcast. I find myself literally laughing out loud.
I’ve been following you for a while now and its great to see how well you are doing and how many people you are surely helping 🙂
The other day I finally submitted my own success story on Marks Daily Apple and got a reply back from Mark HIMSELF that he was going to publish it on his website. I was so excited. I had read every single friday success story and when mine was published I think wow I would have never thought I could be one of the awesome people he has published.
Juli, thank you so much for making paleo cool.
haha thank you so much for the continued support kristina! and congratulations on your own success!
HI Juli!
I laugh every time I read your blog! I live in Omaha (originally from California) but the hardest thing for me is the winter here. Midwesterners (is that even a word) tend to hunker down and eat SO MUCH “comfort” food when it gets cold that it is difficult to stay on track.
I recently got your cookbook and I LOVE IT! Thank you for all you do and for being open and real. Keep up the great work!
P.S I tried your top knot and that will def take some practice. 🙂
that snow will definitely do that to a person, but if you have comfort food alternatives like my chili or muffins or whatever else, then it’s easier and easier to make better decisions!
Thank you for being your own person, funny, and motivating. Since I have been following your blog more closely, reading your workouts, and listening to your podcast, I have been able to love myself more, embrace my body, and give less shits about what other people think of me. You are beautiful inside and out!
Your travel workouts are fantastic and have also facilitated my fitness love while traveling or short on time, working as a nurse on 12hr shifts, going to grad school, and teaching clinical. You are a GODSEND.
Keep being awesome.