Happy Cyber Monday!! Are you just buying the sh*t out of things this weekend?! So many freaking sales! What’s the point in ever going to the mall anymore now that we can buy everything online in our warm home, in the comfort of our pajamas? Pointless! I’m linking some of my favorite fitness apparel sales going on right now so you can load up on some activewear and feel even more motivated in the gym!

So let’s talk it out. How did Thanksgiving go? Did you have healthier options at your dinner table? Were you able to stay away from the crap while still enjoying your holiday? Did you hit up your gym the day of Thanksgiving like all these lovely people in the picture above? Or did all hell break loose? Either way, today is a new today, today is the start of a great week, and today is a day that you can decide you have control of what your consume and how you conquer your work. We all have bumps in the road, we all have moments that we indulge, but it’s the people who continue to work hard every day that will persevere through those challenges.

If you can continue to workout hard and make healthy choices most of the time, those overindulgent moments, those holidays, and those parties won’t be as big of a deal. Because the holiday season is only getting start. But if you can continue to work hard every day, make better decisions for yourself and take responsibility for your lifestyle, your body will be ready! Life is full of daily decisions and if you can decide that your health comes first, you will continue to become a healthier and happier person.

So let’s get motivated this Monday, get excited about becoming better with every single day, and get pumped about conquering the holidays, even with a little indulging throughout. To get even more excited about your health and your fitness, here are a bunch of Cyber Monday sales going on right now for Activewear and I also linked my favorite picks of the week below! Get after it!

Cyber Monday Sales

Express Activewear (everything 50% off!)

Nordstrom Activewear (extra 20% off sale items!)

Athleta (20% off purchase with code RECHARGE)

Victoria’s Secret Sport (All sports bras & pants 50% off!)

Finishline (20% off online orders with code CYBER20)

Lucy (40% off bottoms)

Fabletics (buy one – get one free)

Sunday – Rest day


Every 90 sec for 12 mins (9 sets) – 2 Squat Cleans + 1 Split Jerk. First set @ 60%. Capped @ 90% – I started at 95# and worked my way up to 125#

Then 12min Ladder Of: (Starting at:  6,8,10,12,14……)

Thrusters (115/75)

C2B Pull Ups

100m Run

I finished 16 + 1 using 65# and doing regular kipping pull-ups 


Back Squats: 3 x 7. All sets at 78% (15 mins) – I used 145#

Then 21-18-15-12 Reps for Time Of: (13 min Time Cap)

Cal Row

Strict Handstand Pushups

Deadlift (255/175)

I finished in exactly 13:00 using 1 ab mat for my HSPU and 125# for deadlift

Wednesday – Rest day (too sore to function)

Thursday – Thanksgiving Day workout


5 x 4 min As Many Rounds As Possible Of: (1 min Rest Between) – pick a number for your t2b that you can do unbroken for at least 6 rounds

5  Power Cleans (135/95)

10 Toes to Bar

20 Double Unders

My scores were 4+5 – 3+12 – 3+12 – 3+18 – 3+10 using 85# and doing 7 toes to bar every time


Wall balls for balls (our charity event for Movember):

With a partner, complete as many wall balls as possible in 25 minutes:

My partner and I completely 560


Free Travel Workout:

20 minute As Many Rounds As Possible:

20 front rack walking lunges (with whatever weight you have)

15 pike push ups or handstand push ups

10 burpees


100 sit ups for time

Favorite On Sale Fitness Apparel Of The Week:

The North Face Down Parka (30% Off!)

Nike Dri-Fit Training Pants (25% Off!)

Nike Dri-Fit Warm Pullover (25% Off!)

Nike Flyknit Running Shoes (25% Off – 9 colors)

Just a reminder – I may be compensated through my affiliate links in this post, but all opinions are my own.

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  1. Kate says:

    This is totally unrelated to your post (well, kinda), but I finally stopped living vicariously through you and went to my first CrossFit class today!! I loved it so much I’m going back on Wednesday. Here’s hoping it will keep me on track in the coming weeks of holiday parties and smorgasbords. Thanks for demystifying CrossFit and for sharing all your FREE recipes, Juli!

    1. juli says:

      yayyyyyyyy!! good work! hope you love your new gym!!

  2. Emily says:

    Thank you for the holiday pep talks! The entire month of December can often feel like a death trap, but I appreciate your regular reminders to take charge and make my own decisions for ME.

  3. Marie says:

    Thanks for keeping us on track and inspiring us!
    I did well food wise last Thursday. Only had one plate with food…dessert however, different story. I went back not once, not twice, but three times! THREE times, over the course of three hours, ugh. But I had made a really good paleo chocolate pecan pie that I ate the shit out of. Sooo good but now it’s back to stricter eating again until xmas.

  4. Danni @activehabitat says:

    Just started ti listening to your podcast and really enjoying it 🙂

  5. Alex M says:

    So, I didn’t eat specifically “clean” foods but I did a really good job of listening to my body and STOPPING when I was full. I am a binge-y type person and typically use any celebration as an excuse to eat until I’m miserable, so I was really proud of this. I indulged and had some things I don’t eat all the time, but I also didn’t spend all weekend feeling guilty or bloated while we were spending time with family we only see once a year. Overall, I was super happy with the balance I found over this holiday!

  6. Alli says:

    Random question: have you ever tried Old Navy athletic apparel? If so, how did you like their stuff?

  7. Catherine says:

    Hi!!! Love your blog, love your website, love your workout posts and love your recipes. I started Crossfit 2 months ago bc of you. Yay! I am a Mom of 2 kiddos and now have abs. Been a skinny runner girl all my life, and Crossfit 7-20 minute workouts are what gave me abs. Who knew? Anywho, tried to Instagram you this, but I am old (38) and suck at Instagram. Listen to UP and Vanished. True crime podcast. Really, really good and addicting. Lots of sordid details. Also, Straight Up with Stassi is good. Do you like Vanderpump Rules? You will like it. She’s funny and real, like you. Yay!

  8. Kati says:

    I did the free travel workout this morning at a hotel, it was a burner! Thanks for posting these, it’s so convenient!