Man. This weekend was tough. All because of one night that involved the airport. My brother-in-law flew into town with his girlfriend and we headed to the airport to pick him up. His flight had already been delayed from an arrival at 7:30pm to 11:45pm. No big deal, it’s a Saturday night, staying up late is easier. So we get there around 11:30pm and parking takes forever because so many flights are delayed. We finally get into the airport and the flight is pushed back to arriving at 12:15am, so we set up shop at a bar in the Westin hotel since everything else in the airport is shut down. Well, even though they landed at 12:15am, they were stuck at the plane which wasn’t moving, for 2 more hours. And then once they got off, we were stuck waiting for their luggage until 4:30am. There were stranded people sleeping everywhere, more stranded luggage than human beings, and while I sat and waited, I noticed there were mice running throughout the baggage claim area. It was awful. We didn’t get home until after 5am and I didn’t fall asleep until 6am. And then work up by 9am.

I wasn’t even flying but I have now vowed to never fly Frontier ever again. I will pay whatever I need to pay, even if it’s only an hour a flight. Never once did the pilot say why they weren’t moving, never once did anyone in baggage claim explain why the bags weren’t moving, and because of that, they have lost many customers. Sh*t gets tough sometimes, especially when it comes to the holiday season, but if you are a business – or just a human being – you have to take responsibility for what is going on, even if it’s not what others what to hear. Honesty goes a long way.

That being said, I let this frustration and lack of sleep get to me for quite a few hours. Hence why I talked about it here as well as on social media. But after talking about it, I had face the fact that the stress wasn’t worth obsessing about. It wasn’t worth ruining my Sunday. So what did I do? I got productive! I pulled my 3 hour sleepless self into the shower, put on some makeup, got to the grocery store, made a new recipe for you guys, walked the dog, cleaned the house, then watched the Food Network. I took that negativity energy and turned it into something positive. Usually I do that by going to the gym, but since I don’t workout on Sundays, being productive with my work was the perfect outlet.

Have you found your outlet yet?!

Oh wait, before you go, I have another podcast question for you guys! This week on the podcast, I’m going to record an episode about getting rid of sugar addiction. I think most of us have struggled with that at some point, or maybe you are at this moment, so I’d love to hear any questions you may have when it comes to sugar, sugar addiction, and whatever else interests you! Thanks so much for leaving your questions, I love hearing from you guys!

Sunday – Rest day

Monday – see video here

Every minute on the minute for 12 min (alternating):

10 calorie air dyne

8/8 pistols or 12/12 jumping Bulgarian split squats

8 strict pull ups or 16 kipping pull ups


3 rounds for time:

10 front rack lunges

10 burpees

10 front squat

8 burpees

10 toes to bar

6 burpees

10 power cleans

4 burpees

10 front rack lunges

2 burpees

Tuesday – Rest day

Wednesday – see video here

Deadlift: 2 x 20, adding. First set at 66%, goal of 71% (12 mins) – I did 145# & 160#

4 Rounds For Time Of: (15 min time cap)

200m Run

75 Double Unders

30 Russian KB Swings (70/55)

I finished in 11:45 rx


For Total Time:

2 Rounds of:

400m run

25 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)

Rest 5 minutes, then…

800m run

25 Hang Power Cleans (185/125)

I finished in 17:53 using 85# and 115#

Friday –

Every 90 sec for 12 mins (9 sets):

Power Clean + Push Jerk + Squat Clean + Split Jerk. First set at 55%, add as you wish. – I worked up to 120#

Then With a 12 min Clock:

10 Push Jerks (135/95)

2-4-6-8-10-12… Muscle Ups / Burpee Pull Ups

I finished my set of 14 burpee pull ups


25 minute AMRAP – In teams of 3 – 1 person working at a time:

100 calorie row – 50 burpees – 40 thrusters (95/65)

100 calorie row – 50 burpees – 40 thrusters (115/75)

100 calorie row – 50 burpees – max thrusters (135/95)

We finished the last row


Free Travel Workout:

5 rounds for time:

20 v-ups

20 tuck jumps

20 jumping lunges (weighted, if possible)

20 burpees

On Sale Activewear:

Zella Slim Fit Leggings (33% off  – 3 colors)

Cut Out Long Sleeve Top (33% off)

lululemon Power Y Tank (40% off)

Nike Free RN Running Shoes (20% off – 5 colors)

Nike Training Vest (20% off – 2 colors)

I may be compensated through my affiliate links in this post, but all opinions are my own. This compensation helps with expenses to keep this blog up and running!

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    1. juli says:

      it was truly that bad! absolutely insane!

  1. Lindsay says:

    Whenever I stop eating refined sugar, I always start eating more fruit/honey. I know that this is definitely better than eating processed sugars, but is it okay to be eating the extra fruit/honey/maple syrup? I’ve never been able to stop both refined and natural sugar intake for any serious amount of time. Any advice here?

  2. Heather says:

    Thanks for addressing the sugar issue. I’m struggling super hard with sugar right now. You have mentioned in the past that you have as well! I’m hoping to hear some strategies and tips on how to keep the addiction at bay. I do so well for awhile, then fall hard off the wagon. Do you have any coffee creamer recipes? That would be helpful to not start the day with a sugary, processed coffee drink for those of us with creamer addiction 🙂

    1. juli says:

      i don’t, but there are tons of recipes out there for coffee creamer that is paleo. i’m pretty sure danielle walker has one! i personally just use heavy cream and liquid stevia!

  3. Heather says:

    How do you feel about intermittent fasting (“IF”)? I’ve done 24 hour fasts in the past and lately have been doing 12 hours fasts once a week, but read recently that IF might not be the best for women. Do you have any experience with IF or any thoughts on the subject?

  4. Kelly says:

    I have gotten off of my sugar addiction, but now I am addicted to stevia. I know many paleo bloggers and yourself stay away from stevia, why is that if stevia is “natural,” what effect does it have in the body?