Happy Monday!!! How’d you weekend go?! After talking to some of the members at my gym this AM, lots of people are doing sober January. Are you on that train? Not a bad train to be on. I love January. It’s gets people so excited for a new start, a new adventure, a new goal. But we can’t forget about the 11 other months in the year that we have the opportunity to kick ass in!

This week on my podcast, I talk about staying motivated in the gym, even past January. This whole health thing isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon…plus some. Even through changes in health, stress, moving, having babies, losing our minds – if we can keep up with the exercise, there will always be some sort of steadiness, some control, some positivity in the midst of all the chaos.

And if you are looking for more workout inspiration, make sure you are following along on instagram because I’m sharing lots of workouts there AND I’ll be sending out a special newsletter soon with bodyweight workouts you can do anywhere!

Now, in the meantime, I’m doing another podcast with reader/listener questions this coming week. So what random questions do you have? They can be related to fitness, food, hygiene, beauty products, relationships, pooping (just kidding, I don’t want to know about your poop), fashion – whatever! I’m excited to record another question podcast so ask away in the comments section below!

Sunday – Rest Day


20 minutes to work up to a heavy set: Full snatch to hang squat snatch to overhead squat – see video here – I got to 100#


1000m row

80 Russian kettlebell swings (45#)

60 plate overhead walking lunges (25#)

40 ball slams (20#)

20 burpee box jumps

We finished between 15-20 minutes

Tuesday – Rest Day


Front Squats: 5 x 3. Adding. First set at 70%. (16 mins) – I worked up to 135#

Then 5 Rounds for Time Of: (12 min time cap)

9 Hang Squat Cleans (155/105)

12 Strict Handstand Push Ups

I finished in 10:14 using 75# and 1 ab mat for HSPU

Thursday – TABATA Thursday – 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest for 4 minutes at each station:

Station #1: Row

Station #2: Landmine side swings L/Landmine side swings R  (set up in front of green wall)
* Add weight OR hold overhead during 10 sec rest

Station #3: Banded plank to frogs/Banded flutter kicks *Big & slow flutters

Station #4: Lateral box jumps R/Lateral box jumps L
* Bulgarian SS hold during 10 sec rest

Station #5: Side plank archer rows L/Side plank archer rows R
* Side plank on hands

Station #6: Plate sit-ups/Plyo burpees to plate

1 min each station starting from beginning * 10 sec transition

Burpee work afterwards


EMOM x 10

min 1: 30 sec Hollow Hold – 30 sec rest

min 2: 14 Alternating Pistols

Then 14 min As Many Rounds As Possible of:

18 Calorie Row

12 Overhead Squats (115/75)

12 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

12 Push Jerks (115/75)

I got 3+44 using 65#

Saturday – Rest day


Recent Free Instagram Workouts:

Thursdays Free Workout

Wednesdays Free Workout

Tuesdays Free Workout

Free Travel Workout:

10 rounds:

10 jumping squats

20 crab kicks (total)

10 jumping lunges

20 bench jump overs

On Sale Activewear:

lululemon High Times Pants (20% off)

Nike Revolution 3 Running Shoes (20% off)

lululemon Featherlight Tight (30% off)

Gap Coolmax Strappy Tank (20% off)

Athleta High Rise Plié Tight (30% off)

I may be compensated through my affiliate links in this post, but all opinions are my own. This compensation helps with expenses to keep this blog up and running!

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  1. Kristen says:

    Do you have any tips on recovering from a workout?
    I’ve been incorporating more strength training/circuit training workouts, but sometimes, I’m so SORE afterwards! Any tips you have would be great!

  2. Katharine says:

    Hey Juli! Any tips or favorite stretches for super tight quads and hamstrings? They’re so tight they are straining my calves and achilles. I currently use a foam roller and a BFF (Have you heard of these?! Love it! Its a serious body buffer…). Thanks!

  3. Lindsay G says:

    Hi Juli! I absolutely love your podcast and everything you do for your blog. Your recipes are by far some of my favorites in my meal planning rotation and all the new Instagram videos you’ve been posting for workouts are so helpful! My question for you is what topics did you feel were most important to discuss with your now husband as your relationship progressed past that “honeymoon” phase? I know this may be a bit personal but I absolutely love your honest and blunt respone to basically any topic and would be super interested to hear your opinion on those types of relationship discussions!

  4. Kris says:

    Hi Juli! Thanks for all the great content on the blog, Snapchat & Instagram. You inspire me daily to push myself past what I think my “limits” are- I basically just want to be a badass like you when I grow up…even though we’re the same age… you get what I’m saying though. I really love to see someone just be themselves and f*ck all the naysayers. I know it has got to be difficult with all the trolls, but trust that there is a community of people who feel that Juli Bauer Roth is their virtual spirit animal and we’re rooting for you! Not sure where that tangent came from *steps down off soapbox* but I actually do have a question for the podcast! I know you’ve mentioned a few people that you follow personally for recipe/fitness inspiration like Fed and Fit, Clean Eating with a Dirty Mind– who/what are some feeds (blog or Instagram) that are “must haves” for you. Doesn’t have to be fitness or food related, just those that you personally love to follow! Thank you again and can’t wait to listen!

  5. Kelly says:

    Are you not doing pure barre anymore? Why not?

    1. juli says:

      it’s not super close to me and i can’t always make it to the classes with the instructors i prefer. i just like doing workouts that i breathing pretty heavy the entire time and i can’t always make it to those barre classes that make me feel that way

  6. Erin says:

    Vegetable oil..specifically Palm oil. Friend or Foe? I recently started cutting gluten out of my diet and there seems to be very conflicting opinions on the subject. Just wondering what your thought is.

  7. Nikki says:

    Ok, sugar. I know you try to avoid it and I am trying to too but I feel like everything has sugar. Like I like bananas, they’re a fruit, but my god they’re full of sugar (most fruit is). And sweet potatoes…they contain sugar. How do you handle sugar that’s in whole foods/paleo foods? I would love to try to cut back on sugar, but when I eat certain fruits or vegetables, I feel like I “ruin” the goal of cutting out sugar.

    Also, have you done a 21DSD and/or Whole30? What were your results like (mood, cravings, skin, energy, digestion, etc.)? For the 21DSD, how can you tell if sugar is something you should try to avoid (similar to cutting out gluten)? For the Whole30, what did you learn? Or did you just start eating normal again after the 30 days were up?

  8. Rebecca says:


    I really loved your podcast message last week, of doing your best at the gym because you owe it to yourself. Making yourself accountable. Using that thinking in life outside the gym too. ALSO, setting achievable goals. What are some of your fitness goals for the year?

    (Mine are to do a strict pull up because omg, I just can’t. And I’ve told myself I can’t so many times I’ve got to climb a giant mental block before I can even approach the bar. Also a 100kg deadlift, which I’m pretty close to!)

    I’m also interested to know how you manage to look so ready all the time, especially if you’re an afternoon gymer. I go in the mornings and have a speedy getting-ready-routine down to a fine art, but it’s still very much a ‘this will do’ approach rather than anything involving curling irons and false lashes.
    Do you get properly made up every day, or is it mostly for photoshoots? How long does it take you to get ready for the day?


  9. Julaine says:

    Hi Juli – just curious if you see yourself doing another cookbook and/or lifestyle book? Thanks!

  10. Shannon Parker says:

    Hi Juli! I was wondering if you have ever thought about coming out with a paleontologist “product”. I see so many paleo bloggers who come out with a spice or bread or anything and I was wondering if you’ve ever considered that or plan on doing that in the future? I think it’d be so cool 🙂

    Also, I think you should check out “The Girlfriend Experience” on Starz. I know you’re into podcasts, but this shows episodes are super quick to get through, I binged it in a day! Very sexually explicit (I like it, haha) and if you download their app you can get a week free to watch it.

    Annnnnd, you should TOTALLY have your mother and law on your show. I think that’d be super fun.

    Keep it up, loving the podcast and the workout videos!!!