I think I’m in the depths of a vacation depression. Is that a real thing? It shouldn’t be but not having a pool outside my doorstep or a restaurant to make me thai food or a sugary drink and/or cookie around every corner just bums me out. Ok…I think I’m just in a sugar depression. I’m coming off that high and the reality of pants that fit a little snug and back-to-normal eating has set in.
I’m complaining about being back from vacation. Juli, you’re literally the worst.
Sometimes I’ll get the question of what I do on vacation. Do I stick to clean eating or do I just let myself completely go. And the answer is yes/no. Did I walk to lunch stopping by a cookie stand (gluten free luckily!) to get a cookie as an appetizer while I waited for my lunch? Yes. Did I try to limit my sugary drink intake this trip? Nope. Did I workout every day? Almost. Most vacations, I’m pretty good at not overdoing it. I don’t love the taste of alcohol so I tend to stay away from the crazy cocktails. But not this time. It was too hot on my trip to Riviera Maya to turn down a Bahama Mama or a Dirty Monkey…or both. There was too much fun to be had in Cozumel to say no to a margarita in a random hut on the side of the road of a deserted highway. Did I gain a few pounds? For sure. Do I regret it? F*ck no. I had absolutely so much fun drinking every cocktail, eating every meal, and enjoying every minute of every day on vacation.
So when people ask me how I eat paleo on vacation, I just tell them that I try to eat the best I can (staying away from gluten and grains) while enjoying every moment of the trip. Since I wasn’t regulating my food or drinks, I made sure to get hotel gym workouts in almost every day. I didn’t waste much time in the gym, just got in there, warmed up then did a workout that usually took me about 20 minutes or so. The last thing I want to do is a waste a minute of the Mexico sun while being in the gym so I got up early, worked off my hangover then started the day off with another one while sipping on a mimosa.
To me, a vacation is suppose to be a vacation: lighthearted, enjoyable and fun. So I made sure every day was like that! Here’s what last weeks workouts while at home and in Mexico looked like!
Sunday – Rest day
Monday – CrossFit Class
Clean & Jerks (135/95)
-4 minutes rest-
Clean & Jerks (135/95)
I finished in 20:43 using 75#
Tuesday – CrossFit Class
4 Sets Of: Max Effort Strict Press + 3 Push Press. All sets at 75% of 1 Rep Max Strict Press – Total Strict Press Number will be recorded.
After Each Press Set: 75m Farmers Carry. As heavy as possible.
Then 12 min AMRAP Of:
300m Run
15 OH Squats (135/95)
I got 3 rounds + 4 overhead squats at 75#
Wednesday – Rest day – traveling to Mexico!! My workout included a pool with a pina colada!
Thursday – Early morning hotel workout with a nasty hangover! Burpees made the hangover worse but it was worth it in the end! Since I was in no way ready to think of a workout, I used the one I programmed last week as a good travel workout! Honestly, I think 100 reps would be better.
75 dumbbell thrusters for time
5 burpees every minute on the minute
*When the clock starts, do as many dumbbell thrusters as you can in the first minute then when it hits 1 minute, do 5 burpees then start back at dumbbell thrusters until you finish 75 total.
Tabata core:
Lastly, for 4 minutes: 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest – alternating
bicycle sit ups
leg lifts
Friday – Rest day while we took a dune buggy around Cozumel. Lots of walking around, drinking, and eating the best tacos ever.
Saturday – Another early morning hotel workout. I looooved this one. I just kept adding stuff as I went and I was drenched in sweat by the end!
1 mile run
Then 4 rounds of:
12 weighted dumbbell bulgarian split squats each leg
10 dumbbell side lateral raise into bicep hammer curl into dumbbell press
40 russian twists with medicine ball
40 bench jump overs with quick toe tap (movement at :07 seconds)
30 knee ups on bench – each leg (first movement in video)
HEY!! Are you coming to visit me and Vanessa from Clean Eating with a Dirty Mind for our book tour?! We are heading to California, Portland, Seattle, Chicago and Texas! Click here for all the details!! Can’t wait to meet you all and share our workout adventures along the way!
There totally is such a thing as a vacation depression! I have had it before 🙂
Good job on working out while hung over…something I’m sure I will need to make myself do when I go on my honeymoon next year!
Vacation depression is a real thing. There should be pamphlets about it or something to tell us how to cope. But this brings back so many fond memories of Cozumel! Nothing beats a dirty monkey in the morning followed by a nap on the beach!
That is totally a real thing, I get it every time we come back from a summer vacation with friends. For me it lasts a solid week!
It’s DEFINITELY a real thing. I was in total post-vacation depression when I came back from hiking in colorado and roadtripping around the northeast with my best friends this summer. The struggle is so reall!
I sincerely hope you had a Wet Wendy’s margarita on Cozumel, because those are worth every sip!