HOLY MOLY, it was a long weekend. We had our final wedding reception for friends and family that weren’t able to make it to our wedding in Jamaica so we had family in town, staying at our house. So that meant entertaining and partying all weekend. I was reminded ONCE AGAIN why I don’t like alcohol. Wait, I don’t like alcohol plus hot days and dehydration. If you followed me on snap, you saw what a classy broad I was on Saturday.

Anywho, I’m back to my routine, back to normal eating and back to feeling like myself again. Last week, I tried something new knowing that I would have a busy weekend of eating and drinking. I decided to do some two-a-day workouts, trying out Fierce 45 for the first time. I haven’t done multiple workouts in a day in probably 3 years. I did that while I was competing in CrossFit, but I don’t see it as something you need to do unless you are training for a specific event. That being said, I think confusing the body is important. I think that’s why CrossFit is so successful with proper programming because you’re constantly confusing the body by doing different movements and different weights. So this week I decided to do my normal CrossFit routine while adding in Fierce 45 workouts as well. Fierce 45 is a slow and controlled workout that you’re holding movements on a megaformer and burning all over the place! See a video for a better explanation here because it’s hard to explain. I loved doing the workouts because they are just completely different than CrossFit and worked on those slow twitch fibers that sometimes get ignored. Personally, I wouldn’t do only Fierce 45 by itself because I wouldn’t get the physical results I prefer, but I loved it as a complement to CrossFit and will do it from time to time!

Now let’s get to the fun workouts! Plus, I’m sharing some awesome on sale fitness apparel AND finally sharing what I ate in a day, again. Haven’t shared one of these posts in a while!

Sunday – Rest day

Monday – see video here

8 minute EMOM: 1st minute – 12 calories air dyne, 2nd minute – 18 wall ball

1 minute rest

8 minute EMOM: 1st minute – 60 double unders, 2nd minute – 15 GHD sit ups

1 minute rest

8 minute EMOM: 1st minute- 12 burpees, 2nd minute -20 jumping lunges

Later on in the day – a Fierce 45 workout


Every 30 sec for 8 mins: 1 x Snatch @ 83%. All reps must have a 3 sec pause at knee. (5-10# more than last time) – I used 102#

@0:00 With a partner: 2000m Row For Time. Must change every 250m. – We finished in 7:36

– REST, THEN @ 10:00 –

9 min AMRAP Of

3 Power Snatch (165/115)

6 Strict HSPU

12 KB Swings (70/55)

I got 5 rounds + 6 reps using 85# and 45#

Wednesday – see video here

First workout of the day – a Fierce 45 workout

20mins Moving With Purpose.

– Accumulate 1 min OH with 1 rep max Strict Press Weight

– 40 Kipp Swings. Every 10 reps do 1 Muscle Up or Pull Up. Stay Unbroken for entire set.

– 200m Suitcase Carry (100m left hand/100m right)

I got 3+74 using 95# and 35#

Then 7 min AMRAP Of:

50 Double Unders

15 Deadlifts (body weight)

I got 5+2 at 135#

Thursday – Rest day

Friday – see video here


calories on the rower

burpees over the row

double kettlebell lunges (2×25#)

double kettlebell push press (2×25#)

It took me 30 minutes

Later on in the day – a Fierce 45 workout

Saturday – Surfing at the lake all day…more drinking than surfing. See video here!


At Home/Travel Workout:

See Friday’s workout above! Great for a travel workout!

On Sale Fitness Apparel:

Nike Running Shorts (25% off! – more colors here)

Medium Impact Sports Bra (35% off)

Fun Color Crop Leggings (40% off)

Brooks Running Shorts (35% off – 3 colors)

Striped Hooded Jacket (40% off)


What I Ate in a Day:

This is what I ate on Wednesday! I started the morning off with a sheep’s milk yogurt around 8am before walking the dog and heading to a Fierce 45 workout at 9am. I don’t like having a ton in my stomach before a workout, just want something that will settle it a bit!


After my workout around 10:45am, I made a taco salad with leftover steak from the night before along with onions, pepper, arugula, leftover white rice, chimichurri, goat cheese and chipotle lime mayo!


After brunch, I made margaritas for the blog (find them on the blog this week) and had 1 sip of the drink then snacked on a leftover steak kabobs dipped in some chipotle lime mayo.



Around 2, I was craving some chocolate so I ate a couple pieces of Eating Evolved almond and sea salt chocolate bar.


After cleaning up from making margaritas, I made grilled asian artichokes with a sriracha mayo dip and ended up probably about 1/4 of an artichoke with some of the dip.

Before I left for the gym, I made myself my chunky monkey shake from Juli Bauer’s Paleo Cookbook to drink after I worked out (I added in Great Lakes gelatin for protein). I normally don’t drink protein shakes but since I was doing 2 workouts and was coaching after my workout, I wanted to have something right after.


After working out then coaching, I came home to a cooked dinner from my favorite guy: salad, burgers with goat cheese and some boiled baby potatoes along with some Tessemae’s ketchup and Sir Kensington’s mustard!


After dinner, I was craving a little sweet treat so I checked out the freezer to see what we had and found this almost gone jar of talenti chocolate peanut butter so I ate up the 3 bites that were left!


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  1. Lauren L says:

    Oooh I love the what I ate in a day post and there were PICTURES too!!! You know I love me some pictures lol ????????????????

  2. Caitlin says:

    Hey there,

    I have been adding some brown rice back into my diet. Is there a reason you eat white rice over brown rice?

    Thanks 🙂

    1. juli says:

      i just prefer white rice!

  3. Darcie says:

    Hi Juli! I’ve been following your blog for some time now. I really love all of your recipes! I’m curious as to the addition of white rice. I always thought rice wasn’t Paleo approved. Thanks 🙂 Darcie

    1. juli says:

      it’s not. but since it’s gluten free and since i can tolerate it, it works really well with my system and working out regularly. after cutting it out for years, my body took to it really well so i just eat it whenever i’m craving it!