In my morning CrossFit classes today, I asked what kind of motivation I should talk about on PaleOMG today. A teacher (of course) named Matt said I should talk about greatness. With the Olympics going on and Phelps and Ledecky just killing the competition while Simone Biles shows everyone up, I think it’s the perfect opportunity to talk about greatness. It’s pretty crazy to think about how hard these people have worked. Every single day. And what is even crazier is to think if their parents wouldn’t have entered them into the sport and pushed them to try something different, they would have never known how great they could be.

Greatness is not just stumbled upon, greatness is built. Greatness comes from driving forward, no matter what lies ahead. Greatness has no boundaries, no fears, no doubts. And by becoming great at one thing, we are able to become great at many things. And luckily, greatness is all in the eye of the beholder. Maybe you want to become a great mother or great friend or great writer or great blogger or great lifter. Whatever you want to be great in, you can be. You just have to put in the hard work, the time, the energy, the blood, sweat and tears. If you are willing to give it everything you have, you CAN be great at what you do. And that sort of greatness will fall into place in other aspects of your life. If you give it everything in the gym, I will bet on it that you give it everything at work.

Sometimes our goals are intimidating. Sometimes we fear the unknown. But if you are willing to take the first step, that is your first step towards greatness. Take a page from Michael Phelps book: his greatness continues to grow. Sure, there have been bumps and setbacks, but he pushes on and keeps driving forward. Drive forward in your goals. Be the Michael Phelps or Katie Ledecky or Simone Biles of your own greatness. Start today and see where you can go in just 4 short years!

Sunday – Wake surfing

Monday – CrossFit Broadway Class

20 mins to find a NEW 1 Rep Max Back Squat – 185#

Then 7 min AMRAP Of:

10 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)

50 Double Unders

I got 7 + 4 using 85#

Tuesday – Fit on Broadway Class

#1 – 2 min row, 1 min plank, 2 min row, 1 min plank, 2 min row, 1 min plank

#2 – 9 min AMRAP: 15 wall balls, 20 WB sit up & leave, 30 mountain climbers

#3 – 2 min burpees, 1 min wall sit, 2 min burpees, 1 min wall sit, 2 min burpees, 1 min wall sit

#4 – 9 min AMRAP: 400m run, 20 pull ups, 10 ball slams

Wednesday – CrossFit Broadway Class

10 mins to find a New 1 Rep Max Strict Press – 92#

12 mins to find a New 1 Rep Max Power Clean – 160#

Then 8 min AMRAP Of:

20 Cal Row

10 Strict HSPU

20 Burpees

I got 2+18

Thursday – Rest day

Friday – CrossFit Broadway Class

Front Squat: 16 mins to find a New 1 Rep Max. – 160#

Then 10 min AMRAP Of:

20 Toes 2 Bar

20 HSPU (kipping allowed) – I did double strict KB press

20 Pull Ups

20 Burpees

I got 1+69 reps (modified)

Saturday – Fit on Broadway Class

Team of 3 (all 3 working at the same time – 1 person either rowing or running while the others work)

1 mile run

100 burpees

200 kettlebell swings

300 sit ups

400 weighted lunges

100 calorie row

Then 9 minute AMRAP:

minute 1: dead bugs

minute 2: side v-ups

minute 3: atomic push ups


On Sale Fitness Apparel (plus last weeks finds!):

Nike Legendary Colorblock Dri-Fit Capris for 25% Off!

Splits59 Simone Leggings for 33% Off!

Splits59 Natalia Capris for 33% Off!

Zella Front Zip Jacket for 33% Off!

Alo Goddess Ribbed Leggings for 25% Off!

Free Travel Workout:

 50 burpees

50 air squats

50 sit ups

50 burpees

New Workout Music:

This One’s For You – David Guetta

Hello Friday – Flo Rida

Back 2 U – Steve Aoki

Once in a While – Timeflies

What I Ate in a Day (if you have questions about what i eat and why, feel free to leave comments below!):

Breakfast: Small cup of Chameleon Cold Brew Mocha coffee watered down with a little water then a splash of heavy cream and some stevia. Then I made a 1/2 sweet potato heated up with arugula and leftover chicken curry from the Fed and Fit Cookbook.


Snack: A starbucks grande drink: blended iced coffee with coconut milk blended with a banana (no sugar added). Yes, I know there sugar and crap in the coconut milk, no need to tell me.


Lunch: A bowl of veggie salad (get the ingredient here) with a Teton Waters cheddar brat and feta cheese plus a few Milton’s gluten free crackers. Then 1/2 piece of candied bacon and a couple slices of roasted beets (tasting what I was making for the blog this week).


Later on I had 1/2 an maple with sea salt Rx Bar.


Before I headed to the gym, I had a piece of Canyon City gluten free raisin bread with peanut butter and jelly.


After the gym, I seared pork chops in a pan for dinner and ate it with leftover salad from what I made earlier. (I’ll have the salad recipe on the blog later this week!)


During my lovely week of PMS, I craved lots of sweets. And whenever I am PMSing and my husband knows it’s gonna be a doozy, he buys me this little gluten free flourless chocolate cake he finds at Whole Foods. It’s super dense and delicious so I just cut off a few small slices and put the rest away for another day. He bought it on Thursday and I still have some of it left.


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  1. Tessa Ramsay says:

    I’ve been reading pretty consistently for the last three years and love your blog. Even though I rarely make time for actual cooking (I’m a busy cook-up person: loads of basics far in advance), your life philosophy and struggle are very relatable. Thank you and keeping making me go “OMG.”

    1. juli says:

      love it! thanks for the comment, tessa!

  2. Cara says:

    Really helpful to see the “what you eat in a day” portion. Please keep them coming!

  3. Jason says:

    In your final team workout of the week, what was the 200 reps? It is blank here. I might do this for the Friday class I coach. Thanks!

    1. juli says:

      sorry about that, kettlebell swings!

  4. Alli says:

    Ever since you posted and snapped about that blended coffee I’ve been wanting to try it. I’ve been making a similar version every morning. So good! Thanks for sharing!