So if you are in the CrossFit community, you’ve have probably at least heard about the CrossFit open or you may even be competing in it! I have competed in the CrossFit open 5 years (I think) in a row, 2 of those years were spent competing and making it to the Southwest Regional. After competing 2 years in a row, I decided I didn’t want to do it anymore. I was getting closer to injuring myself, I was 30+ pounds heavier than I am now, and I spent almost every waking moment in the gym. So I stopped competing but still signed up for the CrossFit open just because that’s what our gym does every year!
Last week, I did the first workout of the Open and it crushed me. Not only did I do much worse than I had hoped, but I also felt like crap the next day, getting a sore lower back which never happens, and really feeling disappointed in myself. So not only did it crush me physically, but it crushed me mentally. I was really bummed out afterwards.
But why? Why should I be bummed out? I went to the gym, I got a really hard workout in, and life moved on. Nothing changed other than my disappointment with myself. I finished what I had set out to do that day which was workout and better my life longterm. Something that I have to remember and remind myself of frequently is I’m much happier now that I don’t compete. I’m much happier now that I’m not constantly taking a risk at injuring myself and I’m much happier being smaller than I was before. I enjoy having my life back, not having hormonal acne, and not feeling like I’m literally going to die every single workout. Sure, I get bummed when I’m not as strong as I was before or when I’m the slowest of all the coaches, but I’m happier and that’s what matter in the end.
I think this type of situation occurs regularly throughout our lives. We get good at something, life changes and we are no longer where we were before. Whether that’s financially, physically, emotionally. Life changes and it’s sometimes challenging to accept those changes. I will never be where I use to be when it comes to CrossFit, but I’m much happier in all other areas surrounding my life. I have the balance and I sometimes have to remind myself that I enjoy that balance more than what I had in the past. Don’t forgot that in life, we may have to give up something to gain something else. Not always, but sometimes. And that’s not always a bad thing.
WAIT! Before you go – this week I’ll be recording my podcast with random reader/listener questions! Anything you’d like me to talk about or question you’d like me to answer! It can be about food, or workouts, or blogging, or beauty, or really whatever you want! Just leave a question in the comment section below and I’ll answer it in the podcast this week!! Happy Monday!
Sunday – Rest Day
Monday – CrossFit Broadway Class
Every Minute On The Minute x 20 min:
min 1: 14 Double KB Front Rack Lunges, as heavy as possible to go unbroken.
min 2: 9 Strict C2B Pull Ups
min 3: 18/14 Cal Row
min 4: 40 sec Nose & Toes to Wall Hold
I used 2×35# KBs, did 7 strict pull-ups every time, did 14 cal row every time and held the hold every time
Then 6 min AMRAP Of:
80 Double Unders
20 Burpees
I got 3+40 rx
Tuesday – Orange Theory Class
Wednesday – CrossFit Broadway Class
Sumo Deadlift: 4 x 7. All sets at 75% of regular 1 rep max Deadlift. (17 mins) – I used 165#
After each set perform Max Effort set of Strict Handstand Push-Up – I got a total of 64 hspu using 1 ab mat
Then 10 min As Many Rounds As Possible Of:
15 OH Squats (115/75)
15 Box Overs (24/20)
15 KB Swings (70/55)
I got 4+39 using 65# and 45#
Thursday – Rest Day
Friday – CrossFit Broadway Class – CrossFit Open Workout 17.1
For time:
10 dumbbell snatches – 15 burpee box jump-overs
20 dumbbell snatches – 15 burpee box jump-overs
30 dumbbell snatches – 15 burpee box jump-overs
40 dumbbell snatches – 15 burpee box jump-overs
50 dumbbell snatches – 15 burpee box jump-overs
Men use 50-lb. dumbbell, ladies 35# and 24″/20″ box
Saturday – Orange Theory Class
Free Travel Workout:
5 rounds for time:
400m run
15 DB thrusters
20 push ups
25 tuck jumps
On Sale Activewear:
Nike Free RN Shoes (30% off)
Nike Dry Training Tank (20% off)
lululemon Wunder Under Pants (30% off)
Athleta 7/8 Tights (45% off)
lululemon Cardio Tank (30% off)
What I Ate in a Day:
Started off my day with a cup of coffee with 1 tbsp of collagen, some heavy cream and a little liquid stevia extract. Since I was working out in the morning, I had a strawberry Maple Hill Greek Yogurt with Wholeme Lemon Berry Chia Granola Pack.
After the workout, I made a breakfast of Mulay’s breakfast sausage, arugula and spinach, mushrooms, and pearl onions.
Later on the day, I went to Whole Foods to pick up some groceries so I grabbed lunch at the hot bar: taco meat, curried vegetables, and plantains. And then I added cilantro when I got home.
In the middle of the day, I snacked on a Justin’s chocolate hazelnut butter packet.
While I made dinner, I snacked on plantain chips.
Dinner was marinated Tuscan chicken (no recipe yet), marinated tomato salad, and crispy roasted fingerling potatoes!
Hey girl!! I remember you posting a few weeks back that you got the fascia blaster! How are you liking it? Worth it or not so much? Love your blog and following you on insta, you da best!
i actually reviewed my experience so far in this podcast: