Good morning, buttercup!! I wish I could act like I’m in this perky good mood, but my husband is doing this “thing” right now. He started working out in the mornings so he sets his alarm at 5am and leaves all of his clothes and backpack and even toothbrush in the other room so he doesn’t wake me up when he gets up. BUT he presses snooze and lets his alarm go off 3 separate times and goes back to sleep every time. And after the first alarm, I’m pretty much completely ready to get up. After the second alarm, I’m pretty annoyed. Third alarm, I hate him. It’s a pattern at this point. BUT, I’m very happy and supportive that he’s working out in the morning so I hold my tongue and don’t smash his face in with a pillow. It’s quite a loving feeling.

I say all this because, well, sometimes we don’t always support our significant other when it comes to their health goals. I get emails all.the.time from people who either don’t feel supported or are obviously having a hard time supporting their partner when it comes to healthier eating choices and/or working out. It might be because you or your partner never worked out and now someone wants to so it feels a little strange or foreign. Or because someone changed their diet and the other person is having a much harder time. Or it could be because one person has lost weight and the other person hasn’t so there becomes a bit of a jealousy situation. No matter what situation may be your own, it’s important to remember that health should come first and foremost. If we don’t have our health, we don’t have much else longterm. We won’t be able to care for our significant other or experience certain situations or enjoy the little moments together because our health is diminishing. But if we put our own health first, and support our significant other in their goals that make them happier and healthier, we will be able to enjoy so many amazing moments in the future.

My husband’s alarm goes off 3 times every morning when he wakes up to go to the gym and you know what? It annoys the sh*t out of me. But I bite my tongue, get up to work on my blog, and kiss him as he walks out the door to the gym…because I’m so proud of him for taking care of himself so we can have an enjoyable, exciting and amazing future together. Don’t let your own frustration or jealousy or upsets get in the way of your partners success. Support and push each other to be better. That’s how relationships grow and thrive!

Sunday – Rest Day

Monday – FIT on Broadway Class

#1 – 5 minute As Many Rounds As Possible Of:

5 single leg v-ups (each side)

10 calories on air dyne bike

15 dumbbell thrusters

*1 minute rest then repeat one more time through and try to match and beat last score

#2 – 5 minute As Many Rounds As Possible Of:

5 barbell high pulls

10 burpees

15 barbell bicep curls

*1 minute rest then repeat one more time through and try to match and beat last score

#3 – 5 minute As Many Rounds As Possible Of:

5 double Russian kettlebell swings

100m run

15 kettlebell sumo deadlift

*1 minute rest then repeat one more time through and try to match and beat last score

** 2 minutes rest after second set of #1 before you move to the next and so on

Tuesday – Orange Theory Class – see workout here

Wednesday – CrossFit Broadway Class

5 sets of each: (15 mins)

– 4 Strict C2B Pull Ups + 4 Kipping Pull Ups + 4 Bar Muscle Ups (I did 1 bar muscle up, 4 kipping pull ups, 2 strict pull ups)

*Choose a number in which you can go unbroken for all reps.

– 64′ HS Walk (2 lengths of platforms) – no more than 1 minute

** 1 min rest after finishing HS Walks

Then 10 min As Many Rounds As Possible Of:

10 + 10 Single Arm OH Lunge- on spot (55/35)

20 Push Ups

100m Run

I got 4+3 rx

Thursday – Rest Day

Friday – Orange Theory Class – see workout here (front desk girl turned computers off 10 minutes early so my numbers are a bit off)

Saturday – CrossFit Broadway Class

5 rounds:

400m run

30 box jumps (24/20)

30 wall ball (20/14)

I finished in 25:13 rx


Free Travel Workout:

15 min AMRAP:

4oom run

20 overhead squats

10 burpee box jumps

On Sale Activewear:

lululemon 7/8 Tights (25% off)

Nike Free RN Shoes (10% off)

GapFit High Rise Leggings (45% off)

Nike Training Tank (20% off)

lululemon back tie tank (25% off)


What I Ate in a Day:

When I woke up, I started my morning off with an iced Chameleon cold brew coffee with a splash of heavy cream and some stevia extract.

When breakfast rolled along, I had arugula, Applegate Farms breakfast links, and 1 fried plantain.

Later on in the afternoon (since my lunch was later than usual) I had 1/2 a Perfect Bar and saved the rest for later.

For lunch, I had arugula topped with quick taco meat that I cooked up (just ground buffalo and Primal Palate taco seasonings) with some crumbled Siete Foods grain free tortilla chips on top

After my workout in the afternoon, I ate the other half of the Perfect Bar then ate some plantain chips while I made dinner.

For dinner, I made some Jovial gluten free brown rice pasta with hot italian sausage, roasted brussels sprouts and carrots, olives, and parmesan (no rice and cheese is not paleo)

And for a Friday night treat, I had a scoop of sea salt caramel ice cream and topped it with a few bite size WOW Baking gluten free brownies!


I may be compensated through affiliate links in this post, but all opinions are my own. This compensation helps with expenses to keep this blog up and running! Thank you for your support with PaleOMG!

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  1. Ashley says:

    Hi Juli,

    I love reading your workouts and what you ate in a day. Do you ever post portion sizes or measurements on your food? I’m always wondering how much I should be eating? Thanks!

    1. juli says:

      i don’t because i never measure or know the portion sizes. i just eat until i’m satisfied. i use to weigh and measure and it never got me anywhere other than made me more obsessive so i steer clear of that