Happy Mooooonday! I’m sore AF, to the point that I can’t even squeeze my buttcheeks together (damn front rack lunges) but I’m ready to take this week on by storm. Right now, I’m sitting next to Cassy from Fed and Fit, working on a little project just today before I take her back to the airport. She is just the sweetest human I’ve ever met. Getting to hang out with another blogger is always so cool because you get to bounce ideas off of each other and see what’s working for them. The only other person I ever get to do that with is Jackson. My dog. And he never responds to me. Selfish.

This weeks workouts were pretty awesome. Tuesday destroyed my quads and Saturday destroyed my butt and hamstrings. Any week that makes my legs this sore is a good week. I love sore legs. The wedding in Jamaica is coming! If you are in need of some no walking days, definitely try this week. It was a peach. But I’m also sharing some on sale workout apparel, a fun little body weight workout at the bottom AND what I ate in a day post. I got some requests for that last week so I wanted to make sure you had that to glance through this week. I hope it’s helpful in some way!

Sunday – Rest day meaning rest from my hangover while in Omaha-day

Monday – CrossFit Class

Deadlifts: 5 x 4. Reset at bottom of each Rep. Adding as you go – Between sets: 3 Strict HSPU. As deep as possible. – I got to 185# and for my HSPU, I started with elevated pike push ups then worked up to some strict handstand push ups, doing 1 at a time.

Then 5 min AMRAP Of:

5 Hang Power Cleans (185/125) and 10 Burpees Over Bar

– 2 min REST THEN –

5 min AMRAP Of:

5 Push Jerk (185/125) and 10 C2B Pull Ups

I got 5+6 then 4+13 using 85# and doing regular kipping pull ups

Tuesday – CrossFit Class

5 sets of: 3 Squat Cleans + Split Jerk. All sets at 80%. Every 2 mins. Quick Reset.

Then Single Arm Overhead KB Holds. 30 sec left / 30 sec right / 30 sec rest for 5 sets of each. As heavy as possible.

And to finish – 9 min Clock As far as possible For Total Reps:

50-40-30-20-10 Wall Ball

100 – 80 – 60 – 40 – 20 Double Unders

*50 wall ball then 100 double unders, 40 wall ball then 80 double unders and so on

I got through 395 reps, so I got 15 double unders in my round of 40 reps. After the workout ended, I just finished the workout because I was so dang close and felt guilty not finishing.

Wednesday – Unplanned rest day. I was suppose to workout early morning by myself, but then woke up to a sh*t ton of snow and drinking coffee under blankets and baking just sounded more fun.

Thursday – Fit Class

Part 1: 30 sec on, 10 sec rest – slider pikes, wall ball sit up & leave, dumbbell thrusters

Part 2: partner AMRAP for 8 min. of: 200m row while partner does 10 burpees & 10 air squats

Part 3: 30 sec on, 10 sec rest – skaters, KB swings, single arm KB squat

Part 4: partner AMRAP for 8 min. of: 10 wall ball partner sit ups and 10 TRX knees to elbows while partner holds plank

Friday – CrossFit Class

2 x Push Press into 1 Push Jerk. 12 mins to find a heavy combo. – I got to 115#

Then As Far As Possible In 14 mins:

1 round of: 5 Toes To Bar, 10 Push Ups, 15 Air Squats then 2 Power Snatch (155/105)

1 round of: 5 Toes To Bar, 10 Push Ups, 15 Air Squats then 4 Power Snatch

1 round of: 5 Toes To Bar, 10 Push Ups, 15 Air Squats then 6 Power Snatch

Etc…getting as far as you can in 14 minutes

I finished 12 power snatches using 85#

Saturday – CrossFit Class

25 minute workout:

Partner 400m sled push (45/25)

Then once you’re back in the door, by yourself:

AMRAP with remaining time of:

12 alternating front rack lunges (135/95)

16 burpees with lateral jump over bar

400m run

I got 3 rounds + a 200m run using 75#


Hotel Gym or At Home Workout:

10 jumping squats

10 pike push ups

10 jumping lunges

10 bench dips

15’s, 20’s, 25’s, 30’s

*If you feel good enough or are brave enough, go back down 25’s, 20’s, 15’s, and 10’s


Favorite Workout Music Right Now:

Love Myself by Hailee Steinfeld

Broken Arrows by Avicii

Too Much to Handle by Great Good Fine Ok


Favorite Workout Attire Right Now!

These Multicolor Leggings on sale now!

This Half Zip Pullover in 5 colors on sale now!

This grey tank for 33% off!

These Nike Metcon1 below

These Nike Flyknits below

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What I ate in a day:

Woke up at 6am – couple sips of apple cider

Finished up writing my blog post while I sipped on a cup of coffee with heavy cream and 6 drops of stevia. Whenever I make coffee, I only drink maybe 1/2 of it. I just don’t drink my coffee quickly and as soon as it gets cold, I don’t want it anymore. I think I just like the routine and drinking something warm when I wake up during the winter.

At 8am – I ate 1/2 coconut noosa yogurt with probably 1/4 cup of WholeMe lemon chia poppyseed granolaIMG_9989

Around 10am – couple cinnamon candied pecans while I made my sweet potato casserole then photographed the casserole

Around 12pm – Decided I was ready for some lunch so I cooked up a Canino’s italian sausage and dumped some tomato sauce on it to help steam then added some salt and herbs de provence along with a couple cubes of grass fed cheddar cheese. Ate that alongside sweet potato casserole and ate a couple Jackson’s salt and vinegar chips.


Around 1pm – I made a Thanksgiving cocktail that you’ll see on the blog this week! Had a sip of that then cleaned, emails and blog posts.

Around 3pm – Split 1/2 a larabar with my fiance while we did yard and house work: gutters, mowing, picking up poop, sweeping, vacuuming and cleaning out the garage.

4:30pm –  Tuesday’s workout

6pm – Made my almond butter blondies, snacking on some of the batter then eating a small piece when it was out of the oven.


7pm – Dinner included a meal that was made in under 10 minutes. Wild caught salmon that was broiled for 6-8 minutes, reheated sweet potato casserole, and pre-sliced brussels sprouts and chopped asparagus sautéed in Tin Star Ghee then finished with reducing in just a couple tablespoons of coconut aminos.


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  1. Allyson says:

    Wow that hotel workout is a BEAST. You come up with all kinds of special torture.
    And while I may be super jealous (in a motivational kind of way) of your abs, it’s inexcusable for people to be so ridiculous and hateful- you obviously work super hard for what you got (1 rest day and 1 unplanned rest day, hello!) plus being on your feet a lot of the day making recipes for us grateful readers (and for the occasional a-hole, apparently). Thanks for keeping on despite the little cowards hiding behind their screens spreading BS & bad vibes. F that S.

  2. Carolyn says:

    I am so in love with Noosa yogurt!

  3. Candace says:

    Hey Juli,

    Love you girl! One question: in your Thursday Fit Class, how long were the AMRAPs for Part 2 and 4? That workout looks fun and I’d love to do it!

    Thanks for all of these! Gives me great ideas on my workouts and keeping it fresh!

    Have a great thanksgiving, girl!

    1. juli says:

      I’m sorry about that, 8 minutes!

  4. Caitlin says:

    Hi Juli,
    IK I’ve never left a comment before but I’ve been following your blog for awhile and I just wanted to say it’s my favorite blog ever and I’m in love with everything from the recipes, to the hilariousness, to the fashion Friday’s, and everything in between. I also really like the hotel/at home workouts. This was one of the first blog I found upon becoming paleo, and it’s one of the only ones I actually regularly follow. Thanks for everything! =)
    Ps. I cry internally whenever people post negative comments

    1. juli says:

      awwwww thank you so much, Caitlin! trying to put out as much fun stuff as possible on the blog so i’m so glad you’re enjoying it all! thanks for commenting, i really love when people comment!