Hello from Tulum! At this very moment, I’m sitting in bed, watching the sun rise from our airbnb. I would love to say it’s an adorable little place, but it smells like feces and the power keeps going out. And we are definitely in a sketch area that has dogs barking at all hours. But I have wifi at the moment so things are looking up! And I’m in Tulum so things are kind of always looking up. I’m out here celebrating my best friends birthday and it’s been cool exploring a new place that we’ve never been. I’m hanging with an amazing group of 6 people and we’ve been working out, drinking lots of margaritas, eating our body weight in corn tortilla chips, and not drinking nearly enough water. It’s been wonderful. Minus the brutal stomach ache I have. Is it possible to go to Mexico and not get a stomach ache? Ughhhhhhh.

It’s been surprisingly easy to workout while in Mexico. I planned to jump rope and do some air squats while I was here, but while we were walking back to our place the first night, we ran into a CrossFit-like gym and decided to immediately go there the next morning. The language barrier made it challenging but we figured everything out and we were able to get a great, sweaty workout in before a day of indulging. And we are going back this morning to get another workout in! So fun to sweat it out even if I have absolutely no idea what he’s saying to me. CrossFit is definitely our common love so it’s pretty easy to understand each other in some capacity!

Today is our last full day in Tulum and we are going to live in up at a beach club after our workout! It’s been so nice to stick with working out while traveling since I know every day I’ll be enjoying a cocktail or two. Or three. So working out before it all goes down is the only way I can be sure I’ll work out. I’m not always a fan of working out on vacations, but because I’ve had so many trips back to back, it’s the only way I can make sure I take care of my body. It’s easy to say, ‘F it, I’m on vacation, I don’t need to work out’ but that doesn’t get me to where I want to be. I want to continue to improve, I want to get physically and mentally stronger, and I want to be better than yesterday. Which means vacation workouts. And I enjoy them because I know I’m doing something good for my body.

Remember to think these things over when you’re traveling. Is it time for true rest because you’ve been working hard up until this vacation? Or is it time to continue to stay active because it’s been harder to do so during the busy holiday season? Listen to your body and do what’s right for it. It will thank you if you truly listen! I promise you!

Sunday – Rest Day

Monday – CrossFit Broadway Class

Back Squats: 3 x 10. All sets at 65% ( 10 mins) – I used 115#

Then 6 Rounds For Time Of: ( 12 min time cap)

10 Power Cleans (135/95)

10 Burpees

I finished in 7:17 using 85#

Tuesday – CrossFit Broadway Class

15 mins to find a challenging weight for: 1 Push Press + 2 Push Jerks + 1 Split Jerk – I got to 120#

Then 3 Rounds For Time Of: (11min time cap)

30 Alt DB Snatch (50/35)

30/25 Cal Row

I finished in 9:58 using 30# DB

Wednesday – CrossFit Broadway Class

10 Rounds For Time: (20 min time cap)

1 Squat Clean (245/175)

3 Muscle Ups / 6 Strict Pull Ups

5 Strict HSPU / 2 Wall Walks

25 Double Unders

– exactly 30 sec rest between rounds –

I finished in 18:03 using 105#, 6 strict pull ups, 5 strict hspu to 1 ab mat and 25 double unders

940m Sprint For Time – I finished in 3:38

Thursday – Rest day

Friday – Rest day/Travel day to Mexico

Saturday – Workout at FIT COMMUNITY in Tulum, Mexico

100 front squats (135/95)

100 push press (135/95)

100 sit ups

100 deadlift (155/135)

100 double unders

Sooooo there’s no effing way I would do that many reps in a row. Maybe with an empty barbell, but definitely not with heavy weight. While we were in Tulum, there was definitely a language barrier so I kind of just did my own thing since I was doing this workout by myself. So I did 70 front squats at 65#, 50 push press at 65#, 100 sit ups, 100 deadlifts at 95# and 100 double unders.


Free Travel Workout:

1 mile run

2 min rest

10 min AMRAP

12 power cleans (135/95)

12 burpees

2 min rest

1 mile run

On Sale Activewear:

Nike Running Crops (20% off)

Beyond Yoga Tank (40% off)

Nike Modern Bra (15% off)

Nike Power Tights (40% off)

Nike Free RN (20% off)


What I Ate in a Day:

After waking up, I started my day off how I always do – with coffee. I made a hot cup of coffee with a tablespoon or so of heavy cream, some liquid stevia and collagen.

For breakfast, I had 4 applegate sausages on top of arugula that I tossed in lemon juice and pink peppercorns and 1 plantain that I cooked in Fourth & Heart ghee.

Around 10am, I had a glass of cold brew coffee with a splash of heavy cream and stevia.

For lunch, I made an arugula salad with some Primal Kitchen Ranch and topped in with leftover chicken that I cooked in hot sauce and Primal Palate taco seasonings and ate it with a cherry tomato salad.

In the afternoon, I had 1/2 a peanut butter and chocolate chip Larabar before my workout.

For dinner I had leftover chili and acorn squash with a simple arugula salad with lemon juice on top and a little Forager plain yogurt with lime juice.


I may be compensated through affiliate links in this post, but all opinions are my own. This compensation helps with expenses to keep this blog up and running! Thank you for your support with PaleOMG!

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  1. Jasmine Minor says:

    Hi Juli, my comment has nothing to do with your workout post, although I absolutely love it and it’s by far my favorite post of the week 🙂 I wanted to take a minute to just say thank you for being such an inspiring and all around bad ass lady! I am so impressed with how you run your blog, instagram, podcast and more as a one woman show when it truly could be the work of a whole team of people! I mentioned to you on insta that I started my fitness instagram FitnessFrivolity about a month ago and although I only have about 350 followers I constantly find myself thinking “how the heck does Juli do it all??”! I feel so silly getting overwhelmed with 350 people, but I want to connect with each person and am so thankful they reached out to me, but have a had time keeping up (I know, pathetic considering you have an army to keep up with) lol In any case, I look up to you in so many ways and am even more impressed with your work ethic and dedication to your community of followers now that I have a few of my own to reach out to. You’re amazing and I just want you to know how much I appreciate each and every one of your posts, photos and podcasts (just listening to the mindpump one now) you share with us, because I can’t even imagine how much time and energy it all takes! Have a fabulous time in Mexico and safe travels home and thanks again for being such an inspiration! xo

  2. Juli says:

    So do you really love arugula as much as you eat it? Or is it more for the health benefits? I try to love it but can’t get past the nature leaf like aspect of it.

    1. juli says:

      it’s just a super easy to green to get in my diet since i enjoy it and it doesn’t need to be prepped. so yes, i do enjoy it!

  3. Alaina says:

    Holy crapola, they don’t mess around in Tulum, do they? That workout looks brutal!

    1. juli says:

      lol right?

  4. Alex McCoy says:

    What tank are you wearing?

    1. juli says:

      it’s a lululemon tank!