Happy Mondaaaaay!! It’s about to be a busy day over here because I’m heading out of town tomorrow, so it’s time to workout, work, and pack! Speaking of workouts…I have some updates for you. And I plan on expanding on this topic on my podcast this week, so stay tuned for that!
These past few months have been quite an experiment. I started with changing up my workout routine in December by adding in glute workouts to my routine. But then I noticed I was gaining some weight and that probably had to do with the amount of exercise I had going on. No, more isn’t always better. So then I decided to back off CrossFit and started adding in megaformer pilates and yoga sculpt. And when I made these changes, I quickly felt like it wasn’t enough for my body and was worried about gaining weight.
Well, that’s exactly what happened. And I also found myself obsessing over my body, especially when a mirror was involved (which is the case at every gym other than my CrossFit gym). Plus, I felt incredibly disconnected to my core. It’s hard to explain, but I felt like I wasn’t able to activate my core like I could before when I was doing CrossFit full-time. So once I got back from my 30th birthday trip, I decided to go back into CrossFit for an entire week to see how I felt. And guess what? I feel 90% back to my old self after just one week.
For me, I’ve had some neck and trap issues because of my competitive CrossFit days, so moving forward with CrossFit I’m no longer going upside down doing handstands or handstand push ups because that seems to be the main cause of my flare ups. And even after a week of hard workouts, I no longer feel any neck issues.
I’m going to share more of the experience/experimentation on my podcast this week and go more in depth into everything, but I can definitely say that my body seems to like CrossFit the most out of everything I have tried lately. And not only does my body love it most, but my mind loves it even more. After one week of CrossFit, I’m feeling better and better!
Sunday – Workout by myself – See video here
3 rounds of –
- 10 back squats
- 7 pull ups
- 10 straight leg lifts
Then I did –
5 min AMRAP of:
- 14 alt front step lunges
- 7 Crossfit style burpees
2 minute rest
5 min AMRAP of:
- 10 alt back step lunges
- 5 Crossfit style burpees
Monday – CrossFit Broadway Class – See video here
2 Rounds Of: 10-8-6-4-2 Unbroken Touch and Go Clean and Jerks
– 1 min rest between sets and 3 min rest between rounds
Set of 10 at 40-45% Of 1 rep max, add 5-10# each set. MUST STAY TOUCH AND GO UNBROKEN!
I started at 65 and got to 105#
Then 6min AMRAP OF:
- 15 Wall Ball
- 30 DU
I got 6+2 rx
Tuesday – CrossFit Broadway Class
16 mins For Quality
- 10 Strict T2B
- 10 Strict HSPU / deficit if possible
- 50m Double KB Carry (2 x 70/55)
I got 4 rounds
30-20-10 Reps For Time: (8 min cap)
- Cal Row
- Burpees Over Rower
I finished the round of 20 reps and got 3 calories on the rower
Wednesday – CrossFit Broadway Class
Back Squats: 4 x 5. First set at 55%, add as you go. All reps have a 3 sec down and 3 sec up tempo. 5-10# more than last time! (12 mins)
I worked up to 130#
Then 12 min AMRAP OF:
- 10 Power Snatch (115/75)
- 150m Run
- 10 Box Jump (24/20)
I got 5 + 3 using 65#
Thursday – Rest Day
Friday – CrossFit Broadway Class
EMOM X 14, Alternating.
- 10 Strict Press. Start at 30%, add as you go
- 7 Strict C2B Pull Ups
My last set was at 60# and I did 7 strict pull ups every time
Then In teams of 2 – 14 min AMRAP OF:
- 100m Sandbag Carry (100/70)
- Max Cal Row
* swap on the Carry and score is total Cals – I have no idea how many calories we finished with
Saturday – CrossFit Broadway Class
25 minute Partner AMRAP:
970m run together
Then in the remaining time, 1 person works at a time –
3 power cleans (135/95)
6 push ups
9 air squats
We finished with a total of 33 rounds using 85#
Free Travel Workout:
For time:
20 dumbbell snatch
20 burpees
30 dumbbell thrusters
30 burpees
40 dumbbell snatch
40 burpees
On Sale Activewear:
Zella Tank (40% off)
Chantelle Sports Bra (45% off)
Splits59 Tank (40% off)
Nike Shorts (30% off)
adidas Luxe Running Shoes (20% off)
I may be compensated through affiliate links in this post, but all opinions are my own. This compensation helps with expenses to keep this blog up and running! Thank you for your support with PaleOMG!
Juli what about what you ate one day? Did ur normal more greens after a trip help too?
staying away from sugar and alcohol always help!
I am so glad you’re feeling back to yourself. Maybe I’m missing something, but is there a “what i ate in a day” section to this post? I can’t find it although it’s in the title… probably creepy that I like reading that part so much.
sorry that was my mistake. i was planning to include that then totally forget to track the entire week, but i have one coming up next week!
Oh no need to apologize. I laughed while typing it because I’ve gotten so used to seeing what you eat. What a funny thing to get accustomed to, reading what another human eats in a day! Either way, it inspires me and I’m thankful for it! You’re the best.
Great to hear you are back into it. If you want better results in the butt from cross-fit, maybe check your squat technique. I’m not a personal trainer however train at a facility with biomechanists and performance trainers who also work with pro-athletes. They have taught me to use my butt and hamstrings to pull me up out of the squat and and keep shins more vertical. It’s very different to the cross-fit technique which is more quad dominant.
I think that’s really interesting that after all the things you’ve tried, Crossfit seems to make your body the happiest. In my house we’ve totally drunk the Crossfit kool-aid. I was lucky to find a local box where I can bring my toddler with me, and he chills in his portable “jail” while I do the WOD. Plus he makes a handy weight for runs, squats, and core exercises. Not only does getting a good workout (butt-kicking?) make me feel good, I think the strong, capable attitude I get from Crossfit makes me a more tolerant mom. (I know you have expressed many times uncertainty about having kids – it’s a huge life change, and not to make lightly! But at least I can tell you that you can still do some of the things that make you feel good, and feel like you, even if you do ever have kids!)
My husband is the one who’s gone all-in. He was a devoted isolations/body-building type weight lifter, for health/appearance, though he didn’t truly enjoy the process. He was skeptical at first, but tried Crossfit, and now he is totally OBSESSED. Like, at night, instead of watching TV, he watches Crossfit Games footage and podcasts and stuff on youtube. 🙂 He truly enjoys and looks forward to going to the box, and it’s been great to see him develop his skills and fill in all the holes that his old workout style left in his fitness. So I’m not surprised at all that after trying everything out, Crossfit is the winner!
Thank you for honestly sharing your journey! I’m sure it hasn’t been easy, so thank you for being so open! It’s important to find whats right for your body. I think it’s easy to see influencers out there kicking ass and looking great, you think that they have their shit together 100% of the time. Everyone has struggled and the most important thing is to keep trying things and not give up!
Hi Juli,
I’ve been wanting to write to you for a few weeks but wasn’t sure which platform would be best, so I finally chose this one.
I can’t begin to explain the impact you have had on my health and fitness! I first came across your Instagram and instantly related to you because I also live in Denver, actually just across the street from Just Be Kitchen. I followed along because I was looking for some health inspo but over the last few months it has started to feel like a friendship, even if in reality is completely one-sided, haha. First of all, you are absolutely hilarious. It has reached the point where I really look forward to seeing your insta stories every day. When you were in Guadaloupe recently (happy belated 30th btw!) I missed your content and wanted you to come back sooner (I’m selfish, I know).
I have also recently started listening to PaleOMG Uncensored. So far I really appreciate the listener questions episodes. I probably have 50 questions I want to submit, but I am going through all the previous ones so you don’t have to answer the same ones over again. I love how often people ask you about your thoughts on cheat meals lol.
And now to my actual point. I feel as though a lot of bloggers work tirelessly day in and day out with probably a lot of criticism and rudeness from people hiding behind their screens. It seems to be a thankless job, where followers take and take and bloggers get little recognition for the huge efforts that are put in. I just wanted to say thank you! This probably sounds like I’m trying to kiss your ass, but I genuinely mean it. You have 100% inspired me to really view my food as fuel and through your insta stories of your meals throughout the day, it shows me how “easy” it can be. I put that in quotes, because it’s still work, but if your busy self can do it, then I can too. No more excuses. I had never tried plantains or cooked pork before, but now I can say that I have. You have been such an inspiration! I can’t say it enough. I work an office job so I mostly meal prep my breakfasts and lunches on Sundays and lately I have been choosing recipes from your website. It’s helped me SO much to get out of my comfort zone and try new foods, and makes it way less boring when it’s time to eat it (I was frequently doing plain chicken and broccoli too).
I can totally relate to the obsessive behaviors, before I found your blog I was counting calories and then macros, and what a headache that was. It really became such a stressful experience and after seeing your successes it’s been so much easier for me to just let it all go and approach it all in a more simple manner. In your posts, blogs, and podcast, I love how honest you are and how you don’t give excuses (like when fast food is “the only option” – you’re right, it’s not and how your focus is on REAL food and not powders, juices, shakes, etc. – what a concept right?). It’s those little things like that that have really adjusted my mindset and just made things easier for me to do. I have a long way to go to being my healthiest self, but just wanted to give you the credit you deserve and hope that you know what an impact your story can have on others! I really admire how vulnerable you have allowed yourself to be to complete strangers!
There is seriously so much more I could say, but this is plenty long so for now I will just say THANK YOU!
WOW!!! this is probably the most amazing comment I’ve ever received. thank you so so much for the kind words, courtney! it’s so cool to hear that my little tiny blog can change someone’s life in a positive way. i feel so alone at time when it comes to body issues and food issues and speaking about that proves that i’m not, which is why i continue to share that story. if you live by Just Be, I’m SURE we will run into each other at some point since I’m ALWAYS in there dropping $50 on breakfast lol! thank you so much for even taking the time to write such a nice comment and making my freaking day! and feel free to ask ALL the questions on those listener questions episodes! i have one coming up next week!
This is very interesting! I love how you focus on what’s good for you. I think that’s key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle in the long run. It looks like CrossFit is really great for you. I’m thinking of trying it myself. Thanks for posting.