Helloooooo out there! And happy Monday! Time to kick off another week of motivation! Which is a little tough over here because I leave town again on Wednesday, which is throwing my workout schedule off once again. It’s honestly been hard to feel like myself while traveling which means I haven’t felt like myself in months. So whenever I’m home, I’m doing my best to get in as many workouts as possible (in a healthy way), stay away from alcohol, and eat at home as much as possible. And since I leave for Myrtle Beach on Wednesday, I’m looking up some local CF gyms to workout in while I’m there in hopes of feeling like myself while eating out for every meal. Fingers crossed I can find a good one!

Anywho, something else I wanted to mention today that I’ve been doing a little different in my workouts is modifying. I’ve been working with a specialist for a while now to work on some neck issues I’ve had and we’ve finally been able to nail down the issues stemming from handstand push up work and any barbell overhead work, so I’ve cut that out for the time being. For now, I’m doing dumbbell work instead or modifying the movement so I’m not going overhead with a barbell (or my body weight). And since I started doing that, most of my neck and headache issues have completely gone away. I definitely hate modifying and changing the workout, but I leave the gym without pain, which hasn’t happened for probably 6 months. So in these posts, you’ll see lots of modifications, just FYI.

As I get a little older and wiser, I’m trying to listen to my body more and more so I can continue with the workouts I love without feeling like total dog sh*t the rest of the time. And so far, it’s working!

Sunday – 5k at KLM Marathon in Aruba

Monday – Workout in Aruba Marriott Gym – see workout here

1 mile run on the beach then

30 burpees – 10 DB thrusters – 50 lying leg lifts

20 burpees – 20 DB thrusters – 50 lying leg lifts

10 burpees – 10 DB thrusts – 50 lying leg lifts

Tuesday – Rest Day

Wednesday – CrossFit Broadway Class

Back Squats:

  • 7 @ 65% – 105#
  • 6 @ 70% – 115#
  • 5 @ 75% – 125#
  • 4 @ 80% – 135#
  • 3 @ 85% – 140#
  • 2 @ 90% – 145#

Then 5 Rounds For Time: (8min cap)

  • 50 DU
  • 5 Power Cleans (185/125)

I finished in 4:23 maybe? using 105#

Thursday – CrossFit Broadway Class – see workout here

4 x 5 min AMRAPS Of:

  • 3 Squat Snatch (165/115)
  • 6 Burpees
  • 12 Wall Ball

– 2 mins rest between AMRAPS –

* score is total rounds and reps for entire workout – start back up each round where you left off

I got 10 rounds + 2 squat cleans (I did 105# squat cleans instead of snatches)

Friday – CrossFit Broadway Class


  • 7 @ 73% – 145#
  • 6 @ 78% – 155#
  • 5 @ 83% – 165#
  • 4 @ 88% – 175#
  • 3 @ 93% – 185#

Then For Time (7 min cap)


21-15-9 Reps For Time

  • Deadlift (225/155)
  • HSPU

I finished in 3:53 using 125# DL and 25# KB for push press instead of HSPU


25 minute Partner AMRAP (1 person working at a time) –

470m run together

50 box jumps (24/20)

50 power cleans (155/105)

50 toes to bar

50 push jerks (155/105)

We got through 2 rounds plus the run using 85# (I used 25# DB for the push jerks)


Free Travel Workout:

For time:

100 air squats

75 burpees

50 push ups

25 pull ups

On Sale Activewear:

New Balance Sports Bra (40% off)

Nike Air Zoom Shoes (20% off)

Nike Dri-Fit Shorts (25% off)

Zella High Waist Leggings (40% off)

Zella Tank (40% off)


What I Ate in a Day:

In the morning, I had a cup of coffee with heavy cream and stevia.

Then later on that morning, I had breakfast at Just Be Kitchen. I ordered a vanilla sweet cream collagen cold brew coffee then a simplicity plate with sausage, sweet potatoes, veggies, and biscuits. I finished everything except 1 of the biscuit.

For lunch, I made cauliflower hummus (recipe coming soon) then a quick chicken salad with sriracha mayo, arugula and green olives. And ate some Siete tortilla chips.

Later on in the afternoon, I made my Greek Yogurt Collagen Chocolate Chip Muffins. I ate one muffin along with a sh*t ton of chocolate chips while I made them.

For dinner, I made sirloin steak that I marinated earlier in olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Then I roasted beets and made a quick salad of tomatoes, cucumber and yellow bell pepper with olive oil and hot sauce.


I may be compensated through affiliate links in this post, but all opinions are my own. This compensation helps with expenses to keep this blog up and running! Thank you for your support with PaleOMG!

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  1. Krystin says:

    I love, love, LOVE your Monday morning posts! They’re a huge motivator for me to get my week planned with workouts and food. I do appreciate your honesty in your posts also. Keep kicking ass girl!

  2. Liza says:

    Love this! I had to laugh because when I made your collagen muffins I did the same thing with those dang chocolate chips! So then I banned them from my house ha ha. Great muffins though! I am looking forward to the recipe for cauliflower hummus. I have been obsessed with cauliflower rice the last month – just love it but probably should try using cauliflower in other ways too.

  3. Alex McCoy says:

    Love these travel workout posts! I will be traveling between Mexico, a lake trip, and Jamaica in July and August and I am determined to not feel like total crap by the end of it…thanks for being inspiring!

  4. Michelle says:

    I live in Myrtle Beach!!!! Check out Core Fitness CrossFit Updog. Why are you coming to town?

  5. Michelle Angelo says:

    Come check out Crossfit Crescent Coast..we are very welcoming to drop ins from out of town. If you need recommendations for healthy local eats I can help you with that too.

  6. Gabrielle says:

    Hi, Juli!
    I’m a long, long term fan. (Does that word make you feel weird? Would you like me to call myself something else? Please advise.)
    Just wanted to say 1. I listened to the latest podcast and laughed out loud through the entirely of my morning commute. (NYC subway. Totally public.) 2. Freaked out when you said you’ve been loving peanut butter powder yesterday.
    I just wrote an article about it for Healthyish, Bon Appetit Magazine’s digital vertical site. It was published yesterday. I am a fellow nut powder obsessive. So glad I’m not alone.

    1. juli says:

      nut powder is the beeeeest!! thanks for following along on the blog Gabrielle!!

  7. Ashley says:

    I really can’t wait to hear about your Myrtle Beach trip! My husband and I go every year with his family and have struggled the past couple years to find good and healthy places to eat. I’m looking forward to seeing where you go.

  8. Nicole says:

    Hi there! I love your blog and podcast so much! I was wondering have I missed you giving a review on your experience with the purple pillow? I have been waking up with a pinched nerve and I am looking into pillows so I don’t have to wake up in pain and have to roll out before my cup of coffee. Any advice would be great on your pillow talk ????

    1. juli says:

      i’ve mentioned it a couple times on the podcast – i LOVE it!! it’s been amazing and has been so helpful for my neck pain!

  9. Jenna says:

    I’m in love with the top you’re wearing in the workout picture! Where is it from?