Hello out there!! I was just in Montreal over the weekend and I’m finally back to Denver with my pup in my lap and a house that feels like I’m a hoarder. I’m installing an office/closet set up in our spare bedroom today so everything that to be taken out of it and put somewhere. That somewhere became out living room and dining room. We look like hoarders and I have major anxiety from it. Hopefully everything goes to plan with this install and our house is back in order tonight. If not, I’m getting a hotel.
So I gotta bring something up that I’ve meant to talk about for a while, but keep forgetting. I mentioned a while back that I was having neck issues. I’ve been seeing a doctor at Apollo for a few months now because it was getting to the point where I couldn’t concentrate from the constant headaches I was getting. And after seeing the doctor twice a week, some pain would alleviate but I would notice it would come back on as soon as I did handstand push ups. So I cut HSPU completely and now do push ups and strict dumbbell press. I’ve also had some minor flare ups in my back and hp that I feel could lead to other issues. All of these problems have come on from my competitive days of CrossFit when I was lifting heavy constantly, working out multiple times per day and not letting the body get adequate rest.
It was definitely trial and error to find what was causing the flare ups and figuring out how to modify in the meantime. And because of all these flare ups, I’m finally seeing the light that I need to take better care of my body and listen to it. So now I try to get to class 30 minutes early so I can roll out and stretch before class starts. Not only have the neck and head issues gone away, but my back and hip issues have begun to calm down.
The point of this whole conversation is – you need to listen to your body. You’re not suppose to be in constant pain. And I’ve had the same pain for years but I mostly ignored it. Now that I’m getting a little older and wiser and my body doesn’t bounce back like it did when I was 24, I’m finally taking better care of myself so I can continue to lift and run and jump as long as I want to! Don’t forget to listen to what your body is screaming at you, sooner rather than later!
Sunday – Workout by myself
4 rounds of:
- 15 banded barbell hip thrusts @125# immediately into 30 banded bodyweight hip thrusts
- 12 kipping pull ups
- 14 barbell back step lunges @75#
- 12/12 strict KB press
Then 6x100m sprints
Monday – Workout by myself – see video here
4 rounds of:
- 10 straight leg deadlift
- 10 stability ball knee tuck into pike
Then 3 rounds of:
- 10 TRX pistol into knee squat (right leg)
- 10 TRX ring rows
- 10 TRX pistol into knee squat (left leg)
- 10 TRX ring rows
- 15 burpee pops (or whatever the f they are called)
Then I finished with an 8 min AMRAP of:
- 50 double unders
- 15 Russian KB swings
Tuesday – CrossFit Broadway Class
For Time: (15 min cap)
- 30 HSPU (5″/4″ deficit – Kipping allowed) or 10 wall walks
- 40 Deadlift (225/155)
- 50 Cal Bike
- 60 Bar Facing Burpees
Then 2 x Max effort sets of: (for total reps – 6 min cap)
- Strict Pull Ups
- Strict Press @ 60%
Wednesday – Rest Day
Thursday – BCycle Class in Montreal
Friday – Yoga Class in Montreal
Saturday – Yoga Class at the Lolë White Tour then workout in hotel gym later on – see workout here
5 rounds of:
- 10 DB deadlift
- 10 DB bent over row
- 20 single leg bench jumps (right leg)
- 20 single leg bench jumps (left leg)
- 20 KB swings
- 20 bench jump overs
Then 3 rounds of:
- 20 DB glute bridge
- 15 lying leg raises
- 10 hamstring sliders
On Sale Activewear:
Sweaty Betty Tank (30% off)
Zella Long Sleeve (40% off)
Zella Jacket (50% off)
Zella Crop Leggings (40% off)
adidas Ultra Boost (55% off)
While in Montreal for my last day, I woke up at 630am and made a coffee in my hotel room with nespresso and milk.
After a morning workout in my hotel, I had Lamb Wild Zora bar at 830am.
At 11am, I had brunch at Tommy in Montreal which included salmon tartare, beet hummus, quinoa, carrot and zucchini noodles, mushrooms, and I only had a bite of avocado and didn’t eat the eggs.
When I got on my flight at 330pm, I ate a chocolate chip peanut butter Larabar.
Then halfway through my 4 hour flight, I had a handful of Tanka Bar bites.
When I got home around 630pm, my husband was finishing dinner so I had a handful of Siete Chips.
And for dinner at 7pm, we had salmon broiled in the oven, asparagus and peppers sautéed, and a salad of arugula and cherry tomatoes dressed in olive oil and lemon juice!
Check Out The Snacks I Keep in My Bag While Traveling to Help Me Stay on Track
I may be compensated through affiliate links in this post, but all opinions are my own. This compensation helps with expenses to keep this blog up and running! Thank you for your support with PaleOMG!
I love the “shop the feed” section you’ve added to the bottom of your blog! I had seen that over on Fed & Fit and love that you have it now too!
Hi Juli, I was in Vail over July 4 and stumbled upon the Lole store in the center of the village. It’s a great store. I couldn’t find any Lole stores near me in CA so I was thrilled to find this one during our stay in Vail. I bought the Lily and the small Lily. The big Lily was outstanding as my “personal item” on my flight coming back home. It’s huge, but still fits under the seat nicely and the shoulder straps were incredibly comfortable walking all through the airport. I was very impressed with everything else in the store too. I’ll be in Lake Tahoe in September, so I’ll look for the Lole store there.
great advice- i had to cut out HSPU completely after a car accident and I always get comments- “just do a few, put one mat down, try not to land so hard on your head”- NOPE. not worth the week long headache and pain
Thanks for the reminders about the importance of stretching. I recently injured my lower back and have been feeling the pain for months. Like you, I attribute some of it to the intense CrossFit workouts without adequate stretching. And to the fact that I’m getting old. 🙂 Can you give me an idea of what you do for the 30 minutes to stretch and warm up?? I have been reading some articles about how over-stretching the hamstrings is really bad for the back, so now I’m confused! Thanks!
i usually roll out for 5 minutes, legs and back. then i use a box to do an ankle stretch, hamstring stretch, pigeon stretch, side stretch, then i do a couch stretch and sit in a squat for 3-5 minutes. then i’ll often do some upper body stretches as well
We are renovating our whole house so I feel your stress and anxiety. My whole bedroom and our 2nd floor has been removed & rebuilt. All my clothing is in the basement. All my other belongings are in the garage.
Love all your stuff! Thank You!
thanks for the love julie!
Hey Julie, check out “Foundation Trainlining” by Erik Goodman. He has helped many many famous celebrities and athletes cure their neck, back shoulder problems and helped my back/hip problems immensely. Their theory is by strengthening the back, core gets stronger and helps with the back pain. He has a book out that explains his theory.
I was desperate to get some relief from the pain so I tried everything and pain would go away but kept coming back. Give this training a try!
thanks for the recommendation!