Happy Monday!!! I cannot believe it…I just woke up at 7:30am. That NEVER happens to me. I normally wake up around 6am hyper as can be. But the body obviously needed a few extra Z’s today and I’m embraced it. Sleep is my favorite.

Actually, being home is my favorite. I absolutely LOVE traveling, but being home with a routine and home cooked meals feels so good to me. I love Colorado, I love our house, and I love oven roasted brussels sprouts. After being gone for 10 days in NZ, it feel so so good to be back home and back to challenging my body in the gym!

With the New Year upon us (OMGITSFREAKINGDECEMBER), let’s talk a little bit about goal setting. You don’t even have to be obsessed about a New Year’s resolution to set goals in the New Year. You can simply strive for something better this year. Or something more. My goal in the past few years has been to become more content with what I have in the moment. To be proud of what I have earned from my hard work while still striving for even more. It’s a hard balance finding contentment when you’re always looking for more, but it’s so important to find happiness in daily life instead of what’s to come in the future. It’s definitely challenging and I fail with that goal regularly. That still doesn’t mean I won’t continue to work at it day by day.

So let’s start thinking about New Year’s goals now while we’re still in December. Instead of simply thinking about how much weight to lose or to gain or how many inches or goals of fitting in a certain dress or pair of jeans. Instead let’s think about ways we can truly improve our lives moving forward in 2019. For me, that’s being happy every single day with the life I have right now. Sure, I was still continue to work hard in all aspects of my life, but I want to become happy with the little moments in between. As we step foot into 2019 together, let’s stop obsessing about numbers or where we think that happiness lies. Instead let’s try to enjoy each day for what it has given us and what we have to look forward to. I know that sounds super annoying and cliché, but if we can use 2019 to become happier in the moment, think about how much more we can accomplish day after day.

I’m pumped for the New Year and I’m pumped for an even more positive journey along the way. Maybe it’s because I slept until 7:30am. Yep, that’s probably it.

Sunday – 45 minute walk around Queenstown before bungy jumping in NZ

Monday – 40 minute run around Queenstown with hill sprints

TuesdayCrossFit Queenstown Class

5×5 strict press

3×3 strict press

6×1 strict press

8 rounds for time:

  • 8 push jerks
  • 8 toes to bar
  • 8 burpee box jumps

Wednesday – CrossFit Broadway Class

13 mins for quality of:

  • 7 Strict Press. All reps have 3 sec descent.
  • 7 Single Arm High Pull. All reps have 3 sec descent

Then 5 Rounds For Time (12 min cap)

  • 20/16 cal Row
  • 10 Devils Press (2 x 70/50)

I finished at 11:10 using 20# dumbbells

Thursday – CrossFit Broadway Class

3 Power Cleans Every 90sec x 9 sets (12 mins). Reset between reps. First set at 60%, building – I got to 130#

Then 10 min Ladder Of: (2-4-6-8-10-12….)

  • Front Squats (155/105)
  • Lateral Burpees Over Bar

I got through the round of 14 + 7 front squats @ 75#

Friday – Rest Day

Saturday – CrossFit Broadway Class

In teams of 3 –

20 – 90 second rounds:

Partner 1 – rows for 90 seconds

Partner 2 and 3 switch between 1 person resting and 1 person doing 3 power cleans (135/95), 6 push ups, 9 air squats

Then partner 3 moves to the rower and rower moves to the pair. This continues for 20 rounds.


PaleOMG Travel Workout

On Sale Activewear:

Zella High Waist Leggings (40% off)

Nike Fleece Hoodie (20% off)

Lole Burst Leggings (50% off)

Adidas Swift Runners (25% off)

Zella Sports Bra (50% off)


What I Ate in a Day:

Once I woke up, I started my day off how I always do – with coffee at 6am. I made a hot cup of nespresso with a tablespoon or so of heavy cream, some liquid stevia and a heaping tablespoon of collagen.

For breakfast I cooked up some Butcherbox pork sausage, tossed arugula in olive oil and lemon juice, then cooked up 1/2 a ripe plantain.

For lunch, after a noon workout, I tossed together arugula, smoked salmon, capers and garlic aioli to make a salmon salad then topped it off with plantain chips.

For a snack in the afternoon, I had a Justin’s peanut butter packet.

For dinner, I made a Butcherbox burger patty and topped it with Primal Kitchen ketchup and mustard, roasted brussels sprouts and spinach and artichoke dip that I made earlier in the week.

Then I had a coconut butter cup around 8pm.


I may be compensated through affiliate links in this post, but all opinions are my own. This compensation helps with expenses to keep this blog up and running! Thank you for your support with PaleOMG!

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  1. Bethany says:

    I had new sports bras on my Christmas list and just ordered 4 of the Zella ones on sale. Thanks for the heads-up!! ????

    1. juli says:

      glad i could help!

  2. Jamie says:

    Great post!! Sleep in more often:)

    1. juli says:


  3. Amanda says:

    Would love to hear about your bungy jumping experience! Your trip sounds like it was amazing!

  4. Amelia says:

    I just listened to your podcast interview with Christina Rice Wellness at the rec of a good friend. I have followed you since the beginning of time in your early blogging days and also over on IG (way back when I was a pastry chef and before I changed careers to become a functional wellness RD). I had never listened to CRW podcast, but knew if you were on it, I had to check it out!! I regularly listen to your podcasts and enjoy them, but something about your chat with her really stood out and spoke to me. I feel like another part of Julie came through on her interview (I’m assuming this was the Mind Pump Weekend in Tahoe?). It was like listening to two girlfriends catch up, chat about all of the things and just be 100% transparent. SO refreshing!! LOVED IT! Long story short, I just had to tell you how much I enjoy the space you have created here online and helping so many people starting their paleo journey. I frequently send clients to your site on the regular. It’s a great place for TRIED AND TRUE recipes that WORK and taste good!! Bonus= cute Jackson and your humor! Thank you for hauling ass, showing up everyday, and dealing with all of the hard shit that comes your way (even when you would prefer not to). I appreciate it all. 🙂

    1. juli says:

      isn’t she the best? i absolutely loved recording an episode with her. she’s such an amazing woman that i really hope i get to know more in the future! thanks so much for all the love and kind words!! xoxoxo

  5. Jen says:

    I totally recognize your photo of the tram line bungy jump! I did this exact same on on my honeymoon in NZ in 2011! It was quite the experience! BTW, you should come visit Durango! It’s one of the best places to visit in Colorado.

    1. juli says:

      it’s the best!! and funny you mention durango – i’m heading there next month to visit my best friend who just recently moved there!

      1. Jen says:

        Are you coming to Durango during Snowdown (winter festival)? It’s a lot of crazy fun!

        1. juli says:

          i have no idea what that is so i don’t think so lol

  6. Megan says:

    Juli, I am so sorry to hear about your Panda. My heart goes out to you and I hope he is on the mend soon. I love the stories of him on the walks with his sticks. I just want to grab that little face. I have two Puggles that are my Bff’s the love of my life. . The thought of losing them brakes my soul. I knew u were the best dog mom ever when you came home from your trip and had to sleep on the couch so you could snuggle with your Panda. My favorite line of all time is Jackson hold your tits. Thinking of you and Jackson big hugs.

    1. juli says:

      i don’t know if i’m ever going to sleep in my own bed once he gets back home haha!! i miss him so damn much and can’t wait to hold him again. dogs are truly angels on earth and should never have to go through pain, it’s just not fair! thanks for all the love Megan!

  7. Kimberly M Hopkins says:

    I really really appreciate your posts like this, feeling just this way now and you really picked me up. Back to the hubby and two kiddos after a workout. Trying for a better attitude. Thank you! ????

    1. juli says:

      glad i could help!