Happy Monday out there!! Or should I say…unhappy Monday. Because it snowed here last night and it’s cold AF. That leads to an unhappy Monday. But I’m hoping a workout first thing this morning pulls me out of that mood because ain’t nobody got time for that!

Something I do have time for though, is some time with you to kick this Monday off! And I’ve been talking so much about fitness lately in my Monday posts that I haven’t really talked much about food. And food is such a key component in overall health. You want to see results in the gym? Clean up your diet. You want to sleep better, feel less depressed, become more driven and live an overall better life? Clean up your diet. But here’s the thing – cleaning up your diet will look different to every single person out there. For me lately, it means not drinking alcohol and staying away from sugar as much as possible. For someone else, it may be removing fast food from their diet, or not drinking soda anymore, or finding better alternatives to the foods they eat now. It’s going to look different for everyone, but at the end of the day, if you want to see results and FEEL results, you have to eat better. You can’t just work out and expect all issues to go away. I promise you, I’ve tried in the past.

And even though it may feel daunting at the beginning, better choices are possible and the choices will continue to grow over time, helping you to become healthier and healthier. But something that’s important to remember is that diet is not about perfection when it comes to overall, long term health. It’s about making better choices day after day, listening to your body, and enjoying life as it comes at you. When I post what I eat in a day, I ALWAYS have someone point out what they don’t think is right about my meal. Like how there is cheese or rice OR BOTH. But I have found a balance in MY own meals where I enjoy MY life day after day while still feeling great inside and out. Remember life is not about perfection. It’s not about comparing. Perfection and comparison are both exhausting and not fun. So when your friend asks you to Greek food, go enjoy every second of it and stop obsessing over the rice or hummus. It’s just rice and hummus. Life goes on. I mention this because when I posted a photo of my greek meal (see below), I had lots of messages about how it’s not paleo. But guess what? It was so damn good and it was so damn fun catching up with my girlfriend. And the garlic burps the next two days were a great reminder of how good that meal was.

So now that we are done obsessing with food for the day, you want some good music for your workout? Well, you may not think it’s good, but I do! I created my own playlist on iTunes to listen to in my workouts and I thought I would share it here! And I’ll be adding to it as time goes on. Hope it keeps you motivated in your own workout! Now let’s talk about last weeks workouts…

Sunday – Rest Day

Monday – Rest Day – Sick day with Jackson in the vet 🙁

Tuesday – Workout by Myself – see workout here

3 rounds of:

  • 10/10 Single Leg Deadlift with Plate Reach
  • 20 Total Alt Toe Touch Sit Ups
  • 10 Broad Jump w/ Small Back Jumps

3 rounds of:

  • 10/10 Front Elevated Weighted Lunges
  • 14 Total Alt Lateral Lunges
  • 18 Banded Kettlebell Swings

3 rounds of:

  • 10/10 Weighted Single Leg Elevated Glute Bridges
  • 15 KB Swing to Squat
  • 20/20 Runners Lunge Taps

3 rounds of:

  • 10 Sissy Squats
  • 15 Hamstring Curls
  • 10/10 Back and Fourth Side Bound

Wednesday – Boxing Class at Compass Fitness through Class Pass

Thursday – CrossFit Broadway Class

Back Squats: 4 x 5, all sets at 83% (15 mins) – I did 4×10/10 step ups in front rack at 45# instead of squats

Then 8 min As Many Rounds As Possible Of:

  • 3 Power Clean (185/125)
  • 9 Push Ups
  • 12 Air Squats

I got 7 + 6 using 105#

Friday – Yoga Sculpt Class at Core Power Yoga through Class Pass

Saturday – Rest Day


PaleOMG Free Travel Workout

On Sale Activewear

Under Armour Hoodie (40% off)

Carbon38 Leggings (50% off)

Adidas Pureboost (55% off)

Alo Yoga Tank (20% off)

Beach Riot Crop Bra (30% off)


What I Ate in a Day:

Once I woke up, I started my day off how I always do – with coffee at 6am. I made a hot cup of nespresso with a tablespoon or so of heavy cream, some liquid stevia and a heaping tablespoon of collagen.

PaleOMG What I Ate in a Day

For breakfast, I had 1/2 a slice of Canyon Bakehouse gluten free bread with peanut butter and jelly on top. Then a hash made of Butcherbox pork sausage, peppers and apples.

Later in the morning after a workout, I had a cold brew coffee mixed with  a tablespoon or so of heavy cream, some liquid stevia and a heaping tablespoon of collagen, all blended together.

PaleOMG What I Ate in a Day

For lunch, I leftovers from the night before. Butcher box ground beef cooked in taco seasonings, cauliflower pureed, carrot fritters and tomato salsa.

For a snack in the afternoon, I had 1/2 container of almond milk yogurt mixed with some honey, cacao nibs, coconut chips and peanut butter powder.

PaleOMG What I Ate in a Day

For dinner that night, I went out to Greek food with a girlfriend. We shared a plate of garlic dip with veggies to begin, then I ate this entire gyro plate of beef, rice, hummus, salad, and tzaziki sauce. Then our server gave us both a free small baklava…oh hells yeah.


I may be compensated through affiliate links in this post, but all opinions are my own. This compensation helps with expenses to keep this blog up and running! Thank you for your support with PaleOMG!

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  1. Laura Satkowski says:

    Hi Juli- I’m dying to know where your plates and bowls are from! I love the simple pattern and I happen to be working on my wedding registry 😉 thanks!

  2. Cass says:

    Juli, guurrlll!!! Just finished your workout you posted with the warmup as well and it was amazing!! Loved being challenged! I’ve been a little nervous about trying your workouts because you’re on a different fitness level than I am, but I said “F it” and I just decided I was going to do the best I could and I did it! Love surprising myself with what I’m capable of. Thanks so much!! Looking forward to the next one!

    1. juli says:

      awesome!! glad i could help Cass!

  3. Melissa says:

    Thanks for sharing! Where is the Greek place you went to in dever? Looks amazing!!!

    1. juli says:

      i love Cafe Byblos!

  4. Kate says:

    Any specific brand of liquid stevia you like/recommend?

    1. juli says:

      i use 365 brand at whole foods!

  5. KariVery says:

    But.. I want to know what the HE double hockey sticks you are doing in that photo! 🙂

      1. KariVery says:

        Whew – man-o-man those are def NOT for sissies! I really liked that whole routine . It was super challenging and I’m looking forward to being able to actually complete the whole thing someday.

        1. juli says:

          right?! they are so crazy challenging!

  6. Cailee says:

    I did a workout of movements from the workout videos you’ve been sharing the other day while traveling for work – to Loveland…yuck. But I haven’t been this sore in so long! And it was fun! Thanks 😀

    1. juli says:

      that’s amazing!! glad i could help!

  7. Brooke says:

    1. I love you and I love following you. Thank you for being you and sharing yourself so freely. You kick ass.

    2. I read your post on your transformation photos and I feel like my body builds muscle super easy but isn’t letting go of fat ( I am currently 8 months postpartum from my second child so that’s a whole basket of hormone shit to sort through) and I feel like my body is building itself more similar to you when you were competing. I’m just not comfortable in my skin and want to be smaller and leaner. Did you find the most effective change for you to get where you are now to be training with lighter weights or a dietary change ? I’m trying to listen to my body but I’m not sure I know what the F it’s teling me. I feel stuck and fruatrated.

    3. When cutting back on sugar is their a recommended maximum gram intake to be considered low sugar?

    1. juli says:

      not being a profressional and not knowing anything about you and your actual lifestyle, it’s a little hard to say. but i always recommend people looking at their diet first and foremost. if you’re consuming alcohol and sugar regularly, it will be harder to see your results from the gym. i have ZERO clue about maximum gram intake, i don’t track that myself, but staying away from sugar as much as your can is so important. if you’re staying away from sugar, alcohol, and packaged goods, you’ll most likely see results. that means protein bars, chips, crackers, granola, oatmeal, etc. when you’re eating clean protein, tons of veggies, clean fat, and not overdoing it daily with carbs and fruit, you’ll see results. again, i’m not a professional nor do i know you personally, but that’s what i normally see with most people as well as myself.