Good morning and happy Monday out there!! It is all kinds of dreary here in Colorado this morning so I’m moving just a tad slower. But I’m still prepped and ready to get a great workout in this morning! Time to kick Monday off in the best way possible!
Last week on the blog, a reader asked if I could share my perspective on fitness throughout life which I thought was such a different type of topic that I’ve never really touched on.
- Ages 9-15 I swam on swim team in the summer then 2 years in high school
- Once I quit swim team, ages 16-18 were spent in gym trying to figure out how to lose weight because I had hit puberty and my weight quickly changed since my diet was terrible. I had one session with personal trainer to help me figure out how to lift some weights and get a little more comfortable in the gym.
- Ages 18-20 in college were spent HATING my body and feeling like I didn’t belong in the gym. I felt lost and insecure, so I mostly spent my time in the gym on the treadmill or stair master for hours at a time. The whole goal at this time in my life was to burn as many calories as possible.
- Ages 21-24 were spent in a CrossFit gym, working out multiple times per day in hopes of competing in the CrossFit Games. I only made it to Regionals twice, but this was a big life changing time for me because I finally stopped thinking about burning calories and concentrated on lifting goals instead.
- After competing and putting on 30 pounds, I decided to stop competing and begin lifting much lighter plus taking way more rest days. I began adding in different types of classes at this point like yoga sculpt, orange theory, and whatever else I felt like trying, while still going to 3-5 CrossFit classes per week.
- Just this year, I decided to take my fitness into my own hands and began programming for myself. For me, CrossFit got a little too hard on the body. I was dealing with imbalances along with constant aches and pains from the high amounts of reps and heavier weights. So nowadays I’m working out on my own most of the time, dividing up my days between upper body and lower body, then adding in some HIIT and cardio training. This stage has been the healthiest both physically and mentally for me. I’m able to recover, I can see some of the imbalances improving, and I’m feeling much more comfortable in my own skin.
I’ve been working out consistently since I was 20 years old, but I’ve gone through many different stages along the way. The constant throughout all of the changes is exercise. Whenever my body changed or I needed something different, instead of just giving up, I found something new that I loved. My fitness stages have gone from body self-hatred, to goal setting, to overall health. I’m constantly hoping to become more fit and change what my genetics have given me, but my long term goal is being physically able throughout my entire life. The muscles that I shape now at this age give me confidence, but they will continue to give me ability as I age.
This post is a good reminder about consistency. Goals will changes, abilities will change, but if the constant can stay the same (exercise), then you will continue to see and feel changes throughout. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing for exercise, it just matters that you’re doing it. Today, look back at your own fitness throughout the years and how your perspective has changed. Is your perspective getting healthier? Is your body thanking your for your hard work? I’d love to hear what you have experienced in your own fitness goals throughout the years? Tell me below!
Sunday – Boxing Class at Fly Kickbox through Class Pass
Monday – Lower Body & Core Workout – video coming to instagram soon
3 rounds of:
- 10 Bulgarian Split Squats + 10 Bulgarian Split Squat Kickbacks + 10 Jumping Bulgarian Split Squats (each side)
- 15 Cable Hip Abductors (each side)
- 10 Single Leg Slider Mountain Climbers (each side)
3 rounds of:
- 10 Light Hip Thrusts + 10 Second Hold at Top + 10 Hip Thrust Pulses
- 15 Cable Squat into Cable Deadlift
- 10 Bear Hold Slides (right leg) + 10 Bear Hold Slides (left leg) + 20 Mountain Climbers
3 rounds of (on each side):
- 10 Single Leg Hip Thrusts
- 10 Eccentric Single Leg Hip Thrusts
- 10 B Stance Hip Thrusts
- 10 Sec Pause Single Leg Hip Thrust
Tuesday – Upper Body Workout + Abs – see ab movements here (upper body movements coming to instagram soon)
3 rounds of:
- 10 Assisted Pull Ups
- 10 Rotational KB Cleans (each side)
3 rounds of:
- 15 Seated Cable Rope Bicep Curls
- 10 Standing Cable Lab Push Downs
- 15 Kneeling Cable Rope Tricep Extensions
3 rounds of:
- 10 Assisted Chin Ups
- 10 KB Pull Throughs (each side)
TRX Abs – 3 rounds of:
- 10 TRX Pikes
- 20 Total TRX Mountain Climbers
- 12 Total Alt TRX Oblique Crunches
- 10 Total Alt TRX Shoulder Taps
Wednesday – 20 Min Cardio Workout – see movements here
Jump Rope –
- 15 sec double unders 15 rest
- 30 sec double unders 15 rest
- 45 sec double unders 15 rest
- 60 sec double unders 15 rest
- 45 sec double unders 15 rest
- 30 sec double unders 15 rest
- 15 sec double unders 15 rest
Exercise Ball Abs – 1 round of:
- 30 Knee Tucks
- 30 Toe Taps
- 20 Oblique Crunches
Treadmill – 5 rounds of:
- 30 sec sprint*
- 1 min jog
*increase incline each sprint (I started at incline 4 and ended at 12. My sprint pace was 7.2 and jog pace was 5.5)
Plank Abs – 1 round of:
- 30 Shoulder Taps
- 30 Sec Bear Hold
- 30 Bear Hold Reach & Crunch (15 each side)
Thursday – Rest Day
Friday – Lower Body & Abs Workout
3 rounds of:
- 8 Skater Squats with Plate (each side)
- 10 Goblet KB Curtsy Lunges (each side)
- 12 Single Leg Hip Thrusts (each side)
3 rounds of:
- 10 Single Leg Deadlifts w/ KB (each side)
- 14 Alt Total Double KB Lateral Lunges
- 20 Feet Elevated Glute Bridge
3 rounds of:
- 10 Single Leg Romanian Deadlift w/ Plate on Back (one leg kneeling on bench), each side
- 15 Standing Weighted Lateral Leg Raise (each side)
- 20 Forward Lean Seated Banded Abductors – 20 Seated Banded Abductors – 20 Leaning Back Seated Banded Abductors
TRX Abs – 3 rounds of:
- 10 TRX Pikes
- 20 Total TRX Mountain Climbers
- 12 Total Alt TRX Oblique Crunches
- 10 Total Alt TRX Shoulder Taps
Saturday – Rest Day
Zella Sports Bra (40% off)
lululemon Jacket (30% off)
Alo Sports Bra (40% off)
lululemon Tie Tee (30% off)
adidas UltraBOOST (15% off)
What I Ate in a Day:
Once I woke up, I started my day off how I always do – with coffee at 6am. I made a hot cup of nespresso with a tablespoon or so of heavy cream, some liquid stevia and a heaping tablespoon of collagen.
After my morning workout, I made an easy breakfast including an apple/jicama slaw with lemon juice, olive oil, and dill. Then I topped it with hard raw goat cheese, smoked salmon, salami, and garlic sauce.
Then I had a second coffee with cold brew, heavy cream and stevia.
I made a carrot salad for the blog that day so I paired that with some smoked salmon for a quick lunch.
For a snack, I had half a peanut butter chocolate chip Pro Bar Live energy bar.
For dinner, I made a bowl with white rice, air fryer plantains, cherry tomato and cucumber salad, and chicken cooked in a green chile enchilada sauce.
I may be compensated through affiliate links in this post, but all opinions are my own. This compensation helps with expenses to keep this blog up and running! Thank you for your support with PaleOMG!
Exercise has always been an important part of my life – I just feel better when I do it! I am learning to listen to my body better as I get older – I used to just “push through” the pain or an injury but now I rest if I need to. This is still a struggle for me and I am trying to let go of guilt when I don’t work out but I’ve come a long way!
let that guilt go girl!! your body needs rest! and you’re going to see better results when you do rest!
I’ve been loving the bowls you’ve been posting lately! I get sick of salads really quickly so I love the bowls because they are packed with veggies without being a boring salad lol
i’m all about bowls and never about salads lol
This really hit home. Similar to you I’ve always been in o ne form of workout out throughout my life.
13 years through college – volleyball
23-30 did my own thing at the gym
32-34 became a runner
34-41 did a high intensity boot camp style workout (ugh the wreckage to my body)
41 to now I run, lift and complete HIIT workouts, but man have my goals have changed. It’s not be be a certain size or weight (I struggled with that a lot in my younger years), or the fastest timed mile runner out there, or even to kill myself with weights, but rather to be healthy in mind and body so that I can continue to maintain that health as I grow old.
I wish sometimes that it didn’t take me so long to figure out what real health looks like for me, but maybe the only way for me to get here was that journey.
My main mantra now is to love myself, love what my body can do, and appreciate all it is able to do. I know know that’s so much more important than numbers on a scale or how fast I can run that marathon in.
Thank you so much for this post. It’s such a positive reminder that we all have journeys and how we can learn so much from them!!!!
always learning!! i always feel the same way about finding health and exercise earlier on and understanding it more, but it really is all about the journey!