I am finally back in Colorado after 5 days in Costa Rica! Usually on vacations, I work out just a little bit, but then take plenty of time off. This vacation was not like that. It was full of hot workouts on the beach, in the gym then at the hotel. I mean, it was a fitness retreat so everyone was trying to get fit AF! It was pretty cool to see that when we told people that a workout was optional, everyone still wanted to join in. So let’s talk about our workouts! Then be sure to check back on the blog tomorrow for a complete recap of the past week!
Sunday – CrossFit at Home
1 mile run
Then 5 rounds for time of:
7 power snatch (95/65)
14 dips
21 v-ups
Monday – Crossfit at Home
3 rounds of:
26 double kettlebell walking lunges (I used 2×25# kettlebells)
15 reverse hypers with ball (I used a 6# ball)
15 back extension + dumbbell row
Then 5 rounds for time:
10 barbell lunge with jumping lunge (left leg)
10 burpees
10 barbell lunge with jumping lunge (right leg)
200m run
See a video of the movements here
Tuesday – Rest day/travel day to Costa Rica
Wednesday – Workout in my hotel gym
5 rounds of:
400m run
20 jumping air squats
15 hand release push ups
10 burpees
then 3 rounds of:
40 russian twists with med ball and 10 physio ball pass throughs
Later on in the day – Group workout of:
1 person running (probably 100-150m)
1 person doing air squats
1 person doing burpees
Thursday –
With a partner complete:
200 jumping lunges (1 per leg)
50 partner push ups (both do a push up facing each other then clap with right hands, then push up and clap with leg hands)
100 partner sit ups (feet to feet, you both do a sit up and clap hands on the top of the sit up)
*every 2 minutes, complete 4 partner burpees (one person lies down, the other on does a burpee, jumps over the person and does another burpee over the partner then lies down and the other person completes their burpees the same way)
Workout at Mucho Musculo (everyone did a group workout that we created or they lifted by themselves)
Afterwards I did:
3 rounds of:
7 bicep curls
10 upright row
then 7×7 of back squats
Friday –
National park run/walk
Then later on we did a tabata workout of: (4 minutes of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest – go through 4 minutes of one movements before moving on to the next)
handstand holds the wall sits then forearm planks
Saturday – Group beach workout
With a team of 5, complete 5 rounds of:
Station 1: 10 front squats with sandbag – 50 ft run – 10 front squats – 50ft run
Station 2: squat holds
Station 3: tuck jumps
Station 4: flutterkicks
Station 5: rest
Station 1 starts the workout. They begin the front squats and so on and the entire group starts their movement. Then once station 1 gets back, you move from station to station until each person completes 5 rounds of each movement.
Then paddleboarding at sunset
Favorite Workout Attire Right Now: Pops of Colors and Staples!
Black and Grey Running Shorts (33% off)
Nike Fleece Cape Jacket (25% off)
Purple Ray Zip Up Jacket (40% off)
Fuchsia & Black Nikes (30% off)
What I Ate in a Day:
Every day started out about the same when it came to food in Costa Rica. We would start off with breakfast at the hotel: rice, black beans, eggs over easy, avocado, sweet plantains, and a corn tortilla. I wouldn’t usually clean my plate since I knew we would be doing a workout on the beach pretty early on.
After a morning workout on the beach, a man with a cart full of fresh coconuts would pull up and use a machete to crack open a coconut and hand us a straw! It was the perfect, delicious treat right after the workout.
After hanging out on the beach, we normally headed to Cafe Milagro to grab coffee and/or lunch. I would get the Vanilla Chilla that was espresso, almond milk and vanilla. It was superbly delicious.
Next we grabbed lunch and I got the fish with some sort of root vegetable and other veggies. Obviously with LOTS of turmeric! It was divine and I couldn’t even finish the whole things since it was so much food.
After pool time, we walked down to the farmers market to wander and see the sunset over the marina. The farmers market had all sorts of fruits, veggies, meats and cute little trinkets. One of the girls on our trip found that they were serving ceviche so I got a little cup full and it was AMAZING. Hands down the best ceviche I have ever had. Can’t wait to try to make my own!
We usually ate dinner back at our hotel, which included either fish or chicken. I decided fish one night and ate it with some rice, sweet plantains, squash mixture and a little salad and corn tortilla.
What majorly lacked in my week in Costa Rica was water. You have to drink so much more than you would in Colorado since you’re constantly sweating. And since we were in a group of 20, the server wasn’t filling up our water as quickly as we needed. So I felt dehydrated all.the.time. Coming back from my CF trip, my ankles swelled up all chunky from flying and no water.
You always have such amazing workouts! I’m so jealous of your strength! BTW, the food looks phenomenal. Costa Rica is a magical vacation spot!
Sounds like an awesome trip! Sunset paddle boarding looked so cool. I just did tabata handstand holds last week and they were a lot harder than I expected!
My feet and calves used to swell all the time from drinking too much alcohol. Lucky that doesn’t really happen anymore since I don’t drink like I did in college. The food looks so good there. I could get down on beans, rice, plantains, and fish every day! Two other bloggers I flow just did a fitness retreat in Cali and it looked so fun!
Such a fun post! Love seeing all the food – that ceviche though. Yum!