Six hours of sleep in the past 2 days is kind of awful. What is it about Vegas that makes you feel like you don’t need sleep? Scratch that, I do feel like I need sleep. I want a lot of sleep right now. But instead I will be flying back to Colorado today to get back to the gym and back to my routine. Two days in Vegas, two pool parties, two clubs, and surprisingly, only 2 drinks! I really didn’t want to drink much on this trip because alcohol makes me feel bloated and gross, so I would have one giant drink when I got to the pool then would just ride it out the rest of the day with soda water and lime. Nothing like paying $10+ for a small soda water. They sure know how to f*ck ya in Vegas. Why do we continue to pay that much for stuff there? Whyyyy?

You guys, I seriously CANNOT WAIT to tell you my favorite things I saw in Vegas over the weekend. Cannot wait.

BUT right now it’s about being fit. And none of that was happening in Vegas. But I will talk about something I learned in Vegas in this post: so many people don’t take care of themselves. Because you know what? Taking care of yourself is hard. It’s hard work. You have to constantly think about what you will be eating next, where your food is coming from, when you are going to workout, how you are going to make it to the gym on time, blah, blah, blah. Taking care of yourself is much more challenging than eating sh*tty food and sitting on the couch. But dude, you’re only given one life, don’t you want it to be long? Don’t you want to be able to stand upright and walk around the Vegas casino when you’re 80 because you chose real food and strengthened your muscles every week? Don’t you want your body to be physically able to keep moving and doing what you love even as your age? Health is a commitment and it sucks and it’s hard and challenging and frustrating. But that’s what makes it all worth it. As I look around in Vegas, I wish I could tell more people to get their sh*t together. I know that sounds harsh, but I truly wish I could. Get your sh*t together now so you can have a better future. You may not know what that future looks like, but if you start right now making the conscious decision that you will continue to eat healthier, workout harder and take care of your body, your future life will be even better than you imagined.

This was the sh*t I thought about all weekend while sober at a pool filled with women in thong swimsuits. The words aren’t coming as easily as I had hoped since my brain is functioning on about 5% but it will be better next week. So just do it. Go get your sh*t together. Go to the gym today. Drink water instead of pop. Get the grilled chicken instead of fried chicken. Make the steps to a better future and do it now. You’re worth it. Remember that.

Sunday – Rest day

Monday –

4 Rounds For Time- Moving with purpose. (15 min Time Cap)

12 Strict HSPU

12 Strict Pull Ups

12 Strict Ring Dips

I got 3 rounds + 3 reps doing HSPU to 1 ab mat, 8 strict pulls ups every time and 12 bench dips with feet elevated

Then 12 min AMRAP Of:

10 Front Squats (185/125)

20 Cal Row

300m Run

I got 3 rounds + 5 front squats using 85# and doing 20 calories on air dyne bike

Tuesday –

Every 90 sec for 12 mins: Push Jerk into Split Jerk (3 sec pause in dip for both movements). All sets between 55 & 80% – I got to 125#

Then As Far As Possible in 6 mins:

30 Double Unders

3-6-9-12-15…Power Clean (135/95)

– 3 min REST THEN –

As Far As Possible in 6 mins:

30 Double Unders

3-6-9-12-15…Push Jerk (135/95)

I got 15+37 then 15+42 using 85#

Wednesday –

Back Squats: 3 x 10. All sets at 74%. (13 mins) – I used 135# – video here

Then 3 Rounds For Time Of: (16 min time cap)

400m Run

15 Deadlift (255/175)

20 Burpees

I finished in 12:16 using 125#

Thursday –

EMOM x 5: 1 Clean with 3 sec pause at knee + 1 Clean. All @ 70% – I used 100#

Immediately into EMOM x 5: 2 Cleans @ 80% – I used 110#

Immediatley into EMOM x 3: 1 Clean @ 90% – I used 115#

Then In groups of 3: 6 min AMRAP Calories On Assault Bike – Must Swap every 10 Calories. – I think we got 124 calories

Lastly 7 min AMRAP Of;

9 Toes 2 Bar

15 Wall Ball

I got 6+5 rx

Friday – Rest day – too sore to workout

Saturday – Rest day…aka party in Vegas day


At Home/Travel Workout:

22 minute AMRAP:

10 burpees

10 dumbbell front squats (2 dumbbells)

10 dumbbell push press

On Sale Fitness Apparel:

Zip Up Jacket (33% off – 2 colors)

Black and White Print Leggings (50% off – 3 colors)

This Cute Coral Tank (30% off – 6 colors)

These Super Cool Nikes (45% off – 9 colors)

This Grey Tank (45% off)


What I Ate in a Day on My Rest Day:

Here’s what I ate on a rest day (requested by a reader) the day before I left for Vegas for the weekend so I had barely any food left in the house.

Started my day with a glass of Chameleon Cold Brew coffee with a splash of heavy cream and a few drop of liquid stevia.


After finishing up my blog and newsletter, I took Jackson out for a walk and was pretty damn ready to eat once I got home. But sadly, I didn’t have much food left in the fridge, so I reached into the freezer for frozen bananas to make my Chunky Monkey Shake from Juli Bauer’s Paleo Cookbook and I added in some Great Lakes gelatin for protein!


After errands, snack shopping for Vegas and a chiropractor appointment, I stopped by Mod Market for lunch. I got pretty much what I get every time I go there: a chicken plate with arugula salad and red smashed potatoes. Can’t get enough of that restaurant!


After finishing packing for Vegas, I had a yogurt around 2.


Then a handful of Terra sweet potato chips and a small handful of these chocolate covered coconut (I’m not a huge fan of them so I’ve had them for a while and just eat them here or there if I have nothing else). IMG_7565

At the end of the night, around 7, my husband and I went to dinner at Izakaya Den (our favorite sushi restaurant) to hang out before I left for Vegas. We both ordered drinks and I had this cocktail with blood orange and jalapeño that’s sooooo good. I ordered 2 but only drank about 1 1/3 because they are just a tad too sugary. Then I had a seared tuna nigiri roll and seared scallop nigiri roll as well. Then we ordered 2 rolls and had just a few of each because they weren’t the best rolls we’ve had there. No pictures because I was face deep in my cocktail.

And that’s that!

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  1. Nicole Sabo says:

    Hi Julie,

    Thanks for being so awesome and sharing recipes and workouts! I have a few questions for you…I am heading over to Europe next week and I have been doing crossfit and I don’t want to stop working out while I am gone. Any recommendations on what I should do while I am in Europe for “at home” exercises?


    1. juli says:

      any body weight movements! i share lots of body weight workouts in my monday posts so you could go back in my other monday posts to help figure out workout to do when you are in europe!!

  2. Andrea says:

    Hey! What snacks did you bring with you to Vegas? I’m curious about eating healthy while traveling. Thank you!

    1. juli says:

      i brought justin’s almond butter packets, larabars and rx bars!

  3. Nicole Sabo says:

    I’m heading out of the county and I’ve been doing crossfit. I don’t want to loss what I have gained in strength whIle being gone but I won’t have any access to a gym or equipment. Any suggestions on what I can do while I’m gone to keep moving forward with my workouts?


    1. juli says:

      just do bodyweight workouts! i share lots of those kinds of workouts in my Monday posts!

  4. Cassie says:

    I totally agree. Looking around, there are so many people doing destructive things to their bodies–whether through eating poorly, siting all day, smoking, drinking, etc.–and I wish I could tell them how amazing it is to start eating healthily and exercising on a regular basis! Anyways, I absolutely love your mantras on treating yourself right. You are worth it and you deserve so much more! 🙂 And I definitely have to try the Chunky Monkey shake soon! Sounds delicious!

  5. JESSICA says:

    All I have to say is WOW, you hit the nail on the head with this post about people not taking care of themselves! Yes, no one is perfect. Yes, it is not easy to take care of yourself 24/7, but you only have one life to live and you have to make it the best life ever! After starting to lift in March, I am in the best shape in my life. I am healthy and I am not afraid to eat clean and train dirty.
    Thank you for this post! You’re the! 🙂

  6. Katie says:

    I simply love this blog. That is all.

    1. juli says:

      you’re the best, katie! thank you!