It’s hard to always be a leader. Whether it’s being a leader at work, or with our children, or relationship, or with our friends. But if we can take a leadership role in our own lives, more people will take notice. I say this after hearing some questions over the weekend about how to get a friend or a spouse involved with eating healthier and it’s usually not just as easy as asking them. Sometimes you just have to lead by example. When I first met my husband, he didn’t eat gluten free or paleo and I never told him he should. All I did was cook my normal meals, stick to my normal paleo eating habits and going to the gym, and I think he finally took notice of those behaviors and ended up asking me about paleo and if it would be a good fit for him.

At the end of the day, it’s not your responsibility to change other people’s behaviors. Whether you want them to stop smoking, stop chewing, start working out, start eating better; you have no control over what they decide to do with their own body. What you do have control over is what you put in your mouth, what effort you put in at the gym, and the hard work you put in to your own life. And if you are working your hardest, others will take notice. Your children will emulate those behaviors, your spouse may want to begin to take responsibility of their own life, and you will be able to continue with your healthy habits because more people around you will be doing them same.

Whenever you’re thinking about not working out or not eating healthy, remember that others take notice. Especially those squishy little brain children around you. I don’t have kids, but I’ve watched so many kids grow up and take on the same behaviors of their parents, whether those are good or bad behaviors. Lead by example. Take care of your body, be kind to others, and put your best foot forward in all aspects of your life so you can be surrounded by others who do the same! Be a leader, even when you don’t feel like it!

Sunday – Rest day/Travel back to Colorado from Omaha/Super hungover day

Monday – CrossFit Broadway Class

EMOM x 7: 1 Squat Clean + Pause Dip + Split Jerk. All @ 70% – 100#

Immediately into: EMOM x 5: 1 Squat Clean & Split Jerk @ 80% – 115#

Immediately into: EMOM x 3: 1 x Squat Clean & Split Jerk @ Add As You Wish – 125#

Then 2 x 5 min AMRAP’s Of:

2-4-6-8-10… Hang Squat Cleans (155/105)

30 Double Unders

– REST 2 mins between AMRAP’s –

I got 10+5 then 10+6 using 85#

Tuesday – Rest day/Travel to Phoenix for book signing

Wednesday – Hotel gym workout with Diane and Cassy in Phoenix – see video here

Every minute on the minute for 18 minutes complete:

14 jumping squats

7 burpees

So in the first minute, you will complete 14 jumping squats AND 7 burpees. The hope is to get 10-20 seconds rest each minute and finish the workout with the same 14 jumping squats and 7 burpees. I finished with 14/7, Diane finished with 10/6 and Cassy finished with 10/5.

Thursday – Hotel gym workout with Diane and Cassy in Kansas City – see video here

800m run – 21 one legged deadlifts (each leg – I used 2×25# dumbbells) – 21 burpees – 21 lying leg lifts

600 – 18 – 18 – 18

400 – 15 – 15 – 15

200 – 12 -12 – 12

100 – 9 – 9 – 9

We all finished under 30 minutes but didn’t keep track of the exact time – I used 2×25 dumbbells

Friday – Rest day/Travel to Denver for book signing

Saturday – CrossFit Broadway Class

Partner 25 minute AMRAP – together complete:

40 thrusters (115/75)

40 calorie row

40 barbell lunges (115/75)

470m run – must run together

We finished 3 rounds – I think


Free Travel Workout:

See Thursday or Saturday Workout

On Sale Fitness Apparel:

Favorite New Workout Music:

Side to Side by Arian Grande

Closer by Chainsmokers

Cold Water by Major Lazer

What I Ate in a Day While Traveling:

I’m planning to do a post soon about how to stay healthy while traveling and little tricks/tips on what to pack and how to look for restaurants when traveling, so stay tuned for that! This is a peek inside when I ate while traveling on book tour. This was a day that started in Phoenix and ended in Kansas City. The Phoenix hotel had a kitchen in the room so we were able to cook some food while touring!

Before our morning workout, I had two larabar balls (see photo below) along with some Jackson’s sweet potato chips. After the workout, Diane and Cassy made a breakfast of medium boiled eggs, sautéed kale, bacon, and leftover pork and pineapple cooked in the bacon fat.


After breakfast, we headed to the airport where I had a Justin’s chocolate hazelnut butter packet!


After the flight, I ended up eating 1/2 an epic bar (because I shared it with Cassy) and 2 more larabar balls while we waited for our taxi.

Once we stopped by the hotel to check in, we got in another cab that drove us 30 minutes outside the city to a Whole Foods. I grabbed a little package of 6 nigiri tuna and salmon sushi then made a hot bar mix of broccoli, potatoes and some salmon. Washed it down with some ginger kombucha and lots of water since we were traveling and getting dehydrated all day.

I finished the night off with one Heavenly Organics chocolate honey mint!



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  1. Samara says:

    Closer and Side by Side are my favourite workout songs too… Along with cold water by JB and heathens by 21 pilots ????

  2. Molly says:

    Thanks, Juli! I can’t wait to try these on the road in Boston. Seeing that you did 25# for those deadlifts is very motivating! Thank you for sharing!

  3. Alyssa says:

    Sweet Jesus, Juli! I did Thursday’s workout on Monday this week. Holy hamstrings! Thanks for the awesome workouts. They are definitely my go to when I can’t make it to Crossfit or need to get something in on my lunch break. Also, your snapchats are hilarious.