Reality is officially in full swing over here in the PaleOMG household. After 12 hours of travel yesterday followed by not arriving at home until 1am, I’m a tad pooped. Rejuvenated from amazing vacation, but still pooped. I’m not really sure what restless leg syndrome is, but based on the commercials I’ve seen, I have it. My late night flight last night had me CONSTANTLY moving in my seat and my feet feeling like they were swelling and twitching. Terrible. Maybe it’s just my legs itching for an awesome workout!
While I was on my 9 day vacation, I tried to work out as much as possible. And that meant working out as soon as I had my coffee in the morning. If I waited any longer, it wasn’t going to happen as the hot day went on and the sugary cocktails went down. And while on a vacation like this, I didn’t worry much about a crazy hard workout, I just worried about moving. Some days were easier than others, but no matter what, I was happy with getting in some sort of movement.
If you can get creative while traveling, you can workout really anywhere. You can run outside, work out in your hotel gym, or in your hotel room, or stop in a gym near you. Because honestly, you just need that lovely body of yours to get a good workout in. Almost all my workouts during the week were using only my body weight and making them up on the spot. Walk, run, swim, hike, jump, squat, lunge, push up, dip…just move. That’s what is important for the body. If you’re anything like me, you spend most days getting a hard workout in, so when you’re on vacation, it’s a good time to relax and let the body heal from all the stress of normal workouts.
And now that I’m back home, I cannot wait to get back in the gym and get my body feeling back to normal. No more sugary drinks, no more dessert after every dinner, just getting back to basics! Staying healthy on vacation is possible, it’s just not about perfection. Because perfection on vacation would really suck ass!
Sunday – Workout on boat – see here
4 rounds –
20/20 Bulgarian split squats
10 shoulder tap push ups
20 lying leg lifts
20 total walking lunges
Monday – Workout on shore – see here
100m-ish Sprint – 30 mountain climbers – Lunge back – 20 burpees
Sprint – 30 mountain climbers – Banded Side steps back – 20 burpees
Sprint- 30 Mountain climbers – Broad squat jumps back – 20 burpees
Sprint – 30 Mountain climbers – Spiderman crawls back – 20 burpees
Tuesday – Rest Day
Wednesday – Workout on boat – see here
5 rounds:
10/10 seated pistols
10 pike push ups
10 burpees
10/10 one legged deadlifts
Thursday –
~300m beach run – 20 jumping squats – 15 push ups – 10 burpees
~300m beach run – 20 jumping lunges – 15 pike push ups – 10 tuck jumps
~300m beach run – 10/10 one legged deadlifts – 15 push ups – 30 mountain climbers
~300m beach run – 20 crab kicks – 15 shoulder tap push ups – 10 burpees
Friday –
~50m freestyle swim to shore
Then 4 rounds of –
20 jumping squats
10 shoulder tap push ups
20 total jumping lunges
10 burpee pops
Beach run (~200-300m)
After the 4 rounds, ~50m freestyle swim back to the boat
Saturday – Rest day
Free Travel Workout:
See Every Workout From This Week Above!
On Sale Activewear:
Nike Cool Tank (33% off)
Zobha Leggings (50% off)
Nike Flex Running Shoes (25% off)
Asics Training Shoes (22% off)
Zella Midi Leggings (33% off)
I may be compensated through affiliate links in this post, but all opinions are my own. This compensation helps with expenses to keep this blog up and running! Thank you for your support with PaleOMG!
This is great, but I’m ready to hear your (belated) Bachelorette recap!
Me too!!
Good for you and great attitude. I love to travel but used to worry that I’d lose the results I worked so hard for by taking time out from my normal gym routine and clean eating, so would stress if I couldn’t get to the hotel gym for a good workout an hour a day, 6 days a week (which is now more than what I train when at home anyway). Was always too embarrassed to admit that to anyone! But the last few years I have taken the same attitude as you. It’s allowed me to relax and enjoy travel more and realize that if I stay healthy on vacation I won’t lose my results. If I can get a workout in here and there, then great. If I can’t, or just don’t feel like it, then it really doesn’t matter. I also started taking a week off any working out at least twice a year (except for light exercise like walking and hiking) and find I always come back stronger and achieve new goals. Good to give the body and mind a break sometimes. Great to hear you enjoyed your trip and thanks for sharing these workouts with us.
I LOVE your travel workout ideas. I have a hard time coming up with ideas on my own for a quick workout. These have been a lifesaver on more than one occasion. Thank you!
glad i could help!
I’m the weirdo that works out more when traveling (either for work OR vacation) – there are so many fewer things battling for my time! Someone else cooking? check! Only the three outfits I packed to choose from? check! Awake early with no dvr to catch up on shows? check! No chores or errands that can be accomplished anyway? Check annnnnd Check!
Yup. weirdo. And I’m bookmarking this post for my next out of town trip, thank you for sharing your awesome workouts with us!
Just wanted to share a tip–I have had the same issue with restless legs on planes. It was awful on the last long overnight flight I did. Thankfully, I had randomly packed compression socks in my carry on. Literally, five minutes after I put them on, my legs felt SO much better. I’ll never travel without them on a long flight again. Just an idea to try on your next flight!
totally need to get some. i was about to scream in my seat, it was miserable!
I was a big fan of that cable workout! I totally agree, I was at a bachelorette over the weekend and it was amazing but other than a pole dancing class we didn’t do much working out. It’s only a couple days so I don’t worry about it, plus my early riser friend and I started each day with a long walk plus we did more walking around later on! Plus dancing totally counts as a workout right?
Great workouts. I love that you did these because you felt like it and truly wanted to, not from a place of punishment for enjoying your treats on vacation. I set a barometer for myself on vacation, if I wake up feeling like I want a good run on the beach, then I go for it. But, if it’s because I’m having cocktails and letting loose and I feel I need to lose weight, then I skip it.
I tried both of your boat workouts as they are perfect for my office gym… which is not much bigger than a boat (but it’s free dollars a month so I’m not complaining!). It’s great to have workout options that don’t take up much space if it’s a busy day at the gym. Thanks Juli!
Ok after MUCH googling and creeping through your IG hoping to find a video, I still don’t know for sure what a burpee pop is. Can you explain? Thanks!
you can see them here: