Yep, post workout donut. Sometimes you just gotta have a gluten free sprinkle donut. Especially when my friend Katie is in her off season of training for Regionals. I like that Katie.
I’ve had some people, probably at least a whopping three, ask me to post a little more about my workouts. They’re pretty easy to find because most of the time, when I’m not traveling, I’m just following workouts from my gym CrossFit Broadway. I don’t like coming up with my own workouts unless I absolutely have to. This is pretty much the only place I like to be told what to do. I don’t have to think about much, I just turn my brain off, lift a little, breathe really hard, sweat more than I knew possible, then go home after an hour. When I started doing CrossFit 4 years ago, that was what seemed so attractive about it: you work out for less than an hour, you sweat like a wilder beast, you look great, and then you’re done. It’s awesome. So that is what I’ve stuck to for 4 years. After competing for 3 of those years, now I lift a lot lighter, I only workout once a day, and I rest whenever my body tells me to.
The more I do these posts, the more I hope to incorporate some pictures of the workouts. But I personally feel a little weird asking the coach to get a picture of me when I’m not looking like hangy dog balls, instead of paying attention to the other athletes working out. So for today, all you get is a post workout donut picture. Ugh. I suck.
So here is what last week looked like:
Sunday – made up workout with my friend Jeremy
5 Rounds For Time Of:
7 Power Snatches (115/75)
5 muscle ups for guys/3 muscle ups for girls
50 double unders
200m run
I finished in 19:54
Monday – rest day – I ate some ice cream, made some fish tacos, watched some episodes of 24. Rest days are magical.
Tuesday – regular workout in a class
Strict Press: 3-3-3 – I finished at 80#
Push Press: 4-4-4 – I finished at 115#
Push Jerk: 5-5-5 – I finished at 125#
Add weight every set (15 mins)
5 Rounds For Time Of:
10 C2B Pull Ups – I did regular pull ups
30 Double Unders
10 Push Jerks (135/95) – I used 85#
30 Double Unders
My time was 10:39
Wednesday – regular workout in a class
Hang Snatch: 3 Reps Every 90 sec for 9 sets (12 mins). Hold onto bar. Start at 70%, add as you go. – I ended up getting a 3 rep max of 115#
3 Rounds For Time Of:
200m Run
32 Wall Ball – I used a 14# ball
24 KB Swings (70/55) – I used a 45# kettlebell
16 Box Jumps (30/24) – I used a 24″ box
I finished in 14:41 with
Thursday – made up a workout with my friends Katie and Tommy
Handstand push ups (to the floor with kipping)
Deadlift (225/155) – I did 125, Katie and Tommy did Rx weight
Toes to bar
rest 5 minutes
Handstand push ups (to the floor with kipping)
Deadlift (225/155)
Toes to bar
The first 21-15-9 took me 12:58, the second 9-15-21 took me 14:17
Friday – rest day – I ate an apple pie pancake from Snooze, went shopping, and had sushi. Carb loading on rest days seems to be a regular occurrence. And I’m into it.
“Whitman” – Hero workout I did in a class
7 rounds for time:
15 kettlebell swings (55/35)
15 power cleans (95/65)
15 box jumps (24,20)
I did the workout as prescribed and it took me 17:18
What are you doing for your workouts nowadays??
I’ve been into running for years – now it’s more racewalking, since the impact isn’t so good for my knees, and lately I’ve added another workout that Is mostly High Intensity Training, and involves a lot of burpees, weight lifting, and major sweating. I feel like a really strong beast; it’s great. It is so not fair that you can still look adorable after a workout and are not all red and sweaty like I always am when I am done!
This is awesome, new favorite tab!! I love them all, but this will be my new favorite! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Love your post! (Actually, all of them!) Quick question about your workouts – when you say you lift lighter, do you find you’re still leaning out? I’d prefer to lift lighter but still want to lean out at the same time. Any advice from your experience? Thanks!
I don’t know if I’ve leaned out, but I’ve lost a little bit of weight with lifting lighter
Snooze in Colorado?! That place is so good! We did “the Gauntlet” last week, and will be doing this workout again in 6 weeks to compare times.
“The Gauntlet”
30 Front squats (RX: bodyweight, 3/4 bodyweight)
30 Dead-hang Pull-ups (20 for RX females)
30 Burpees
30 Deadlifts (RX: bodyweight)
300 m Farmer’s carry (RX: 53 / 35 lbs each hand)
1 mile Run
Itssssss pretty brutal. But oh so wonderful all at the same time.
Props for doing the RX weight on Whitman! That one looks killer!
Thanks for posting your workouts. I was wondering how you got into such impressive shape! Maybe a workout book should be the next project????
hahaha i don’t see myself in THAT good of shape. head to any cf gym and there are girls in way better shape then me!