If you’re anything like me…you go for days without washing your hair. But who wants to wash and style it every day then do the same thing all over again in just 24 short hours? Not me. Especially when I am just going to work out and get it super sweaty. So whenever my hair is greasy and out of control, I use this method to make it look like I have my sh*t together.

If you have fine or thin hair, this is a great way to get volume and more “poof” to your top knot! And the more you do it, the better you’ll get at it! Play around with it and I hope this helps you on your greasiest of days!

Links from video:

Be sure to check out more of my beauty vlogs including my natural curls vlog, how I do my makeup, and  7 ways to tie a blanket scarf! And if you have anything you would like to see or have me chat about, feel free to leave a comment below! All of these videos have come to life because you guys have requested it so I can’t wait to hear more from you! So THANK YOU for all your advice and help! It’s been so fun trying new things and it’s all because of you guys! PS – watch for Jackson’s cute lil’ bum in this video!

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  1. Rita says:

    You’re so much fun to listen to…love your podcasts! Thanks for the tutorial and for the Jackson bonus at the end! I want a frenchie so bad…I think my husband is almost on-board!

    1. juli says:

      keep pushing they come around haha!

  2. Sarah says:

    You are hilarious! Love the top knot – I’m a new mom and I’ve been struggling to do something with my hair so it looks like I tried but actually doesn’t take a lot of effort. WINNER WINNER! I just downloaded your podcast and now I’m so excited to listen after watching this video 🙂

  3. Jeannette says:

    ok, so. easy, yes. in theory this should work. but i have long hair. like, longer than when you go to your stylist and you tell them it’s long and they’re like no honey that extra extra long. (best run on sentence??)

    so i’ll have to wrap and wrap for days. my bun will equal 1/4 bun and 3/4 wrapped hair hahaaa!

    but for real. now i’m bummed because i’ve been calling for this tutorial for forever and i can’t even do it. whomp. BUT!

    1. thanks for posting. you’s a rockstar
    2. i literally can’t with how cute puppy j is
    3. that SHIRT <3
    4. you are adorbs

  4. Andrea says:

    So, just now looking at this post (because topknots…my hair if FINALLY long enough) and was trying to look back through your closet to see how it’s organized. I love looking through the weekly fashion posts, but have you ever done a post about how you organize all of those clothes and accessories? How much do you currently keep and do you have a system for purging? (such as ‘one-in-one-out) I’d love to see your closet organization and hear some more about your system for keeping it current.

    1. juli says:

      so i use my normal closet with my husband then i have an office that is my second closet, with items that need to be worn and photographed. and once i’m done with those items and they are moving to my closet in my bedroom, i have to get rid of other items. my rule is i can’t buy more hangers so i have to purge items regularly. i would love to show my organization, but it’s really not organized lol