You know what’s the worst thing about Thanksgiving? When you walk into a Thanksgiving party and dinner doesn’t start until 3 or 4…but then there are no snacks around. Who does that?! Bad people, that’s who. There should always be snacks. ALWAYS. If you’re expecting me to make small talk with people I haven’t seen in a year, you better feed me all throughout your party. Luckily I’m not celebrating Thanksgiving this year since I’ll be celebrating someones marriage that day so it’s not something I have to worry about. But I worry about you humans out there who are reading this post. I want to make sure you have snacks to indulge in while you talk about someones kids or job or whatever they have to say, all while knowing the conversation is pointless.

I’m such a scrooge around the holidays.

PaleOMG Creamy Butternut Squash Pomegranate Dip

I feel like I’m skipping the holidays this year. Thanksgiving will be spent in New Zealand, Christmas isn’t anything crazy at this point since we are all adults with no children or nieces and nephews to give presents to, and then we seem to spend NYE in Cabo nowadays. When you’re a kid, you get pretty comfortable with your parents doing the dirty work of holidays. They put the decorations out, they plan the parties, they buy the presents. But when you’re an adult, all those things fall onto you. And for me, that’s not fun. I SO wish I thought decorating was fun, but it seems like such a chore. I know I know, I’m the scroogiest scrooge ever, but I can’t help it!

PaleOMG Creamy Butternut Squash Pomegranate Dip

Which brings me to my next holiday tradition – New Years resolutions. When I was a teenager and in my early years of college, NY resolutions use to always be about eating healthy and working out. But since I do those things already, now I see those resolutions as an opportunity to better my inner soul. Like not hating a time of year that so many people love. And being a better friend. And not being so damn selfish. My favorite thing about being an adult is not having to do sh*t I don’t want to do. But then people always call me an only child for that. So how exactly do I find the balance?

PaleOMG Creamy Butternut Squash Pomegranate Dip

These are all the deep questions I must ask myself now that the holidays are getting closer…how do I suck less? I want to be a better wife, a better friend, a better businesswomen, a better dogmom. So many improvement needs, so little time!! Anywho, as I sit here milling over my life and if I’ve done anything good in my 30 years, I think you should go on and try this dip. It doesn’t even have to be on Thanksgiving day. You can make it to have around the house as a snack or to put on something like a gluten free turkey sandwich. You do you baby boo. Just know that when you make this, it makes me a little less scroogy.  You’re already helping me with my NYE resolution!

PaleOMG Creamy Butternut Squash Pomegranate Dip

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Creamy Butternut Squash Pomegranate Dip

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5 from 2 reviews

  • Author: juli
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 30 minutes
  • Total Time: 1 hour


  • 1/2 small roasted butternut squash (about 1 cup)
  • 1 8oz container of almond milk cream cheese*
  • 2 tablespoons raw honey
  • 1 teaspoon fresh thyme leaves
  • 1 teaspoon fresh rosemary, minced
  • 1/2 teaspoon minced shallot
  • hefty pinch of salt and black pepper
  • 1/3 cup pomegranate seeds


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Cut butternut squash in half, place cut side down on a baking sheet and bake for 30 minutes until tender.
  2. Discard seeds, scoop butternut squash out of skin (1 cup worth) and place in a food processor. Add almond milk cream cheese, honey, thyme, rosemary, shallot and salt and pepper. Puree until completely combined. 
  3. Place mixture in bowl and fold in pomegranate seeds.
  4. Serve warm or cold with gluten free crackers and veggies! 


*I use Kite Hill brand

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PaleOMG Creamy Butternut Squash Pomegranate Dip

PaleOMG Creamy Butternut Squash Pomegranate Dip


More Dips For Holiday Appetizers!

Caramelized Onion Bacon Cream Cheese Dip (+cooking video)

Super Bowl Dill Pickle Dip (+ cooking video!)


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  1. KariVery says:

    I feel the same about the holidays, especially now since they start immediately after freaking Halloween. As soon as I got old enough to have my own holiday celebrations, it was like….. I have to do everything now?? Because men (at least the two I have had relationships with) don’t do SHIT. It took ALL the fun out of it and all I ever felt was PRESSURE. Well, about two years ago I decided, as you have, to try and not hate the holidays so much. It’s a challenge. As much as I hate planning ahead, shopping early and all that, it turns out to be key for holiday enjoyment. I decide what I want out of the holidays, and I start making lists and try and get stuff done by my own due dates. Last year I was able to do it and it really did make it bearable, dare I say, enjoyable.

    I am also an “only” (not really, but my sib’s are all way older than I am) I swear that’s part of my hatred problems …. I think that my mom totally spoiled it for me by being so awesome and loving to decorate and shop and all the normal stuff people like about TG & Xmas…. I am not into it so I always felt like a failure. But, I’m gonna try this year to make it fun 🙂 We’ll get through this together, Juli!

    1. juli says:

      well i’m going to have to try that this year and see if i can turn myself into a holiday lover. creating my holiday gift guide tab has me a little more excited because it made feel like i could pick out a decent gift for the people. but the decorations…i don’t know haha.

  2. Arden says:

    Juli – do you think this would work to make a day or two beforehand?

    1. juli says:

      yes!! after i made it, i ate it for over a week!!

  3. Lindsay says:

    Okay so I personally think the kite hill cream cheese tastes a little…funky. Like kind of playdough-y. Not sure if you agree, but wondering if the flavor is muted a bit by the other ingredients in this? I’m heading to my boyfriend’s family’s place for thanksgiving, and as a celiac who’s allergic to dairy, holidays at other people’s houses are a nightmare and I’d like to make a few things I know I can safely eat!

    1. Kelly says:

      Hey Lindsay! I used greek yogurt (so you could totally do coconut yogurt) and just added more b.nut squash to get the consistency more dip like. I’m also wondering/thinking if full fat coconut cream might work also!

    2. juli says:

      hahaha i definitely don’t think that. i think it tastes just like regular cream cheese…but that’s also coming from a person who hasn’t had dairy cream cheese in a looooong time. but i’ve never thought it tasted weird at all!

  4. Kelly says:

    Omggggg this dip made me so happy! I’ve been given the “privilege” of planning my family’s thanksgiving menu since I have the most restrictive diet (I’m on AIP but have had a couple of successful reintros!) this dip made my gut so happy and my dr has been saying “EAT MORE COLORS!”
    I didn’t have the cream “cheese” – I used Greek yogurt and just added extra squash, and I didn’t have fresh herbs so I did dried of everything am done cut the qty in half. Loveddddd!!!!! Can’t wait for my family to be OBSESSED! I might even trick my nieces and nephew into eating more veggies with this one!

    1. juli says:

      this dip definitely has all the colors! glad the recipe still worked out!!

  5. Skyy says:

    Do you think you could use frozen butternut squash for this? Cutting up squash is always a disaster for me. 🙂

    1. juli says:


  6. Kelli Brown says:

    Do you think this dip would be good with acorn squash? I bought the wrong squash. #lovingtheholidays LOL

    1. juli says:


  7. Nicole H. says:

    This sounds delicious. I just want to eat the dip. By itself. 🙂

  8. Kathleen Higgs says:

    This has been a hit for several gatherings. Have used acorn squash too! Thank you!

  9. Virginia says:

    I love this recipe so much! I have made it for Thanksgiving the past few years and it is a huge hit! It’s really good warm, but it’s also really good cold leftover! I use the kite Hill cream cheese from Whole Foods and if you get the cut up butternut squash, it makes it a lot quicker! You cannot tell it’s vegan and everyone loves it!