Thank goodness for my friend Heather or I would have no pictures to put on my random blog posts. I wish I had one of me eating. REALLY weird that I don’t. And disappointing. I’ll eat in more public places from now on. With a camera man by my side.

I don’t know if you care about what I eat, but I’m going to put it out there anyways. A couple people have asked what I eat on a daily basis, especially during CrossFit competition season, so I thought I’d share. I eat different every day, depending on what I’ve made that week for my blog or what I have on hand for random crap that wasn’t worth posting. I make a lot of random burgers when I don’t know what to make.

My breath smells like onions.

Ok, so this day of meals is from Wednesday. My schedule is really weird being a coach and having to blog/cook at random times of the day so I tend to eat at awkward times as well. Be prepared to be bored!

  • 4:15am- wake up time- usually will have a cup of coffee
  • 5:30am- coaching
  • 6:30am- breakfast–> ~4oz leftover chicken breast, 6-7 large strawberries, 1 grande americano with heavy cream (probably drank 2/3 of it)
  • 7:15-10am- coaching
  • 10:30am- workout + strength session
  • 11:45am- protein drink (I do about 6-8 oz water with 1/2 scoop Simply Pure Nutrients Recovery Fuel)
  • 12:00pm- made food for the day — snacked while I cooked–> 1.5 pieces bacon, 1-2 oz beef, handful of walnuts
  • 1:30pm- lunch–> ~3-4oz grass fed beef, 1/4 onion caramelized, 1 piece of bacon, 1/2 small avocado
  • 3:00pm- 2nd workout + muscle up practice
  • 4:00-8:00pm- coaching
  • 8:30pm- dinner–>2 southwest turkey sliders and a bit of slaw
  • 10:00pm- late night snacks while I blog–> 3 strawberries, some walnuts, 1 southwest slider
That's an uncomfortable breakfast. but still delicious
happy time
holy sh*t that's beautiful
not quite as beautiful, but delicious

Wow. You bored yet? Me too. All that food looks like dog doo doo. I get lazy with my camera phone when the food looks like poo. And I have shaky hands. I’m a nervous person. Not really.

So, got any questions? Are you thinking…”Say wha?! This Juli chick is effing whack” or “I can’t believe this girl drinks protein shakes! I thought she called herself paleo?! Fraud!” or “OMG I can’t believe she eats past 7pm! She sucks at life” Don’t worry people, I know. But I would definitely love to hear from you no matter what you have to say!


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  1. Kandace says:

    Thanks for sharing what you eat! Your schedule is crazy intense, I feel like I have zero time now to get everything I need to get accomplished (I work 58+hrs in a 6 day work week) I have no idea how you do it on no sleep and still look so awesome! Not to mention taking the time to respond to all us blog stalkers 😉 I am like you, I seriously do not eat enough veggies, but not because they make me gain, because they have never been easy for me to digest (since going paleo, it is getting better, but still the one thing I do struggle with!) but I try to substitute with fruits, without over-indulging in them. Thank goodness for broccoli and asparagus, my two <3's in the veggie world that do not upset my stomach ever! Sorry for the novel, thanks so much for sharing and taking time in your insane schedule to post and reply to us all!

    1. juli says:

      no thank you for commenting!! glad to hear someone else has issues with veggies as well. I really appreciate the comments 🙂

  2. Angelle says:

    I LOVE your blog!! Better yet I LOVE that you eat as much as I do ever MORE than I love your blog!!! Oh and you CF!! BFF’s for life! I am addicted to CF and Paleo but sometimes i find it hard to stay strict with my busy schedule at work and when visiting family. My husband, sister and I eat Paleo but our family’s don’t so it is just hard when we eat at their house. I live in south (very south – like 45 mins SW of NOLA) Louisiana and we mostly eat fresh fish, oysters, crab, shrimp & squid. I LOVE the fresh local food but i also crave the local favorites sometimes – stews & gumbos over rice and cooked with white flour & white potatoes and usually something fried on the side. I pretty much have the appetite of a grown man but can you blame me with the food selection i have grown up around.

    I am trying hard to convert to being fully Paleo so if you have any tips you could pass on that would be great!! Also, cooking is one of my hobbies and cooking your recipes makes me smile! Oh and the husband eats them so that’s always a plus. He grew up on gross processed food. I ate mostly fresh local food but he ate boxed meals and fast food. So he thinks Paleo is great in a nutshell but he is picky when I show him spaghetti squash and try to convince him it is noodles! Yea doesn’t work so well! But thanks again for all the recipes… Sorry i tend to ramble on 🙂

    1. juli says:

      Small steps Angelle. If your husband isn’t down for the spaghetti squash, just don’t make that. try different recipes and slowly remove the naughty stuff until he doesn’t notice at all!!

  3. Dawn says:

    LOVE your blog! I just found it, and I can’t wait to try some of these recipes.I am a CrossFit Coach as well and sugar is my achilles heel. I try my best to keep a strict paleo, but I have an unnatural love for Starbucks Gingerbread latte. It takes all the will power I have to drive by Starbucks everyday without taking a side trip through the drivethrough. That’s my first WOD each day. LOL! I have never had an Americano, what is in that? Is it just black coffee?

    1. juli says:

      I’m the same way Dawn. Americano is espresso with hot water. Then I add heavy cream that has no carbs in it!!

  4. Sheryl says:

    Ok. I know nobody wants to talk about poo, but I gotta know… How do you maintain yourself, uhm, regularly, without eating veggies and fruits. I also can’t eat ANY carbs without gaining weight, and because I have a lot of weight to lose, I have to not only NOT eat carbs but watch how many caloreis I eat too. It just isn’t right..haha.. But the poo issues is well, an issue.. so just curious.

    1. juli says:

      Lol i adore you. I’m actually planning on doing a post on this!! Then we can get more feedback. I’m guessing mine is related to my coffee intake lol

    2. cp says:

      I was going to ask the exact same question! Curious to know how your body is able to process all the protein. I do know that caffeine helps move things along, but it also causes me to have trouble sleeping…what a conundrum.

      1. juli says:

        I have no issue processing the protein and I really don’t eat more protein than I should be eating. My body actually digests better now than it did pre-paleo

  5. meaghan says:

    I’m seriously obsessed with your commentary. I link all my new paleo friends to your blog.

    1. juli says:

      Thank you so so much Meaghan!

  6. Katie H says:

    I think it’s really funny that people are surprised that you don’t eat a ton — you’re ripped! I mean, do they think you get your body composition for free? I personally am happy to trade eating more for a few more percentage points of body fat (who am I kidding? more than a few), but that’s my priority right now. I just have to admire your willpower in light of the goals you have chosen!

    1. juli says:

      Lol I feel the same way Katie…that’s why I’m eating chocolate chips as I type. oopsies

  7. Rochelle says:

    I love your blog and the four recipes I made so far from your site have been delicious! After reviewing your meal plan for the day I was curious if you eat a certain amount of protein, fat, and carbs during the day? Do you monitor your fat itake in comparison to your protein intake?

    1. juli says:

      I have no idea how much fat I eat really…sorry Rochelle

  8. Georgia says:

    Hey Juli!

    Thanks so much for sharing your story. It’s so good to see someone – especially a woman – who I can really relate to! I have been crossfitting for about 9 months now and have really noticed a difference, however, I’ve been pretty slack with my eating especially being stressed out with study. Now I’m on holidays I’m focussing BIG time on what I eat as well as my training. First day back into it all and I’m already feeling fantastic.

    Quick question…would these be your normal meals for a normal day?

  9. Eva @ Committed2Nutrition says:

    I absolutely love your blog and your humor, and I think this is my third comment telling you that, lol! Anyway, I admit, I do not do Paleo (I am a Zumba® Instructor and I do so much cardio I need the grains.. i’ve gotten so much more lean since eating more of them..just me personally, though)… anyway, your food really does look delicious!! as someone who teaches some late zumba classes, I do not understand why people say it’s bad to east past 7! sometimes I get home around 10 and I am scarfing the biggest bowl of cereal anyone has ever seen, and I do not gain an ounce due to eating so late, if anything, I lose weight. that leads me to my next point – I actually used to think I could consume an abundance of veggies, but I have found, too, that my body composition changes when I eat too many of them. So interesting. but thought i’d share that I’m with you on that.