It’s here!! The time has finally come!! Not only am I releasing a new website today, but I’m launching my 3-Month PaleOMG Power Program & Meal Guide. Today is a good day! I’ve been working on this program for months now. I started creating the program in September, I had a beta group test the program so I could take any feedback to improve the program moving forward, I recorded the videos in October, and we’ve been working on this new website ever since. It’s a long awaited launch and I am truly elated to finally share all the details! So let’s get into it!

PaleOMG Power Program

The Power Program is a 3-month fitness program that can be done almost anywhere. In this program, you will need minimal equipment that is fairly affordable. Here is what you will need:

2 pairs of dumbbells – You will want a lighter pair of dumbbells for upper body movements and you will need a heavier pair of dumbbells for lower body movements. I like having 10# dumbbells and 20# dumbbells for the program. Here is a link to my favorite, but I will also link more options below that range in price!

2 kettlebells – I also recommend having two different weights of kettlebells for the same reason as the dumbbells. I like having a 15# kettlebell and 25# kettlebell for the program, but one to start will work, as well! Here is a link to my favorite kettlebells that are easy to store at home and I’m linking more below!

Loop Bands – A good loop band makes ALL the difference. I’ve tested probably 20 different types of loop bands and these are the only ones I have liked long term. They hold their stretch, they stay in place, and they will make sure you feel the burn during your workout! I can’t recommend these enough, especially since they come in a set of three!

Bench – Now this piece of equipment is optional, but it definitely is helpful! You can also use a step, couch, a chair, or whatever else you have around that creates a taller step. But I can say, it’s nice to have a sturdy step that’s also comfortable when you are on your back or sitting on it! This one is my favorite because it’s simple and affordable, but I’ll link a few other options below!

What you can also purchase separately is the Meal Guide! I sold this separately in case someone only wants the Meal Guide and not a fitness program. Unlike more meal plans out there, this Meal Guide isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. The Meal Guide gives you over 130+ PaleOMG recipes that are the most well-rounded when it comes to macronutrients, and these recipes will fuel you the best throughout this 3-month program. I’m not here to tell you when to eat or what exactly to eat. I’m here to help you understand how to fuel your body and nourish it in the best way possible throughout the 3 months so your body can put in the hard work day in and day out!

PaleOMG Meal Guide


What is included in the 3-month Power Program?

  • An intro walking you through the 5 pillars of health and why all need to be taken into consideration to ensure you get the most from your workouts
  • A PDF with 3 months of workouts. Each week includes 5 workouts separate between upper body, lower body, HIIT, and full body. Weeks 1&3 and 2&4 each month are the same workouts to ensure you’re mastering the movements and getting better each time you perform them.
  • There are both beginner and advanced workouts to choose from depending on your fitness level.
  • Within the PDF, you’ll be able to click to view each workout and the video will walk you through each movement.
  • Warm-up & cool-down that can be performed before and after each workout.

Is there a meal plan included in the program?

  • You can purchase my Meal Guide separately or bundle the two together! The meal guide gives you over 130 PaleOMG recipes that are the best for not only fueling you through the workouts, but helping you thrive day in and day out. Diet is a HUGELY important piece to health and seeing results from your hard work in the gym, so be sure not to ignore what you’re eating!

What is the cost of the Power Program?

Can you purchase the Meal Guide by itself?

  • Yes!

Can these workouts be performed at home?

  • Yes! At home, in the gym, and even while traveling in a hotel gym!

What kind of equipment will I need for these workouts?

  • Dumbbells (1-2 pairs: a lighter pair for upper body and heavier pair for lower body)
  • Kettlebells (1-2: a lighter KB for the movements you’re mastering and heavier KB for the movements you’re more comfortable with)
  • Loop bands
  • A bench (this is completely optional, but helpful.

Do you offer beginner workouts?

  • Yes! The program includes both advanced and beginner workouts so you can find what works for you and your fitness level!

Can I start this program whenever I want to?

  • Absolutely!

How long are the workouts?

  • They range from just 20 minutes to an hour. It will depend how much rest you take between sets somedays, but many workouts have time caps on them. But I made sure to keep these workouts shorter to ensure that the busiest people could still get their workouts in!

Can I add in other types of workouts during this program?

  • You can do whatever you want, boo boo! But I do recommend sticking with the program to ensure that you are getting the most out of it. It’s easy to get caught up thinking that more is better, but after 10 years of training, I’ve found that it’s not that simple. Cutting back on cardio and training the body in different ways will help you not only feel great from the inside-out, but it will help you train the brain to understand that you don’t have to push it to the maximum 7 days a week. When you take care of your body, it will take care of you.


Click here to check out both the Power Program & the Meal Guide!

If you have any other questions, leave them below and I will be happy to add them to the FAQs! And if you have any questions about the program once you get started, please email!

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  1. Sara says:

    Congrats, Juli! This is so exciting. Love the new branding, too!

    1. juli says:

      thanks Sara!!

  2. Chelsea Villareal says:

    I just purchased the program and I am so excited to get started. I have been following you for awhile now and love all your videos and recipes. Thank you for making this program. I am not athletic but I want to be fit and transform my body. I have no muscles in my arms or legs. Here is to jumping in!!!

    1. juli says:

      thank you so much for the support Chelsea! i hope you love the program! and remember that everyone starts somewhere. i wasn’t athletic or fit before i started my fitness journey either!!

  3. Erika says:

    I purchased the program and wasn’t able to download it. I checked my email and still haven’t received anything yet.

    1. juli says:

      hey erika, just now seeing this comment. in case you didn’t email me and you’re still having issues, send me an email at!

  4. Sarah says:

    Dear Juli i was that girl from the Netherlands with that silly question, and I already got my answer. Purchased the bundle and will start today. I am beyond excited- i went to a bootcamp class last week and totally went overboard- could not bend my arms (imagine the hassle of changing into a sports bra) for 6 consecutive days..with your workouts, i can train hard but also RESPONSIBLY at home or in the gym without getting carried away. Thank you so much for this bundle and the amazing affordability of it all. I’Ve been following you since forever- back when here, in Europe, no one had ever heard of paleo and everyone thought i was legit crazy. You’ve been amazing support and such a fun and warm and from what I can tell honest and no-nonsense coach and I just want to thank you for everything and commend you for all you’ve achieved and continue to do. You rock girl, seriously!! Truly inspiring. And i love the new website!

    1. juli says:

      awwwwwww yay!! so glad i could be a support system for you in Europe. that’s so hard when you don’t have others around you that understand what you’re going through or what you’re looking for. i hope you LOVE the program! can’t wait to get your feedback!

      1. Sarah says:

        Dear Juli,
        Thanks for you reply, it means a lot! I am LOVING the program! It makes me sweat but I can easily adjust the exercises if necessary. However: I am no longer able to download the bundle, even though I purchased it and already printed it out once. I want to print the work-out program again, for my first copy got all wrinkled but I get a WordPress > error: “No file defined Go to shop.” I don’t understand as I’ve already purchased the program (got the receipt) and was able to download it the day of my purchase (February 4th). Do you know how to resolve this issue? Thank you!

  5. Barb W says:

    Hello! I’m interested in your program but I’m living out of the country for a year. Will the videos still work outside the US or will they work with using a VPN?

    Thank you!

    1. juli says:

      yes, they will still work outside of the US!

  6. Valerie says:

    Have the program and really enjoying it so far. One small suggestion for next time: having an “estimated time” at the top of each workout. Would help to have a general idea of how long it takes you so I can plan it into my day most efficiently. Like, oh this one is short so i can try to squeeze it in at lunch. Obviously it’ll take different people different amounts of time but if you put an estimate people could get a sense of if they usually run on time or longer and adjust expectations accordingly.

    1. juli says:

      i love this suggestion Valerie! someone else mentioned it, too, so this will definitely be part of every program moving forward!!

  7. Sue says:

    Beautiful program! Is there a video for Beginner Warm up, I only see Advanced.

    Thank you!

    1. juli says:

      they are the same warm-up for both beginner and advanced

  8. Sarah G says:

    I have seen you do the round up kick sits in other videos and can’t seem to figure it out. Would you be able to post a video going through the movement step by step? I see it is part of tomorrows workout and would love to get it right! Thanks, loving the power program so far

    1. juli says:

      did you see my stories? i shared some last week but you can watch them on my highlights now!

  9. Kaitlin says:

    Hi! Will you be running the 30% off again? I just heard about the promo on your podcast and so sad I missed the sale!

    I also own all of your cookbooks (all my faves), is the meal plan the recipes from the books?

    1. juli says:

      sadly it will probably never go on sale for that much in the future, that was a special price to celebrate the launch. i have no plans to put it on sale anytime soon at this point. and the recipes in the meal guide are from my website, not my books

  10. Jessica says:

    Hi Juli! I’m super excited about this program. Just a question about the resistance bands. Are they fabric or plastic? I swear when I clicked on the link last week they looked different and just wanted to check. Thanks!

    1. juli says:

      fabric! i think they just changed the look of the bands, but they are fabric