I don’t think there really could be a better name for this appetizer. It’s just snackerific. And snacking should be something that happens on a daily basis. I’ve been feeling snacky lately. And luckily, if you’re one of my email subscribers you’ll be receiving a special snack recipe by the end of the week that won’t be found anywhere else! Just because I love you so much. And you’re the specialist. Wait, YOU’RE NOT A SUBSCRIBER?! What in the bloody hell is that about? It’s easy. And yes, it’s free silly pants. Just sign up on the right hand side. Yeah, right there.
But let’s move on. I’m in Pittsburgh right now. I just got here yesterday for my fourth and final trip here to finish up the last of the photography for my third cookbook, Juli Bauer’s Paleo Cookbook. For this cookbook, I’ve been working with Bill and Hayley of Primal Palate to get the photography for the book looking just right! This trip is only 7 days so that means I have to cook about 6 recipes per day, maybe even more if I want to add a few more recipes to the mix. I’m stressed out like a motha effa because of 3 things: car accident, cookbook, and house. Here’s the story:
After grabbing dinner the other night before I headed home to pack for my Pittsburgh trip, I was sitting at a stop light and BAM, rear ended. My car instantly sounded and felt like crap, my water bottle flipped upside down in the cup holder and poured out and I became a crying mess. I’m pretty sure tears starting squirting out of my eyes cartoon-style. Thankfully everyone one was fine since I didn’t hit the bus in front of me. But my car didn’t get off so easily. You know the ironic thing about this all? I had just washed my car 2 hours before. Remember last week when I refused to wash my car and talked all kinds of sh*t about people who do. Yeah, I got my karma for that remark. Who needs a shiny clean car when the paint is falling off?
Thankfully last night, in the comfy guest bedroom of Bill and Hayley’s house, I slept like a little child, happy as can be. So I’m ready to kick this cookbooks ass. Wanna know what’s planned today? OK! Caramel sauce, chocolate nut bark, a winter squash salad, a mustard vinaigrette, sweet and crunchy green beans, roasted fennel, then a special caramelized onions recipe. Every day includes more fun recipes. Man, I can’t wait for this cookbook to come out. I keep forgetting about some of my favorite recipes so I absolutely cannot wait for it to come to life on paper as a nice reminder.
But wait, I get back late next Wednesday and the next day we buy our first house together!!!!!! Ahhhhhhh. Question. How do people buy a house AND furnish the house at the same time? It makes no damn sense! Also, how do you decide how you want to decorate? Or where to buy your couch from? Or how to save on a kitchen table? Last week, a woman told me about hiring an interior designer and as much as I would LOVE that, I don’t have the money to purchase house furnishing AND pay the designer as well. AH. I mean whatevs, I’m going to absolutely love decorating over the next year or so. I’m just going to have to start slow. Like purchasing a table one month, then a set of chair the next, and so on. So we may be sitting on the floor watching tv and eating pizza (gluten free, of course) college-style for a while. But HEY, it’s the year of positivity and I’m so excited to have a house with my favorite roommate of all time!
Sweet Potato Snackers
- Yield: 8 slices 1x
- 1 large round yam, sliced 1/4 – 1/2 inch slices
- 3–4 tablespoons melted ghee
- pinch of fine sea salt
- 2 ounces goat cheese*
- 1/2 teaspoon fresh thyme, minced
- 1/4 – 1/2 cup walnuts
- 1/4 – 1/2 cup Steve’s Paleo Apple Juice Infused Cranberries
- 3–4 tablespoons melted raw honey
- Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
- Slice sweet potatoes and place on a parchment paper lined baking sheet. Use a basting brush to brush each side of sweet potato with melted ghee. Sprinkle with a bit of salt.
- Place in oven to bake for 30-35 minutes, until bottoms are golden brown and sweet potatoes are fork tender.
- Place goat cheese in a bowl and mixed with fresh thyme until combined.
- Use a spoon to place about 1-2 teaspoons worth of goat cheese* on top of the sweet potato then sprinkle with walnuts and Steve’s cranberries on top.
- Lastly, drizzle honey on top of the little snackers.
- Serve immediately!
*For dairy free option, try using Kite Hill Almond Milk Cream Cheese
More Sweet Potatoes!
Last Minute Thanksgiving Smashed Maple Sweet Potatoes
Click Here To Get All My PaleOMG Recipes Into Your Meal Planner With Real Plans!
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You should drop in at Crossfit Athletics for a wod or two while you’re in town. It’s in the southside: http://www.crossfitathletics.com/
The biggest thing I realized when I bought my place was that it takes a MUCH longer time to decorate than it does while being a renter. Carefully thinking through every piece of furniture, throw pillow, and curtains takes time, BUT, it’s your space – take your time and have fun!
When we bought our first (and so far only) house, we were lucky enough to get it partially furnished! The guy who lived there before us was downsizing and didn’t need half his stuff. A lot of it was a bit country-chic for our tastes, but we made it work until we could slowly afford new things.
I know you’re getting a lot of the finishes and everything custom in your new home, but don’t make the mistake we did and put off making nice improvements to your home until it’s time to sell! We’d been debating how to update our kitchen and living room for two years, and then my husband got orders to Korea and we had to do the updating (so we could sell) and we didn’t even get to enjoy it! Learned my lesson. I would spend the money to get the house comfortable first and use folding chairs from Wal-Mart instead of getting nice furniture and always wishing I could make changes!
Good luck with everything! We had no idea what we were doing, and it all turned out ok. Yours will too!
Congrats on the house, it’s exciting and stressful at the same time! Chocolate is the first answer to your situation. The second is craigslist. I would estimate that half of my furniture came form craigslist, and you can usually get a good deal. Honestly, you can bargain – throw in a signed cookbook and I bet you’ll get a great deal! Then just paint and patience. For a couch, don’t go craigslist, eeew! Try Ikea, that’s where we got ours and it’s going strong ten years later. Soon you’re going to need to have DIY tuesdays or something! HAve fun and enjoy the adventure!
Look, you start any post with the word snackerific and i’m reading it.
So, how hunting. The most important thing is to accept that you are both going to have to compromise on some of your must haves. and realize that you may not find some of their choices as important but it is to them and you have to give a little in that respect.
As far as decorating, don’t even start thinking about it until you move in. You will change your mind 1000 times. You can start looking at possibilities but don’t make any purchases until you are in the house and get a feel for what you want. and fixer uppers are ok. it’s amazing what you can do with a can of paint and funky finishes. Good luck and get one extra bedroom than you think you will need…..
Congrats on all the great stuff you have going on right now. Although it is stressful, I’m sure it will all be worth it!
If you need a new couch I would check out https://www.lovesac.com/. When I moved, my big splurge was my couch, and it was totally worth it. Good luck!
Everything in my house was hand me down! I believe you have to live in a space for a bit to know what you need/want. I’m so glad I didn’t spend a fortune on new furniture. I’m pretty sure I would hate it at this point and want to change it all. Congrats!
These look really great. I don’t know what ghee is though. I do love the idea of these snackers. I think it would help if you have a sweet tooth.
Your cookbook is being released on my birthday, so happy birthday to me! Best news I’ve received all day! And these sweet potato snackers look like the cherry on top! Yum!