Valentine’s Day is so close! Guess how my husband and I are celebrating? By doing nothing. I will probably make him dinner like any other night and I may eat chocolate, like any other night. But this year, we do have a hot tub! So the hot tub will probably be included in our night. We’re romantic as sh*t.
You know what romantic thing we ARE doing? Getting Colorado-married tomorrow! Finally. I tried to get my Colorado license changed back in May since I had already changed my name through Social Security and they informed me that we had to get married in Colorado before I could change anything…even though Social Security had already changed my name. Stupid. And, well, we put that sh*t off because my husband works all the time. But he is leaving early tomorrow so we can head down to the courthouse, get hitched, then go to our favorite steakhouse! Too bad my wedding dress is 100% wrinkled and has lipstick and red wine stains everywhere or I would totally sport it. Totally.
I think the most exciting part of Valentine’s Day is seeing 50 Shades Darker. I know everyone thought that the first movie sucked, but I loved it. Sex, love and money…what is there to hate?! Sure, if you hate sexual tension, then maybe that’s not the movie for you. But I’m into it! And I never finished reading the second book so I have no idea what happens. And need to find out! The 50 Shades series is pretty much my non-Mormon version of Twilight. Kind of. Not really, but kind of. I miss those books. Anywho, I’m packing up my girlfriends and we are going to head to a theatre to watch it with other females. It’s gonna be weird. And wonderful.
OH! The one thing I’m actually doing on Valentine’s Day is getting my face numbed up and lasering the crap out of it! Exciting! I talked about my favorite laser recently and I’m doing it again on Valentine’s Day and it’s gonna be a real good time!
Wow. This whole conversation in this post is slightly pointless. Which is truly a shame because these cookies are a really REALLY good time. They’re absolutely delicious. And extremely easy to make. I gave multiple away after I made them so I wouldn’t eat all of them, but then I was so sad to see them gone. Clean ingredients, simple steps, and the perfect little treat. If you want to make it even more “romantic” then top these with ice cream. Totes romantic.
Go get chocolate wasted!
Valentine’s Day Chocolate Chip Chocolate Heart Cookies
- Yield: 8-10 cookies 1x
- 1 cup chocolate chips
- 1 tablespoon coconut oil
- 1 package Cappello’s Gluten Free Cookie Dough
- In a double boiler or in the microwave, melt together chocolate chips and coconut oil until completely smooth and combine. Use a spoon to scoop the mixture into a heart silicone mold then place in the freezer to freeze for at least 2+ hours. I froze mine overnight to be safe.
- Once chocolate is hardened completely, pop the hearts out of the mold and place on a plate and keep in the freezer while the cookies bake.
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cut cookie dough into 8-10 cookies, shape them into round shapes then place on a parchment lined baking sheet to cook for about 10 minutes, until they are slightly browned on the edges.
- Pull cookies out of oven and hearts out of the freezer. You’ll want to have a plate ready to go for these cookies to go on so they can go into the freezer right away. While the cookies are still warm, press a heart into the middle of each cookie then quickly put them in the freezer to set for at least 2 minutes or so. This will keep the chocolate from melting into the cookie and becoming a giant chocolate blob instead of a heart.
- Store in fridge but I highly recommend microwaving for less than 30 seconds before eating because it warms the cookie and softens the heart just a tad!
More Valentine’s Day Treats:
Valentine’s Day Raspberry Caramel Shortbread Sandwich Cookies
Strawberry Raspberry Milkshake Fudge Hearts
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I may be compensated through my affiliate links in this post, but all opinions are my own. This compensation helps with expenses to keep this blog up and running! Thank you for your support with PaleOMG!
Do you always use enjoy life chocolate chips in your chocolate chip recipes?
Daaaaaammmmn! $85 for some cookie dough???
it’s for 3 packs, but it’s definitely more expensive online. i would buy it in store if you can.
What stores have you seen carry it? If I brought my hubby these cookies, he would be thrilled!
whole foods, sprouts, natural grocers
That’s what I thought… $85 for cookie dough????? OMGosh no way….
It’s actually slightly cheaper from Cappello’s site ($2.03/oz compared to $2.32/oz from Amazon). They sell 8 packages of eight cookies for $99, including shipping. It’s expensive, for sure, but these whole food products are so much more expensive to make. I finally took the plunge and bought some last week. The best part is that you can order almost any combination of their four flavors. The double chocolate chip is even better than the plain chocolate chip. At this cost, though, it’s definitely a rare splurge for us.
Right I saw 129 on amazon. Ridiculous
juli you have got to be kidding in me
shannon, if you’re upset with a price of something – then find it somewhere else or use a different product or make your own cookies from scratch. these are the cookies i buy at my store, these are the ones i used in the recipe, and therefore these are the ones i linked because it is the exact product. if you are unhappy with something, figure out a way to go around it. it’s as simple as that.
Yesssss 50 shades! No shame, I’m pumped to see it. We double-dated to see #1 and my husband didn’t really know what to expect (he obviously hadn’t read the books so homeboy was in for a treat!) The best part was we’re from Seattle…so he was very judgmental on all the inaccuracies of the film, i.e., downtown traffic, the skyline (Space Needle isn’t next to the stadium, etc. etc.) Meanwhile I’m like “REALLY? that’s what you’re taking away from this sex-fest, the skyline?” Anyway, I’m pumped. And AMEN to low-key valentine’s day!!
Great recipes, thanks for sharing
Oh yum! I’m going to make these for my newly-proposed fiance. He loves when I make stuff from your website so he’ll be pumped about these. Also, my Valentine’s day will be about exciting as yours. I’m getting a small cyst removed (tmi!) and going pole vaulting 🙂 Thanks for the recipe!
Hi Juli!
I have a question/suggestion for a podcast topic. In your podcast today you talked about how gluten is just crap for our bodies. Why is this? I have some general knowledge on the subject but I’d love to hear your take! I’m not sure if you’ve ever discussed this before, but I’m curious about it.
here’s a great breakdown that’s an easy read of why grains suck –
Wow that’s disappointing if that is how you respond to a fan. I guess the kick back from your products are worth more than your customer service.
Your fans are what keep you afloat.
It’s a simple as that…. I shall just unfollow
i’m sorry you are disappointed but i have no control over the price of the cookies and those ARE the cookies that i used. i’ve shared around 12-13 cookie recipes on my blog that you are welcome to use in place of this cookie dough. but again, i don’t control the price nor do i buy them online, i purchase them in store. and ps – you are quite wrong about the podcasts kickbacks and customer service.
First off, Shannon is crazy pants.
In other news, I did sub one of your other doughs since I wanted to make it the day of and didn’t have a local supplier. Delicious 🙂
Thanks for showing us different brands all the time and reviewing products honestly! Anyone who listens to your podcasts knows that you aren’t trying to sell random shit just to make money and that you really use the products you endorse. Plus, if you do like the products and you are making money- that’s a win win for everyone 🙂
Yuck to the negativity and nasty comments.
Enjoy your week!
i truly don’t sell products that i don’t love and don’t believe in so thank you for seeing that and understanding that! xoxoxo