Haaaaaaappy Monday out there!!! Are you annoyed with me already? I’m pretty annoyed with myself because I’M AWAKE AT 4 IN THE MORNING!! I’m the biggest morning person I know, but 4am is stupid. It’s still the middle of the night. 5am, sure. 4am, go to hell. But I’m taking photos with the sunrise so you gotta do whatcha gotta do!
Last week I spent the week in Cabo and kind of freaking hated it. You can hear all about my situation on the podcast. But even though I absolutely hated the property I was on, it had a kick ass gym. Which meant I worked out almost every day while I was there…until I got food poisoning. Mexico was just all around rough this time. But I made it through and I’m pumped for a strong week ahead!
Instead of doing a little Monday pep talk like I normally do, I thought it would be fun to hear from you guys! I want to know some of your goals this week? Are you trying to stick with a meal plan? Are you trying to get to the gym 3 or more days this week? Are you trying a new workout or a new class? Tell me your goals! They don’t even have to be food or fitness related, they can be about anything! I’m personally trying to cook 6 new recipes for the blog this week since I’ve been gone and I’m leaving town again in a few weeks. I think it’s fun to hear what others are doing and what goals they are setting for themselves, so TELL ME!! Then go out and crush those goals!!
Sunday – Rest Day
Monday – Lower Body Workout on Vacation
3 rounds of:
- 15 Cable Kickbacks
- 12 Double KB Bulgarian Split Squats (each side)
3 rounds of:
- 10 Single Leg KB Deadlifts (each side)
- 20 Barbell Hip Thrusts into 20 Sec Hold
3 rounds of:
- 10 Hamstring Roll Outs
- 14 Total Alternating DB Curtsy Lunges
3 rounds of (on each side):
- 10 Single Leg Hip Thrusts
- 10 Eccentric Single Leg Hip Thrusts
- 10 B Stance Hip Thrusts
Tuesday – Upper Body Workout on Vacation
3 rounds of:
- 10 Lat Pull Downs
- 24 Total Alternating Single Arm Seated Rows
3 rounds of:
- 10 Squat Position Cable Curls into 10 Light Weight Cable Curls
- 10 Kneeling Position Cable Tricep Extensions into 10 Lightweight Tricep Extensions
- 5 Rotational KB Cleans into 5 KB Press into 5 KB Windmills (each side)
5 rounds of – see movements here
- 3 Barbell Bent Over Row
- 3 Barbell Hang Cleans
- 3 Barbell Split Jerks
Cardio Core Finisher – see video here
- 1 minute Mountain Climbers
- 1 minute Plank Jack Shoulder Taps
- 1 minute Rotating Mountain Climbers
- 1 minute Plank Pop to Jump
- 1 minute Plank Pop to Tuck Jump
Wednesday – Cardio & Core Workout on Vacation
Stairmaster workout –
5 rounds of:
- 30 sec Walking Steps
- 30 sec Kickbacks
- 30 sec Squat Jumps
- 30 Running Steps
Treadmill workout –
5 rounds of:
- 1 minute Jog
- 30 second Sprint
Core finisher –
- 20 Decline Bench Sit Ups with 10# Ball
- 40 Decline Bench Russian Twists with 10# Ball
- 20 Decline Bench Sit Ups with 10# Ball
- 40 Decline Bench Russian Twists with 10# Ball
Thursday – Rest Day/Recover from food poisoning
Friday – Lower Body Workout on Vacation – workout inspired by Alexia Clark – see most movements here
4 rounds of:
- 10 Smith Machine Single Leg Kneeling Hip Thrusts (each side)
- 8 Smith Machine Single Leg Good Morning into Lunge (each side)
- 15 Smith Machine Kneeling Hip Thrusts
- 10 Smith Machine Lateral Lunges (each side)
- 15 Smith Machine Donkey Kicks (each side)
3 rounds of:
- 15 Banded Dumbbell Hip Thrusts
- 20 Hip Raised Banded Abductors (no weight)
- 20 Seated Banded Abductors (no weight)
- 15 Banded Valgus Hip Thrusts (no weight)
Saturday – Rest Day/Travel Back to Denver
On Sale Activewear:
lululemon Reveal Tights (30% off)
Athleta Shanti Tank (25% off)
adidas Yoga Bra (40% off)
lululemon Fast & Free Shorts (30% off)
adidas Ultraboost 19 (25% off)
I may be compensated through affiliate links in this post, but all opinions are my own. This compensation helps with expenses to keep this blog up and running! Thank you for your support with PaleOMG!
Being a fitness freak, I am always looking for a fitness goal and improving health lifestyle, Thanks for the workout plan. 🙂
I’m trying to do some pistol squat progression at the end of each workout! Do you have any tips?
love that goal Emma!! as for tips – lots of stretching beforehand, in the hip and ankles, to help with the pistol itself!
Goals this week include being SUPER productive at week (starting off strong by reading your blog at work…) and sticking to our meal plan that i thoughtfully planned out yesterday. *yes resentful at my boyfriend for not helping in any way foodwise. ugh. Making your dill salmon recipe on wednesday and baked up your sage butternut breakfast casserole yesterday for the week!
yummmmm! all those recipes sound delightful right now. hope you have a productive week Hillary!
My goals this week include kicking the sugar dragon ( we had company last week and I indulged!) , doing my shoulder rehab exercises, and getting more sleep each night. Oh and posting on my personal blog 2 times this week. My husband is taking classes so he’s using the computer every night…
you got this Kari!!
I’m going caffeine free and it’s been rough!! It was giving me anxiety, itchy skin and bloating. I can always make it a few weeks, but then give in and drink a cup of coffee. I’m on day 2 (lol) and my goal is to make it 40 days caffeine free!
oh man, those symptoms are brutal! good luck!! hopefully all those things go away and it keeps you motivated to stick caffeine free!
Goals this week is to crush 5 workouts, getting 8 hours of sleep at night & make sure I take 10-15 mins to myself and write in my journal. I find that this sets a great precedence for me for the day and I am ready to take anything on.
love all three of those goals Krystin!
I’m 25 weeks pregnant and dealing with some serious pelvic pain– but trying to stay motivated to do workouts that are still comfortable for me!
ugh that must be horrible Jane! hope that goes away soon!!
I love a good goal!
At the end of August we will be celebrating our 12 year anniversary! The following weekend we are going to a Labor day pool party. So I have been cranking it up with my workouts and meals trying to fine tune areas get rid of some pockets of fat I’ve been holding on to.
I have actually been following a program on bodybuilding.com called 30 days out and I’ve been adding I’m some cardio doing kickboxing at a fight club gym.
As for your goals, our garden is overflowing with zucchini, tomatoes, basil, and cucumbers if you want to get creative with some new recipes for those ?
hope you feel great at your pool party, Brittany!
I’ve been amazing/devastatingly terrible with diet/exercise since our wedding in December. This week I finally decided to take a step back and take stock of what worked in the past.
This means:
Taking a break from macro counting and just making fresh, sensible meals. I think that’ll reset my relationship with food, we’ve been seeing other people lately. My chef-FIL bought me a fantastic vegetarian cookbook, so my goal is to get through at least 1/week.
Switching back to CrossFit. I love OTF but after 8 months I miss the weight lifting, and I feel like CF staved off these few extra pounds I’ve been carrying around. Those bastards.
it can really be helpful to take a break from the counting and just give yourself some freedom. it’s amazing how much the body needs that sometimes, just less stress around food. i hope it makes you feel great!!
Did this week’s Travel Workout while staying at the Denver Hilton, which has a pretty outstanding hotel gym, I must say! The workout totally kicked my butt in a good way! I was sweating a very embarrassing amount. I travel a lot for work and do your Travel Workouts most weeks. Good stuff Juli! Thank you!!
awesome!! glad to hear it Christi!