You know when you have “one of those weeks”, where you just can’t pull yourself out of your crappy mood? That was my entire week last week. I don’t have many of those weeks. Whenever I feel myself falling into one, I say, “Hey Juli, stop sucking at life” and then I move on with my day with a smile. But last week, it wasn’t happening. I felt fatigued, sad, and just incredibly lazy. I’m not sure if the book tour finally caught up to me, but I was dragging ass and my personality was lame sauce. It wasn’t until I spent the day shopping and eating butternut squash risotto that I was finally able to shake my sh*t attitude about life. It’s amazing what a good fitting pair of bell bottom jeans can do for a soul.

Anywho, because of that attitude, my workouts SUCKED. I ended up not even going one day that I had planned to go because I just didn’t give a f*ck. I don’t like that feeling. Why would I not care about taking care of myself? That’s dumb. But the comfort of my pajamas and a blanket and my dog was just way more inviting then a workout with pistols. But to my point, what do you do to pull yourself out of a mood that just won’t quit? Tell me everything!

Just FYI, no “What I ate in a day” post today because I’m traveling today to LA so I’m going to post “What I eat while traveling” tomorrow and show you what goes on in a JB day. Do you hate when I say JB? Me too, my friend, me too.

Sunday – Workout during open gym



Pull ups

Overhead walking lunges with 25# plate

It took me over 25 minutes to finish this and blisters on my hands from not doing pull ups for over 1 month. Poor decision on my end

Monday – Planned rest day – Spent the day cooking for the blog, cooking up some Red Thai Beef Curry for you guys!

Tuesday – CrossFit Class

Every 30 sec x 7 mins: Hang Snatch @ 80% – I did my sets at 90#

Barbell OH Holds: 30 sec on / 30 sec off for 5 sets @ 60% of 1 Rep Snatch. – I did my sets at 70#

4 x 3 min AMRAPS – 1 min rest between.

7 Front Squats (165/105) – I did back squats at 95#

7 C2B Pull Ups – I did regular pull ups

7 Burpees

*Start where you left off each round. I finished 6 rounds +4 reps

Wednesday – Unplanned Rest Day – I worked on the blog, emails, then pouted like a real son of a b*tch. Then I made Fall Harvest Chopped Salad with Apple Maple Vinaigrette and I liked life just a little bit more.

Thursday – CrossFit Class

15 mins To Find A Heavy Split Jerk.From Rack. – I worked up to 135#

For Time: 20-15-10-5 Reps For Time:

Deadlifts (275/195) – I used 125#

Toes To Bar

200m Run

I finished in 11 something

Friday – CrossFit Class, just modifying the sh*t out of things!

Back Squats: 6 x 2. All sets at 90%. – I had a little groin issue going on so I modified doing light 5×5 at 115#

For Time:

30 Power Snatch (135/95) – I used 65#

400m Run – I did 25 calories on the air dyne

30 Push Jerk (135/95)

400m Run

30 Power Cleans (135/95)

I finished in 11:34

Saturday – CrossFit Partner Workout

20 minute AMRAP:

200m run

bear complex (115/75) – Power clean – thruster – back squat – press

*While your partner runs 200m, do as many bear complexes as possible until they get back in the door. If you drop the bar, you must perform 5 burpees. Score is total number of bear complexes both partners complete.

Me and my partner got 57 reps at 75#

Hotel Gym or At Home Workout:



Dumbbell bicep curl to overhead press

Mountain climbers x 3


Favorite Workout Music Right Now:

West End Kids by New Politics

Something in the Way You Move by Ellie Goulding

Close to Your Love by AtellaGali


Favorite Workout Attire Right Now:

These capris that look like faux grey leather

These high waisted purple capris

This partly mesh sports bra

This side ruched jacket

This adorable tank that’s on sale for $8.50!

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  1. Marcin says:

    Exactly… today I also had a bad day, missed the training, but tomorrow already I can not wait.

  2. Rick Miller says:

    Love your blog and your humor!!!! Quick question my wife started crossfit and loves it. she has been having shoulder and knee pain. A physical therapist said to quit crossfit. would you agree or seek second option. Thanks

    1. juli says:

      i wouldn’t agree with that, but i’m also not a physical therapist. i’ve hurt in CF before and changed how I worked out (lifting lighter, skipping certain movements) and those pains went away! sometimes you gotta figure out what works for you!

  3. Amanda says:

    I love your honesty and transparency! It’s refreshing to hear that not everyone has their sh*t together all the time! When I’m having a pitty party for one, I find I need to recharge by just “being” for a couple days. Allowing myself to not to all the “to-do’s” and the “have-to’s”… They’ll get done in the next day or two and life carries on! I also allow myself the time to do things that bring me joy that I don’t usually find time to do like read, watch a movie, take a bath, take a walk without distractions, have jammie days , etc! Thank you for being you!!

  4. Amy says:

    With your 40-30-20-10 workout, was that 40 of each, then 30 of each, and so on? I feel like that is the obvious answer but I then I wasn’t really sure!

    1. juli says:

      yes! you got it!