What uuuuup boo boo baby! I’m in Omaha right now, heading back to Colorado this afternoon and back to cuddling with my little pup. We headed out to Nebraska over the weekend to hang out with some family, watch some football and drink some alcohol. I had a bloody mary at 7pm the other day, it was wonderful. But I’m ready to be back home, back to workouts, and back to home cooked food.

But wait, before you go any further, I need you to do something for me. I need you to do Sunday’s workout. Your butt will hurt forever. I think mine is still sore after a week. It’s so great. So just do it. GO!

Sunday – Workout I made up for myself during open gym. Find a video for all movements here.

50 bulgarian split squats with jump (each leg)

100 bench jumps with one leg (50 per leg)

100 in and out squat jumps

100 skaters

50 KB  push up into deadlift* (*after every 5 reps, do 15 in and out abs on bench)

100 air squats

1 mile run

I think I finished this in 40-45 minutes


Monday – Rest day – Travel day to LA to pick up my wedding dress. See the interesting day here.

Tuesday – Fit Class

800m run – 20 handstand push ups & 20 pull ups

600m run – 15 slider push ups & 15 trx tricep extensions

400m run – 10 one arm KB swing (each arm) & 10 bicep curl to press

200m run – 10 turkish sit ups & 10 man makers

400m run – 15 slider push ups & 15 trx tricep extensions

600m run – 20 handstand push ups & 20 pull ups

800m to finish her off!

Wednesday – CrossFit Class

Every 45 sec for 9 mins (13 sets): 1 Snatch High Pull into 1 Snatch. Adding. First set at 60%.

(Goal should be around the 90% mark) – I got to 95#

4 sets of 8 alternating OH Barbell Lunges. As Heavy As Possible. (8 mins) – I got to 90#

Then 10 min Partner Workout.

Partner 1: 15 cal Row

Partner 2: Max Burpee Box Jumps (24/20). Can only start working once partner starts rowing.

** score is total Burpee Box Jumps as a team. – Me and my partner got 94 reps


Thursday – CrossFit Class

10 minute AMRAP:

10 Strict HSPU

10 Alternating Pistols – Weighted (35/25 KB)

10 Strict Pull Ups

I got 3 rounds doing HSPU to 1 ab mat, alternating pistols with a 15# KB and 6 strict pull ups holding a hollow rock position

– 4 mins REST THEN –

4 rounds For Time Of: (14 min Time Cap)

10 Power Cleans (135/95)

20 KB Swings (70/55)

40 Double Unders

I finished in 11:42 using 85# and 45#

Friday – CrossFit Class

10 mins To Find A Challenging Push Press Into Split Jerk. – I got to 115#

10 mins To Find A Heavy Clean & Jerk – I got to 135#

Then 9 min AMRAP Of:

6 Front Squats (185/125) – I did Overhead squats at 85#

9 Burpees

12 Ring Dips – I did 15 parallete dips with my feet raised on a box

I got 4 rounds + 10 reps

Saturday – Rest day

Hotel Gym or At Home Workout:

6 x 5 minute AMRAPs with 1 minute rest in between:

20 tuck jumps and 20 alternating lunges with twist holding weight or medicine ball

15 hand release push ups and 30 bench hop overs

The first 5 minute AMRAP will be the tuck jumps and lunges then second 5 minute AMRAP will be push ups and hop over. Then go back to the first one then second then first then second. Try to get the same rounds and reps each time you do that AMRAP throughout the entire workout.


Favorite Workout Music Right Now:

 On My Mind by Ellie Goulding

Should’ve Been Us by Tori Kelly

Here by Alessia Cara

Downtown by Macklemore


Favorite Workout Attire Right Now:

These reflective tights

This long racerback tank

This on sale sports bra

These super shiny tights

This water resistant hooded jacket

PALEOMG DISCOUNT: Right now, get your Bombas socks (both short and long available) for 25% off! Click here then use discount code PALEOMGGET25 at checkout!


What I Ate in a Day:

This was a pretty normal day of eating for me, filled with recipes that I made for the blog and meals I just whipped up quickly for me and the guy. If you haven’t read my posts before, warning you now: I do eat dairy sometimes. No, it’s not paleo but it doesn’t upset my stomach or cause any inflammatory issues for me. I try not to overdo it because I can get addicted to cheese pretty quickly, but I have it for snacks and eat yogurt as well. I also eat some gluten free granola. Again yes, I know it’s not paleo, no need to let me know. I just try to listen to my body and not go overboard when eating those non paleo things. For me, it’s all about balance instead of restriction. That’s just what works for me!

7:30 am – Woke up, poured a glass of Stumptown iced coffee with milk and sugar and work on the blog to get the post ready to go up for everyone to see!

8:00 am – Ate a pumpkin apple streusel muffin. When I workout in the mornings, I like to have something in my stomach, but nothing too heavy like meat so I usually just eat 1/2 a larabar or a muffin if I’ve made those.


9:00 am – Thursday’s workout (see above)

10:30 am – By the time I’m done with a workout, I’m starving, so I usually have a small post workout snack to hold me over until lunch time. Sometimes I make a shake, but that day I ate 1/2 Noosa coconut yogurt with probably 2 tablespoons of Udi’s gluten free granola

10:30-12:30 – Blog work: emails, creating posts, editing posts, then more emails

12:30 am – Heated up a bowl of leftover truffle cauliflower soup and ate it with a few slices of smoked salmon


12:30 – 3:00 pm – I made cupcakes for the blog (find them posted tomorrow). After making them, decorating, photographing them then cleaning the whirlwind of a kitchen mess I made, I ate one of the cupcakes. Here’s a crappy picture but any idea what this cupcake is? Clue: it’s halloween inspired!


3:00 – 5:00 pm – Ran errands, did 4 loads of laundry throughout the night, then packed for my trip to Omaha. In the middle of all this, I snacked on 4-5 cubes of grass fed cheese.

7:00 pm – Mediterranean lamb skewers with roasted brussels sprouts and Sir Kensington’s special sauce. I found these skewers in Whole Foods on sale



Now share your stuff with everyone below! What are you listening to? What are you eating for a post workout snack? Any new recipes that you’re eating regularly right now? Or any workout clothes that you absolutely LOVE!? Share all your thoughts below!

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  1. Samantha says:

    I’m guessing the cupcake is brains… lol love this post! (:

    1. juli says:

      you rock! spot on! bloody brains!

  2. Anne says:

    A suggestion for a great travel/hotel workout:
    50 reps for time of:

  3. Betsy says:

    Hi Juli! What weight did you use for the Tuesday Fit Class workout? Thanks!

  4. Jill says:

    Juli, I did your workout from Sunday and holy balls! That’s all I can say. Well not really.. I’m not that concise with my words.

    I’ve been checking in to (A.K.A. first thing Monday morningyour Weekly Workouts post for the past couple of months for some added workout inspiration. I did crossfit for a while a few years back and slid back into a “traditional body building” style of workout (though I am SO NOT a body builder), but need a switch up in a serious way. I’ve done a number of your FitClass workouts or workouts you make up and share here on your weekly workouts posts and love them but this one… man… my butt! I did this Monday night and it’s Thursday morning and I’m still feeling it. Did I tell you I LOVE THAT?! Sore quads and gluts are my JAM. Keep ’em coming!

    1. juli says:

      saaaaame! who doesn’t love having sore butt and legs! so glad you’re enjoying the workouts!

  5. Cherie says:


    So exciting that you are getting married! I am also getting married next year. Was hoping you have a tip regarding crossfit training. I love it so much but I don’t want to have huge shoulders in my strapless wedding dress. Any tips?

    1. juli says:

      your shoulders will definitely change with CF, but everyone is different. i just usually go lighter if i’m feeling like they’re getting too big, but i personally like having shoulders that are a little more muscular than “normal”

  6. Kellie says:

    Love those pants. Where did you find them?