Happy Monday, you beautiful human! We are officially 11 days into the New Year…have you stuck with your goals so far? I had a goal of not eating dairy and I ate dairy the first day of the New Year. BUT I’ve been eating less dairy and you know what’s so great? My face stopped breaking out! That was the whole goal of not eating dairy so I’m glad it’s working. The last thing I want is cystic acne during our wedding. So now I know the more I stick with limiting my dairy, while still enjoying it sometimes, the better off I will be. Sad, but true.

The point is, I’m not depriving myself. I’ve never done well with the deprivation thing. When I started paleo, I told myself I couldn’t eat this or that so when I did, I hated myself, said “f*ck it” and went HAM on that food I wasn’t suppose to be eating. I was just like a child: when I was told I couldn’t have something, I wanted it 10x more. That’s exactly why I don’t follow any rules or any sort of 30 day guides, because that restriction doesn’t work for me. What works for me is understanding what food doesn’t work for my system and I try to avoid those things while still enjoying the moments in life. I don’t tell myself how much I can eat or weight my food anymore, I just eat the foods I know are best for me, eat until I am full and listen to what my body is craving.

I’m telling you all this because I know so many of you are following a 30 day guide or some sort of detox this month and I want you to know that stability is still possible after those 30 days. Remember that your goal is to feel better or look better or perform better. So when those 30 days are over and real life sets in, remember that you can still live your life without going HAM on a bag of potato chips or chocolate chips. Keep the end goal in mind, not just the 30 day goal!

And don’t forget, if you’re looking for more recipes to keep you on track long term, right now the Best of Paleo 2015 Ebook gives you 192 paleo/primal recipes from over 30 bloggers, authors and chefs! This Ebook is totally portable and mobile friendly so you can download it to your phone, computer or iPad! Click here to find out more about it!

Now let’s workout!

Sunday – Rest Day

Monday – See a video of these movements here

5 rounds:

20 reverse hypers

30 in and out squat jumps

16 overhead walking lunges

20 weighted bridges

15 burpees

10/10 banded glutes


Hang Clean + Clean + Split Jerk: 17 mins to find a heavy combo. Reset on Cleans.

12 min AMRAP Of:

8 Hang Power Cleans (185/125)

8 Front Squats (185/125)

100m Run

I got 6 rounds + 13 reps using 85#


Push Pres: 5 x 3 Adding. 3 sec Pause in OH Position on every rep. (16 mins) – I got to 110#

Between Sets: 10 KB High Pulls Each Arm. Try to find a 10 Rep Max for each arm (It may be different). – I got to 25#

18-15-12-9-6-3 Reps For Time Of: (14 min Time Cap)

Toes To Bar

Power Snatch (115/75)

Burpees Over Bar

I finished the round of 6 but didn’t get through the 3’s. I used 65# power snatch


Back Squats: 5 x 3. Adding. First set at 75%. (16 mins) – I got to 165#

For Time: 13 min AMRAP Of:

30 Cal Row

30 Wall Ball

30 Deadlift (225/155)

I got 2 rounds plus 31 reps using 125# deadlift and 14# wall ball

Friday – Rest day


50 squat cleans (225/155)

75 burpee pull ups

100 strict handstand push ups

With a partner: 1 person rows 15 calories while the other partner begins with squat cleans. When partner finishes the row, they switch and the partner starts on the squat cleans wherever the other partner left out. Continue until completed.

We finished in 26:52 using 95# and doing pike push ups on a box


Hotel Gym or At Home Workout:

30 minute AMRAP:

5 wall walks

20 jumping lunges

30 russian twists

 20 tuck jumps 

*Every 2 minutes, do 7 burpees then start back where you left off


Build Your Perfect Gym Outfit!

Long Black Leggings

Long Sleeve White Tee

Blue & Grey Zip Up (50% off)

Blue & Black Nike Free 5.0 (25% off)

Under Armour Duffel Bag

Nike Reversible Running Hat

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  1. Francesca says:

    Juli, do you generally prefer CrossFit classes to FIT these days? Just wondering because it seems like you’ve been doing more CrossFit classes. Also, would love love love more of your FIT-style hotel gym/home workout ideas. I’ve written down every single one you’ve listed over the past few months and have done probably about 90% of them. They are so effective and really shook up my workout routine, which helped me break a plateau. Thank you for all that you do! xoxo

  2. Chelsea says:

    Holy Balls! the Rx weight for women on that tuesday workout is super heavy.
    All the ladies must be killing it in your gym. I thought my coach was trying to kill us when he programs 115 hang cleans for the ladies.
    I probably would have done the same weight as you.
    I love reading all your posts! keep up the positive vibes!

  3. Rachel says:

    I’ve been following your blog for quite a while now, since I started doing paleo and crossfit! I went through the same situation with crossfit, as I found myself being puffy and I wasn’t happy after a while. Its nice to see you keeping the weight light in some heavy workouts… sometimes I find it hard to tell my coach I want to go lighter in a workout when I used to lift way heavier.

    PS! Love how your blog now has a mix of food, workouts and fashion!

  4. Alex says:

    Love the at home workouts!! They have been so hopefully for when I travel!

  5. Julia says:

    Love the post! where is your adorable green tank from!? dying to get one!!

    1. juli says:


  6. Kaarol says:

    How much time approx. for the workouts?

    1. juli says:

      it depends on the workout. some are time capped, some have a time domain, others are just until you finish the workout