Happy Monday, you beautiful soul! There was just too much going on this weekend. It was overwhelming. Cinco de Mayo, Derby and Mother’s Day. Everything was crowded, all the streets were closed off, and pretty much everyone was drunk. Except me. I stayed in and did absolutely nothing…except eat, of course. I’ve been craving a blizzard lately, so I made my own at home because, well, fast food is gross. And should not be eaten.
Last week in my Weekly Workouts post, I mentioned that I stay away from sh*t food. But after a couple emails, I started to understand that a lot of people didn’t know what I meant by sh*t food. So I wanted to explain it here today, because workouts are super important, but dialing in that diet is even more important. When I say I don’t eat sh*t food, that means I don’t eat fast food, I don’t drink soda, and I don’t eat things at Whole Foods or whatever grocery store that I don’t understand or can’t pronounce the ingredients on. It’s so easy to believe that if something says healthy or diet or gluten free on it, that it is healthy, but that’s not the case. If I’m questioning a certain ingredient, I most likely shouldn’t be eating it, so I don’t.
With all the endless blogs or options at grocery stores and online now, there’s really no excuse to eat sh*tty food. Sure, some ingredients are more expensive like grass fed beef or organic produce, but I’m not saying perfection is necessary. If you can’t afford grass fed beef, it doesn’t mean you should be eating McDonald’s hamburgers. Just buy the meat you can afford at this point and you may be able to purchase better quality in the future. Craving a blizzard like I was this weekend? Make your own ice cream. With all the recipes that are out there at this point, you can easily make you own and you’ll actually know all the ingredients that go into it.
My point is, there’s really no excuse when it comes to your own health. YOU make the decisions. YOU have the brain power to decide what you are going to put in your body. And honestly, YOU have the technology to find recipes to keep you healthy. That’s the whole reason you’re reading this blog in the first place, because you have the technology right at your fingertips. I started making my own recipes so when I was having those cravings, I would have an alternative. And that’s why I keep doing it every week. I’ve been eating paleo and gluten free for almost 7 years, but I still get cravings. I just know that I am an adult and I can decide what is best for my body. So think about that next time. If you’re craving a “cheat” (I hate that word) then why not have something that you know is better for you than something sh*tty crap crap from Taco Bell. You an make your own freaking tacos, anyways! Utilize your technology, use your brain, and feel good about yourself 24/7. It’s all in your hands.
Last Week’s Workouts:
Sunday – Rest day
Monday –
Front Squats: 5 x 3. All reps with a 3 sec pause at bottom. Adding. (15 mins) – I got to 115#
Then 14 min AMRAP Of:
6 Hang Squat Cleans (185/125)
200m Run
6 Push Jerks (185/125)
I got 4 rounds + 5 squat cleans using 95#
Tuesday –
20 mins Moving With Purpose:
200m Suitcase Carry (as heavy as possible) – 100m each hand
100m Single Arm OH Carry (as heavy as possible) – 50m each hand
12 Deadlifts @ 55% – Touch & Go. Must have a SLOW 3 sec descent each rep!
I got 3 rounds using 45#, 35# and 125#
Then 8 min AMRAP Of:
50 Double Unders
15 Burpees
I got 6+ 22 rx
Wednesday –
6 Working Sets Of: High Hang Snatch + Hang Snatch. Must have 3 sec pause in catch for both. Add as you go. (14 mins) – I got to 105#
Then 4 x 3 min Rounds Of:
10 Strict HSPU
25 KB Swings (70/55)
Max OH Squats (115/75)
I got a total of 93 overhead squats using 45# KB and 65# OHS
Thursday – Rest day
Friday –
Back Squats: 4 x 5. All sets at 78% (15 mins) – I used 135#
2. As Far As Possible In 12 mins:
3-6-9-12-15… Power Snatch (135/95) – I used 75#
3-6-9-12-15… Muscle Ups / Burpee Pull Ups – I did 3-4-5-6…of muscle ups
200m Run
I got through round 9 + 12 power snatch and 5 muscle ups
Saturday –
5 rounds for time:
400m run
15 push jerks (135/95)
10 burpees over the bar
I got 19:12 using 85#
At Home/Hotel Gym Workout:
800m run
100 air squats
50 burpees
100 air squats
800m run
Workout Music:
Cake By The Ocean by DNCE
Don’t Let Me Down by The Chainsmokers
Can’t Stop The Feeling! by Justin Timberlake
This is What You Came For by Calvin Harris
Haters by Deorro
On Sale Fitness Apparel:
Ruched Tee (2 colors – 50% off)
Crazy Colorful Leggings (40% off)
Nike Shorts (4 colors – 20% off)
Black Nike Crops (2 colors – 20% off)
My Favorite Nike Juvenate (2 colors – 30% off)
Hi Juli! I’m new to paleo and I see you going to restaurants and ordering such yummy things! I even saw on an earlier post that you shared a dessert with a friend! How do you manage ordering food at restaurants? I’ve been tending to just stick with a bunless burger or a house salad with grilled chicken, but even then, I don’t know which oils they’re using!
honestly, i don’t worry about oils when i go to restaurants, or i would almost never eat at restaurants. i just know going in that it’s not going to be in the best oil, but i can control the rest of what i order. so short answer: I just don’t worry about it when i’m going out to enjoy time with my friends!
This blog post has to be one of my favorites. I totally agree with you! You my friend have bailed the hubby and I out of so many poor food choices through your amazing recipes. Seriously… your brownie recipes…. a-freaking-mazing! Keep up the great work…. I also love your programming, I incorporate your works outs every week into my schedule. I’m pretty sure if I met you we would be BFF’s LOL 🙂 Amanda
glad you’re liking the workouts, Amanda!!
So how is transition from Regional Athlete to regular crossfitter? I’m a 4 time regional crossfit athlete and GRID athlete. How do you turn off your competitiveness? I’m a mother of 3 so doing all of the above is getting to be a bit much….
it’s HARD. when you’re used to competing in every single workout, it’s really hard to get out of that mind frame and begin to see people beat you who couldn’t before. i just had to constantly remind myself that my goals were different and it didn’t matter if they beat me in a workout, i would be happier long term if i stuck with my goals. so i don’t think you ever turn it off, i still get competitive sometimes with certain people, but your competitiveness changes and you’re able to put that energy into other things as well! hope that makes sense!
Good to know. I definitely have other things to put my energy into. My kids might get sick of me but that’s ok 🙂 thank you for the motivation. My goals are different. I just have to keep that in mind now!
Love that you included some workout jams!!!! ????
What I find very amusing is family/friends who comment on my diet (which is very strict paleo…except for wine of course)…comments about no bread (horror), no dairy (horror), etc., etc.. “how are you getting enough fiber”, “how are you getting enough calcium”, “you know cave men died young”, yadda, yadda.
Then I think to myself, if I was eating a piece of pizza, a big Mac and a Coke, no one would say boo…what an f’ed up world we live in when the sh*t food is more accepted than the healthy food!
right?! it’s freaking insane!!
I’m been following your web site for a while and you are an inspiration first of all. I am a 51 year old menopausal female and have been working out with weights and cardio for over 25 years. I even almost competed. I don’t go to the gym anymore but streamline at home with Cathe Freidrich for many years. I start my 45 minute workouts at 5:00 a.m. before work. I’ve been on and off with Paleo, gluten and dairy free and I get frustrated and go back to gluten free grains or an occasional crap food. I can’t lose weight or show definition anymore. It seems like my workouts are just for keeping my heart healthy. I’m about 15 lbs overweight and very depressed about it. Any suggestions would help. Thank you.
i think talking to a hormonal specialist first and foremost would be the best idea! i can’t give you advice since I’m not a specialist and i’ve never actually met you.
Hey Juli – this might be a stupid question, but when you go to restaurants how do you ensure your food is gluten free? I have psoriatic arthritis (since I was 5) so I technically can’t eat gluten for medical reasons, but I don’t have celiac so it’s not an ‘allergy’. I have trouble when I go to restaurants because I seem so high maintenance but really I don’t want to get sick. I feel really guilty when I say “I have a gluten allergy” because I’m essentially lying, but I feel like that’s the only way for them to tell it to me straight. Sorry if this is all jumbled! I’m just wondering if you just look for things you assume will be gluten free or do you ask about the ingredients in all of the sauces, etc. I just hate being a bother to my family/inlaws/servers/cooks/etc!
it’s pretty easy here in Colorado, almost all restaurants here have gluten free options so i can easily figure out something to eat!
Oh, thank you Berneda – I was feeling like I was the only one who was over 50 and had reached menopause. I’ve been a runner for years and have also been working out with weights for a while. I have noticed that I need to spend more time stretching and pampering my muscles now than I did back when I was in my 20s. It’s also true what they tell you – your metabolism slows down as you age. I pretty much stay away from any of the naughtier foods, although I do have an occasional cookie or brownie. There are so many yummy recipes out there with healthier substitutions that I have to make myself walk away so I don’t end up having 10 servings. I feel better than I would if I had binged on junk, but too many calories is still too many calories, alas.