You guys…I’m having an off week. I’m a person that is incredibly happy on a regular basis. I love what I do, I love where I live, I love the people around me. But I still had a really off week. I needed some time off from the gym, but that time off led me to eat more sugar than usual and really threw off my hormones. I spent most of my weekend crying, for really no reason.

Last week sucked in the gym and it sucked for my diet. I still ate gluten free but I ate more sugar than usual and you know what? Sugar is literally the devil. It f*cks a body up. It not only messes with your gut, but it messes with your hormones. And it REALLY messed my brain up. But you know what? It’s Monday. Just because I had an off week doesn’t mean I throw in the towel or beat myself up or talk negative to myself. That’s not what long term health is about. Long term health is about those rest days, it’s about having some sugar sometimes, and it’s about getting back to it. Life gets in the way, hormones get in the way, illness gets in the way. But overall health is how we push through those challenging times and come out stronger.

Did you eat sh*tty this weekend? Did you drink too much? Did you not workout? Stop feeling frustrated, stop feeling like you’ll never reach your goal, and stop feeling sorry for yourself. The world is here to push you down and you’re here to stand back up again. YOU have control, YOU have the ability, and YOU have the knowledge to stand up, hit the gym, choose your meals wisely, and enjoy your life. I’m saying all this because I need a reminder. I need to check myself before I wreck myself. Naaaaahmean? Ok, that’s enough for today. Time to smile and enjoy today, ok? Ok!


4 rounds of:

30 wall ball

20 burpees

15 pull ups

Finished under 17 minutes, but not sure of my exact time!

Monday – Rest day


Back Squats: 5 x 4. All sets at 83% (16 mins) – I used 145#

Then 3 Rounds For Time Of: (14 min time cap)

30 Cal Row

20 Burpees

10 Strict HSPU / 15 Pikes

I finished in 12:14 using 1 ab mat for handstand push ups


Every 30 sec for 10 mins: 1 x Snatch @ 75%. All reps must have a 3 sec pause at knee. (5-10# more than last time) – I used 85#

Then @ 0:00 – 800m For Time – I got 3:29

@ 7:00 – 8min Ladder Of: (1-2-3-4-5…)

Power Snatch (135/95)

Burpee Box Jump (30/24)

I finished the round of 7 reps of each using 75#

Thursday – Rest day

Friday – Lagree workout at Fierce45


25 minute AMRAP with a partner (one person working at a time):

100 calorie row

80 front squats (185/125)

60 box jumps (30/24)

40 toes to bar

20 bar muscle ups (or 40 burpee pull ups

We got 1 round + 64 calories


At Home or Hotel Gym Workout:

20 minute AMRAP:

400m run

20 dumbell push press

20 burpees

In Case You Missed the Last Couple Week, Here Are Many Fitness Apparel Items Still On Sale (click photo below to be brought to sale page):

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  1. Jenn says:

    This is such an interesting post. I ate horribly this weekend too. And I’m really hard on myself and do all the negative self talk when I look in the mirror. I also struggle with standing on the scale about 2-3 times a day. WHY do I do that?! Word to anyone reading…don’t do this EVER – Or when you’re postpartum. Just don’t! I’d never made the connection between sugar and emotions until I just read what you wrote. Huh. I’ve basically been crying all night and feeling sorry for myself because it’s my birthday and my husband didn’t do anything special, my 4 year old complained all day and the baby woke up this morning with a cold and snot everywhere. All hard stuff, indeed. But I also feel like my emotions are a little too dramatic. I stuffed my face with (grain free) pie – maybe that’s it?? Ha! Geez. OH! And I’m nursing! HORMONES! Well shit, Juli. This is all making sense now. I did a 21 day sugar detox and finished a few weeks ago and now I wish I’d kept a diary because I’m thinking I was less emotional. Light bulb moment! Thanks for sharing and for just being the real you. Now I’m gonna go throw my scale out the window.

    1. juli says:

      whenever i’m emotional, i try to think through why i’m going through that, what changed to make me feel so different. and it’s usually either hormones or sugar…or the combination of both. keeping a little diary can be SO helpful. definitely get that scale OUT! it’s such a waste and plays with your emotions even more!

  2. Stacie, RDN | Simply Nourished says:

    Love your mindset, Juli! I had one of those weeks recently. I was so so emotional..ugh..just a hot mess! But I always remind myself that working out and eating healthy is for life so one ‘off’ day or week isn’t going to kill me.

    PS: See you at Paleofx!

  3. Kyla says:

    Hi Juli, First of all, thank you for another real and powerful post just at the time I needed it the most. (This one was especially pertinent, but I always look forward to Mondays because I know it means I’ll get to see your weekly workout posts!)
    Also a big thank you for consistently providing amazing free content AND having such delicious, accessible and exciting recipes in your cookbooks. I finally bought your latest cookbook and am absolutely devouring it. I think my love for all things Juli Bauer is now reaching the point of obsession. (Just kidding!!! Sorta!)

    Anyway, just a big THANK YOU and a moment of appreciation for you in all your glory and everything that you’ve created for your readers! I hope you’re on the up-and-up, we’re all rooting for ya.

    1. juli says:

      thank YOU for the awesome comment!! you are amazing, kyla!

  4. Lindsey says:

    OMG this is my life right now!!!!! No joke word for word this describes my emotional state. I’m still on the downside so wow, I needed to read this before I go eat all the Paleo cookies I just made. I ate some dough and felt like sh$t but bc it’s the devil it’s trying to make me cave again. Not today sugar, not today! We win!! Thanks for keeping it real. We’re only human.

  5. Connie says:

    Hey Juli! I know you’ve been talking a lot about sugar, but does that include limiting sugar intake from fruits as well? (Probably a dumb question, I know.)

    1. juli says:

      yes, i rarely eat fruit because i think it’s a waste when it comes to sugar. you can just get the same nutrients in veggies without the sugar, ya know?

  6. Jenny says:

    What brand are your capris in the above photo? I love the blue and black. I looked around your site and could not find them anywhere else. Also, love your snapchats. Jackson cracks me up always in the mud and then the bath is too funny. My daughters love seeing him.

  7. Jodi King says:

    You know I ???? You right????…… Love you even more for this post! Its the long term goals to focus on and knowing how to get through the the small challenges right now. I needed to read this and you inspire me daily!

  8. Gabby T. says:


    Dangg girl your abs are out of control! I started following you wayyy back when and your body has changed a lot, not that you weren’t in shape, just change. Change is good. Anything that you’ve significantly changed to get those bad boys?! That’s my BIGGEST struggle, I eat healthy, work out, etc but no abs… I appreciate the help.