If you’ve been following along on my blog or listening to my podcast, I’ve mentioned a couple times that I lost a friend last week. It was not only a friend but also my best friend’s brother. It’s been so painful watching her and her family go through such a difficult time. It’s been hard to eat, hard to sleep, and even harder going through a normal day. No one should ever have to go through what they are going through.
That being said, life is incredibly stressful. It’s painful and confusing and so upsetting at times. In times like this, we feel lost and unsure when we will ever feel stable again. And often times, those situations makes us change our eating habits or keep us out of the gym. Even though it’s good to remember to give yourself some rest and relaxation in times of pain, it’s also important that we try to continue with those healthy behaviors to keep some sort of normalcy in a time of so many unknowns.
Stress can affect the body in so many different ways and we can’t always regulate that stress. But we can regulate our healthy behaviors and our healthy choices. I’m saying all this because as soon as the pain of losing someone set in, I turned to food. Straight for the sugar because, well, sugar releases endorphins and my body wanted to feel that. But I, of course, quickly came down off that sugar high and reality was still there. The moment of that sugar high didn’t bring that person back and in the long run, it didn’t make me feel any better. Just worse.
What did make me feel better was having a decent meal or clearing my mind for an hour at the gym. So remember that. Remember that you can still control certain things when everything else is so out of your control. Remember you deserve you health, even when you feel like you don’t. You can get through stressful times without putting damage in your health progress. Remember that.
PS – sorry there was no “what i ate in a day” this week. I planned to get that day but the craziness of last week meant I did not keep track of my eating whatsoever. I’ll definitely get that done next week! And be sure to check out my latest podcast about macros, supplements and protein powder here!
Sunday – Rest day
Monday –
Back Squats: 2 x 20. Fist set must be at 63%. 2nd set goal of 68% (12 mins) – 115# and 125#
Then 16 min AMRAP Of:
300m Run
60 Double Unders
15 Push Jerk (135/95)
I got 4 rounds + 338 using 85#
Tuesday –
Hang Snatch
Every minute on the minute x 3: 2 @ 65% – 75#
EMOM x 3: 2 @ 75% – 85#
EMOM x 3: 1 @80% – 90#
EMOM x 4: Add as you wish. – I worked my way to 107#
Then For Time: (14 min time cap)
5 Squat Snatch (70%)
25 Push Ups
25 Pull Ups
I finished in 9 something using 75#
Wednesday –
20 mins Moving With Purpose
10 Barbell Roll Outs
20 Single Arm OH Walking Lunge – 10 each arm (55/35)
100m Single Arm Suitcase Carry – 50m Each Arm (70/55)
I got 4 + 3 using 35# and 45#
Then 6 min As many rounds as possible Of:
15 KB Swings (70/55)
9 Burpees
I got 7 + 1 using 45#
Thursday – Rest day
Friday –
Front Squats: (15 mins)
1×3 at 85% – 130#
1×1 at 89% – 135#
1×3 at 85% – 130#
1×1 at 91% – 141#
1×3 at 85% – 130#
1×1 at 93% – 145#
Then For Time: (14 min time cap)
470m Run
100 Double Unders
20 Strict HSPU
20 Thrusters (115/75)
200m Run
50 Double Unders
10 Strict HSPU
10 Thrusters (115/75)
I have no idea when I finished but it was maybe under 10 minutes? using 65#
Saturday – Rest day
Free Travel Workout:
Wednesdays 6 minute AMRAP with KB swings and Burpees
6 minute AMRAP of:
20 tuck jumps
15 hand release push ups
On Sale Fitness Apparel:
Free People Leggings (33% Off!)
The North Face Water Proof Jacket (25% Off!)
Nike Free RN Running Shoe (20% Off!)
Lululemon Bend & Twist Tank (30% Off!)
So sorry for your loss, friend. 🙁 Losing loved ones is a solid, life-changing experience. I lost my dad in 2012 and….game changer. I’m proud of you for making healthy choices for yourself, whether allowing rest or realizing you feel better after making wise food choices or making it to the gym. I turn to food for things, as well. Not so much sugar-related foods, but tasty, savory things. So, I feel you there. Ya doing good. 🙂
(Oh, and please don’t feel sorry or bad for not providing us with certain updates during this trying time. We love you and we understand. 🙂 )
You da best.
love the post’s always do. helpful and informative if not to my life I can pass it on to some one who needs it now. love your pod cast and really love you opinion on supplements and protein powered. when I started crossfit like 6 years ago I hoped on the band wagon and got it all despite the fact that I had wrestled nationally and never taken a thing (yaa Kool-aid)
I back to no supplements I add a little salt to my water before a work out cuz im a sweater. and cant stand the taste of coconut water. the collegian im looking into as I have arthritis (after 6 knee surgeries) and see a possible joint preservation there. I also take vitamin D cuz im Canadian and only see sun light on my cheeks for about 6 months.
I am in the process of becoming more like you. as I have stopped competing in crossfit and feel as though I work out to much still. how do you tame the competitive beast?
never commented before as I am weird about it, but though it was time to put my shit out there. lol
thanks Lindsay
hahahaha glad you’re finally cooking! i don’t think that competitive feeling ever goes away. i still compete with people, it’s just more time related instead of weights. i use whatever weight i want, but then i’m trying to beat one of my friends times. does that make sense? the competitive nature is still there, i just don’t let it run my life or tell me how much i should be lifting
I am so sad for you. It’s hard to watch people we love grieving such a tragic loss and feeling hopeless as to how to ease their pain. I have two very close friends who lost their son’s. They have both told me that my calling, texting…etc and letting them know I am thinking about them has meant the world to them. They know there is nothing anyone can say to make them feel better, but knowing they are being thought about and that someone is giving a voice to their pain makes them feel a little better. Hang in there. I know it’s hard to keep your head up when you’re grienving as well.
I enjoy your Snaps, instagrams and blog posts. They make me smile 🙂