Well gooooooood morning!! I’m feeling a little brain dead today. Not totally sure why, but it could have to do with having the laziest Sunday ever yesterday. Well, I did cook two separate meals, one of those meals being for 4 people. So that’s not totally lazy, right?! Right. The rest of the Sunday was spent on the couch with some sort of ball sport on or watching Dave Chappelle in his new Netflix standup series. So today I’m ready to get outside and get after it! Time to run, jump and feel back to myself again! It’s crazy how the weekend can throw you off your roll!
I had a tough couple of days last week after an obviously very angry person let out there anger on me and told me in a blog post that, “wow your legs are so gross.” Here’s the thing – I hear this kind of stuff all.the.time. I sometimes erase, I sometimes leave it, I sometimes respond, I sometimes don’t. But no matter what, it always eats me up a little bit inside. Because you know what? I’m striving to be my best self every day and to be a more confident person, but hearing something like that really hurts. It stings. And for a little bit, it opens the door to self doubt and self destruction.
This past week, that comment did exactly that. It made me question myself and the anger built up for days. And I know those feelings are pointless and mean nothing, but I’m human and as humans, we never like being put down for who we are, especially when it comes to something we work hard at.
The point of all of this is – someone will always want to put you down or hold you back or tell you your progress isn’t good enough. But it means nothing unless you believe it. You can let negativity take over and eat you alive, or you can create your own destiny, filled with endless opportunities. The world is filled with negativity and hateful words, but their negativity changes nothing. Those people aren’t motivating or lifting others up or making a difference. But you can! You can make a difference, even if it starts simply by believing in yourself. Never let someone steer you off your course or slow your excitement for life. Stay positive, stay motivated, and stay on course for an amazing life that YOU have built.
Sunday – Kayaking in La Jolla + Walking 5+ miles
Monday – Surfing in La Jolla + Walking 5+ miles
Tuesday – Hotel Workout in San Diego
800m run at 0% grade – 21 DB thrusters – 21 burpees
600m run at 3% grade – 18 – 18
400m run at 6% grade – 15 – 15
200m run at 9% grade – 12 – 12
100m sprint at 12% grade – 9 – 9
*Try to keep your run pace faster than just a jog and keep it the same pace even as the grade increase. I ran mine at 7.5 pace until the last one, then I went to an all out sprint. And I used 15# dumbbells for my workout!
Wednesday – Hotel Workout in San Diego
5 rounds for time:
10 DB front squats
20 DB deadlifts
25 mountain climbers (per leg)
30 total alternating toe touches
*I used 20# dumbbells
Thursday – Orange Theory Class
Friday – CrossFit Broadway Class – CrossFit Open 17.5
10 rounds for time of: (40 min time cap)
9 thrusters, 95/65 lb.
35 double-unders
I got 10:14 rx
Saturday – CrossFit Broadway Class
20 minute partner workout:
12 calories on rower
9 power snatch (75/55)
6 toes to bar
*1 partner working at a time – 1 partner does the 12-9-6 while the partner rests then they switch
We got 13 rounds + 14 reps
Free Travel Workout:
See Tuesday Workout
On Sale Activewear:
lululemon Agni Crop (25% off)
Nike Fleece Bomber (33% off)
Nike Power Tights (33% off)
Nike Air Zoom (20% off)
Champion Max Support Bra (65% off)
I may be compensated through my affiliate links in this post, but all opinions are my own. This compensation helps with expenses to keep this blog up and running!
So I gotta say, I HATED(aka LOVED) your Tuesday workout. Lol, Did it yesterday at the hotel gym on my trip and was dying with the sprints! Sad when the thrusters were the relief portion of a workout. Thanks for the always awesome workouts for us constant travelers!