This time next week, I’ll be soaking up some sun on the beach, sipping on a cocktail and getting butterflies thinking about getting married the very next day! How amazing is that? It’s officially the count down to our Jamaica destination wedding and I could not be more excited! I haven’t been able to really get excited with our sewer line collapsing then our refrigerator breaking down, all while we had already hired landscapers to tear out the bushes in our backyard and put up a new fence. Just a lot happening leading up to our wedding so my mind has been in other places. But now it’s go time! I’ve bought makeup, jewelry, some headpieces, outfits, and everything I can think of for our special day/week. Holy balls, it’s going to be so awesome!

The other night, we decided to go on a double date with some of our friends that are in our wedding party. I was craving a cocktail and sushi and I instantly thought about if I should actually have it since the wedding day is so close. Watching so many people get married and so many shows about weddings and dress fittings, crash dieting is always in the back of my mind, even though I haven’t done that in years. Seeing so many women starve themselves or limit their eating before their wedding has actually instilled that thought in my own mind. But for the past 6+ years, that’s exactly what I’ve been trying to remove from my brain. I don’t tell myself I can’t have something, I don’t restrict what I can have, and I don’t push away the hunger cues when they strike. I eat when I’m hungry, I eat what I’m craving, and I take care of both my body and my mind.  That includes working out 5-6 times per week for more than 7 years. That includes eating healthy 80-90% of the time (no sh*t food ever), not binging and listening to when my body is full. Because of this, because of paleo and CrossFit, I’m not worried about my weight on my wedding day. I’m not worried about crash dieting so I can fit into my wedding dress or wear a bikini 7 days in a row. I’m just not worried about it.

My point is, the longer you keep up with healthy habits, even if it feels like it’s not working at the time, the more results you’ll see and the less you’ll have to worry about the one special event coming up. You’ll figure out your body more, figure out what it needs and doesn’t need. And you’ll slowly figure out that overall health means no crash dieting, no starving, no binging, no worries, just excitement for whatever big event you have going on. Because you have continued to work hard for years (not just months or weeks), you won’t have to stress about the details in between. If you want freedom from those feelings and those worries, you have to continue work at it. So right now, if you’re feeling like the results aren’t happening as quickly as you’d like and you’re feeling like doing some sort of “cleanse” just knock it off instead. Keep up with eating healthy, working out regularly, limiting sugar and alcohol and drinking lots of water. Take care of yourself and it will take care of you, too.

Sunday – Rest day


5 x 5 overhead squats – I got to 120#


Then 12 minutes of:

Minute 1: 18/15 GHD sit ups

Minute 2: 45 second free standing handstand hold

The EMOM for 20 minutes:

Minute 1: 15/12 calorie air dyne

Minute 2: 60 double unders

Minute 3: 16/14 calorie row

Minute 4: 200m run

I couldn’t finish the 5th set in the time frame allowed. F*ck that workout was hard.


4 Rounds Moving With Purpose ( 18 mins)

5 x Weighted Pull Ups (adding weight as you go) – I just did bodyweight

10 x Negative Push Ups, at deficit ( 3 sec down – 3 sec pause – 1 sec up = 7 sec per rep!!!) – I didn’t do deficit

20 x Double KB Front Rack Lunges (2 x 55 / 2 x 35) – MUST GO UNBROKEN!!!


Then 10 min Partner AMRAP Of:

Partner 1: 7 Squat Cleans (225/155)

Partner 2: Max Row or Bike (calories)

*Both people working, one at each movement. Swap after each athlete finishes the 7 heavy squat cleans.

**Score is total Calories after 10 mins.


EMOM x 9: 2 x Split Jerks. All sets between 70 & 80%. From Floor. – I got to 120#

At 0:00 – 3 Rounds For Time Of: 70 Double Unders and 30 Wall Ball – I finished in 5:18 rx

@ 9:00 (workout capped at 18:00) – 3 Rounds For Time Of: 25 Cal Row and 15 Burpees Over Rower – I finished in 8:30 rx

Thursday – Rest day


5 x 3 Power Snatch. Touch n Go. Adding. (12 mins) – I got to 105#

Then 16min AMRAP Of:

400m Run

6 Muscle Ups / 8 Burpee Pull Ups – I did 4 muscle ups every time

15 OH Squats (115/75) – I used 65#

I got 3 rounds + 400m run + 3 muscle ups


800m run – 20 hang squat cleans (185/125) – 40 kettlebell swings (70/55)

800m run – 15 hang squat cleans – 30 kettlebell swings

800m run – 10 hang squat cleans – 20 kettlebell swings

I finished in 24:10 using 85# and 45#


At Home or Hotel Gym Workout:

800m run – 10 dumbbell hammer curls – 10 dumbbell tricep kickbacks – 10 dumbbell shoulder press

10 burpees

600m run – 12 dumbbell hammer curls – 12 dumbbell tricep kickbacks – 12 dumbbell shoulder press

10 burpees

400m run – 14 dumbbell hammer curls – 14 dumbbell tricep kickbacks – 14 dumbbell shoulder press

10 burpees

200m run – 16 dumbbell hammer curls – 16 dumbbell tricep kickbacks – 16 dumbbell shoulder press

10 burpees

On Sale Fitness Apparel:

This Medium Impact Strappy Sports Bra (20% off)

This Maximum Support Front Close Sports Bra (45% off)

This Fun Tank Top (25% off)

These High Waisted Capris (20% off)

These Nike Free Running Shoes (20% off)


What I Ate in a Day:

7:30am – light pre workout snack of sheep’s milk yogurt


10:30am – post workout protein shake (1 banana, almond milk, cold brew coffee, ice, chocolate protein powder, and almond butter)

12:00pm – made recipe for the blog then ate 2 bowls full of green shrimp coconut curry


2:30pm – 1 power ball blueberry coconut ball


5:30pm – small handful of Jackson’s coconut oil corn tortilla chips

7:00pm – 1 blood orange vodka cocktail and sh*t ton of sushi – rolls and nigiri + 2 la croix (pure flavored) – This sushi is not the sh*t ton of sushi, there were many more containers. Izakaya Den is just the best!


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  1. Molli says:

    Thanks for this awesome post! It’s so refreshing to have this honest and complete point of view. After being active and fit my whole life and then struggling with a thyroid issue for years I’ve had to learn how to lose weight and how to get to my goals. It’s so helpful to see that it’s hard work, sticking to clean eating, and learning how to listen to hunger cues; not gimmicks and crazy changes that will pave the way. It’s easy to loose track of that when you’ve been trying for a while, are frustrated, and impatient. Thanks Juli, keep it up!

    1. juli says:

      glad i could help in some way, Molli!

  2. Michelle says:

    Your workouts are awesome! Thanks for sharing!!