Well gooooooood morning! It’s about 5:30am over here this lovely Monday and I’m feeling a bit slow, but it’s time to raise hell and get to work! I leave town for Dallas on Thursday so all I can really do at this point is work my butt off to make sure everything is ready to go for you guys! I’m nervous about it because not long after I get back, I leave town again and then once more. Which means I have A LOT of podcasts to record early…and no topics to cover.

Speaking of podcasts, did you guys listen to my most recent one? I interviewed the owner of my CrossFit gym and my good friend Jason Kelly and he talks about starting your own business and how to stay motivated and interested in your business, no matter what is thrown your way over the years. He’s an awesome guy and I’ve continued to work for him for around 6 years now which proves I really do respect the guy since I usually work by myself, buried in my own house, away from all civilization. Hope you guys enjoy this one!

But before I let you go, let’s get into some Monday motivation to start off your day. Let’s talk about self doubt. Because I’ve been recently wallowing in my own self doubt and it’s something I recognize and try to get a handle of daily. Self doubt is one of those body numbing, mind altering, completely exhausting behaviors that is hard to shake at times. But if we are able to recognize those feelings as soon as they begin to creep into our lives, we are often able to get rid of them just as quickly. I’ve been doubting myself in a few ways recently and really letting those negative thoughts completely take over. So to combat that, whenever I feel that way, I’ll simply smile and try to tell myself something positive. It doesn’t even have to do with whatever negative thing is getting me down. As long as I use that negative energy and thoughts towards something positive, than I’m already on the right track. So I’ll sometimes pour that energy into working harder or I’ll just simply tell myself that I can do something or I’ll just figure out a game plan that will get me on a better track moving forward. The point is, I don’t let those negative thoughts take over – I simply move forward in other ways. I use to be a person who doubted everything about myself and it paralyzed me in so many ways. But by recognizing that I didn’t want to feel that way any more, I was able to take control of my own life. Take control of yours. Don’t be paralyzed by fear or the unknown or self pity. Continue on, keep pushing forward – and I promise you, your life will completely open up the more you do that!

Now go kick some serious ass this week with your own workouts!

Sunday – Rest Day

Monday – Orange Theory Class

Tuesday – CrossFit Broadway Class

Clean & Jerk (squat clean to split jerk)

60% x 3 – 65% x 3 – 70% x 3 – 3 sets of 75% x 3 – I worked up to 100#

Then 3 Rounds For Time Of: (14 min time cap)

250m Row

15 Push Jerks (135/95)

200m Run

15 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

finished 11:19 using 75# and doing regular kipping pull ups

Wednesday – CrossFit Broadway Class

@ 0:00

4 Rounds For Time Of:

18 Deadlift (225/155)

12 Strict handstand push ups

I finished 8:10 using 125# and using 1 ab mat for my hspu

@ 14:00 (capped when clock hits 25:00 mark)

3 Rounds For Time Of:

15 Power Snatch (115/75)

15 Burpees

I finished in 20:19 using 65#

Thursday – Rest Day

Friday – CrossFit Broadway Class

Front Squat: 15 mins to find a 3 rep max – I got to 145#

Then 12-9-6-3 Reps For Time Of: (13 min cap)

Power Cleans (185/125)

Muscle Ups or Bar Muscle Ups or Burpee Pull Ups

Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)

I finished in 10:40 using 85# and doing 7-6-5-5 bar muscle ups

Saturday – CrossFit Broadway Class

25 minute partner AMRAP:

100 calorie air dyne

50 deadlift (225/155)

50 push ups

50 kettlebell swings (70/55)

We got 2 rounds + 95 calories at 125# and 45#


Free Travel Workout:

15 minute AMRAP:


15 KB swings

20 push ups

25 jumping squats

On Sale Activewear:

Zella Tie Tee (40% off)

Blanc Noir Jogger Pants (25% off)

Nike Power Tights (15% off)

Nike Free RN Shoes (15% off)

GapFit Fast Leggings (20% off)

What I Ate in a Day:

I started my morning off with a cup of coffee with heavy cream and stevia extract with 1 tablespoon of collagen blended into it. Then before I headed to a workout, I ate 1/2 a maple sea salt RX bar.

After my workout, I made breakfast which included 2 italian sausage links, arugula and spinach and 1 plantain cooked in avocado oil and sprinkled with meat & potato seasonings. (I didn’t dress the greens with anything).

Later in the afternoon while I worked, I ate 1 cacao nib and 1/2 leftover kombucha from the day before.

For lunch, I went to Modern Market and got the chicken plate with garlic potatoes and ginger veggies. And since I took it home, I added some spinach and arugula to it.

Later in the afternoon, I ate some gluten free granola, probably about 1/2 cup. This granola is TO.DIE.FOR.

For dinner, I made something quick with searing chicken tenders then topping them with hot sauce and feta. Then I boiled green beans and sautéed them in a cast iron skillet and topped them with adobo seasonings. While I made dinner, I snacked on a handful of coconut oil tortilla chips.

I may be compensated through my affiliate links in this post, but all opinions are my own. This compensation helps with expenses to keep this blog up and running! Thank you for your support with PaleOMG!

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  1. Sarah says:

    I’m currently stuck in an airport hotel after my flight was cancelled. I was feeling sorry for myself then I thought- what would juli do? So I looked up one of your travel workouts and went to the hotel gym and crushed it. Feeling way better. Thanks for your unique badassery and inspiration.

    1. juli says:

      yayyyyy!! nice work crushing it!!

  2. Karen says:

    What did you think helped the most to you losing the 30lbs you had? Or did you simply stop doing competitive crossfit and the weight dropped? Hoping for some wisdom to help me shred the last 10lbs!

    1. juli says:

      working out less, taking more rest days, eating more carbohydrates and not worrying about my weight all the time. the more i stress, the more i see my weight increase so i stopped stressing my body so much

  3. Megan says:

    Hi Juli,

    When you post the numbers next to the exercises in parenthesis are those recommended amounts of weight for men and women? I am still trying to figure out all the crossfit lingo and terms.

    1. juli says:

      that’s the prescribed male and female weight for the workout! then i share what weight i use!

  4. Becky says:

    When you had your f*ck it moment and decided to eat more and lift less, were you thinking (expecting)you would gain weight? And if so, how were you emotionally ok with that? You’ve talked about all the good that happened but I’m curious about your feelings at that time. It sounds like you were pretty obsessive with food (as I am now) and don’t know how to let go.

    1. juli says:

      well, i had continued to gain weight with what i was doing (working out too much and not eating enough) so i wasn’t really worried because what i was doing was obviously not working. it definitely took some time getting used to it and reprogram my brain and being ok with not overdoing it every single day. i just had to remember that what i had been doing for years wasn’t working and trying something else was worth doing.

  5. Kara says:

    I was listening to one of your podcasts this AM and in it, you mentioned how you weren’t one of those girls who got lean and slim doing Crossfit; instead you get puffy and big. TOTALLY hear you! That’s me in a nutshell! I look enviously at the lean girls with their strong but still feminine muscles but I’m just not one! Instead I get bigger and puffier which is not the look I’m going for. I also found spinning makes my legs and calves bigger so I stopped doing that (plus it was expensive as sht).

    I’ve recently really gotten in HIIT classes that are “crossfit lite” (no super heavy weights and class lasts 50-60min). I LOVE these classes and I find them “easier” than pure cardio activities like running. But sadly I’m finding that HIIT is also making me bigger. I can’t fit into my pants, jackets, etc. so I’m pretty much that girl who wears leggings or spandex pants to work everyday. Lame.

    Hate to give up HIIT and take up running again but that’s a proven activity that I know will slim me down. HELP! Any suggestions on what I can do to keep doing what I enjoy and still de-puffy myself?

    1. juli says:

      i honestly don’t know since i’ve never met you. but i definitely recommend trying different workouts and taking adequate rest days. that’s what helped the most for me!

  6. Brittany Curtis says:

    Hey Julie do you have an Apple watch? Every time I see your Orange theory Calorie’s burned (usually like 600-700!!) I think damn girl! The fitness tracker on the Apple watch tracks total calories and active calories and it’s just fun to have and motivating. I never burn close to what you do in a work out but if I am way active in a day I might get 700 for the whole day!
    I also wanted to let you know I’ve been following your motto of “listening to my body” and it’s working! and I’m not stressed about eating! and If I want to eat I eat! and I’m losing weight! Thanks for being so inspiring!
    Have a good day!

  7. caren says:

    You know, it’s weird to hear you talk about self-doubt because you come across as totally having your shit together. I often hear a similar remark when I talk about my own self-doubt. I guess it’s just something we all have and yet, it’s not something we talk about enough (so thanks for bringing it up).

    Whatever it is you’re doubting yourself about, remember that what you do (particularly blogging and fitness), you’re really good at. These are things a lot of people attempt but fail at because success is totally predicated on self-accountability. Most people don’t have a ton of that. You do.