Happy Monday!! I hope your Monday is off to a wonderful start. I woke up this morning, went to the bathroom then went back to bed thinking it was Sunday. Luckily I figured it out pretty quickly so I got my ass out of bed, made myself a collagen coffee and got to work. I try to get myself to the gym pretty early on Mondays so I can start the week off right and get to feeling my best as quickly as possible!

Over the years I’ve begun to figure out the certain things that make me feel my best, so if I’m ever feeling off or down or sluggish or sleepy, I analyze all those details in my life to figure out what is off. So often, people think that feeling tired or bloated or gassy or slow is normal and it is NOT. If you’re feeling any of those feelings, it’s probably time to analyze your diet and lifestyle. Whether that’s because you’re drinking too much alcohol or not enough water or eating something you shouldn’t or not getting enough of something in your diet, dialing in your diet and your needs can make all the difference.

Working out is so important which is why I talk about it every week, but diet is even more important. And if you don’t dial in that diet, you may have a missing piece in your health and may not even know it. If you haven’t done it yet, start thinking about how you feel. Do you wake up sleepy? Do you get stomach aches regularly? Do you have to have multiple cups of coffee? Do you feel bloated? Do you lose motivation throughout the day? Do you have aches and pains? Start looking at how you feel daily and figuring out why. So much of our lives are affected by the foods/drinks we put or don’t put in our body and so much could be altered with a simple change to our diet. So analyze yourself! Start listening to your body and figuring out what you need and don’t need! You deserve to feel amazing and energetic every day so you can live your best life possible. And your body is talking to you, all you need to do is listen!

Sunday – Workout in Hotel Gym in St Martin

3 rounds of: 10/10 one legged deadlift and 15 push ups

3 rounds of: 10 DB thrusters and 30 russian twists

3 rounds of: 10/10 DB bulgarian split squats and 15 burpees

Monday – CrossFit Broadway Class

5 Rounds For Quality (15 min cap)

10 Strict Chest to Bar Pull Ups

10 Strict Handstand Push Ups (3″/2″ deficit if possible)

I got 4 rounds doing 8 strict pull ups and 7 strict handstand push ups

Then 8 min AMRAP Of:

5 Thrusters (155/105)

40 Double Unders

I got 8 rounds + 25 reps using 85#

Tuesday – Orange Theory Class – see workout here – clock shut off so numbers slightly skewed

Wednesday – CrossFit Broadway Class

Every 90 secs x 9 sets (12 mins)

Power Clean + 2 Hang Squat Cleans

First set at 50% of 1 rep max clean. Add as you wish. – I got to 120#

Then 3 Rounds For Time: (14 min time cap)

470m Run

20 KB Swing (70/55)

20 Wall Ball

I finished in 11:23 using 45#

Thursday – Orange Theory Class – see workout here – this partner workout really sucked (not in a good way, it just sucked – not a fan of their partner workouts at OTF)

Friday – Rest Day

Saturday – CrossFit Broadway Class

Fight Gone Bad

5 rounds, 1 minute at each station, 1 minute rest after finishing all movements:

Wall-ball (Reps)

Sumo deadlift high-pull (75/55 – Reps)

Box Jump (24/20 – Reps)

Push press (75/55 – Reps)

Row (Calories)

*One point per rep or calorie – score is total reps of all 5 rounds

I finished with 443 reps rx


Free Travel Workout:

800m run

100 air squats

80 mountain climbers

60 push ups

40 tuck jumps

20 pull ups

800m run

On Sale Activewear:

Zella High Waist Leggings (33% off)

lululemon 7/8 Leggings (20% off)

adidas Pullover (33% off)

Nike Free Running Shoes (25% off)

lululemon Tank (20% off)


What I Ate in a Day:

Started my day off with a Vanilla Bean Sweet Cream Collagen Iced Coffee

Then for breakfast, I cooked up some breakfast sausage (I use either Mulay’s or Whole Foods) with Jicama Apple Slaw and an asian beet and artichoke heart salad.

Mid-morning I had 1/2 an Almond Perfect Food Bar and a small cup of Forest cold brew coffee mixed with pecan Malk and some stevia.

While I made lunch, I had 3 pieces of Applegate pepperoni and a handful of Terra plantain chips.

For lunch, I had ground beef cooked in hot sauce and Primal Palate taco seasonings with Terra plantain chips and a tomato corn salad.

After a workout while I was coaching classes, I had the other 1/2 of my Almond Perfect Food Bar.

For dinner, I had a salmon filet that I broiled for 8 minutes then Jicama Apple Slaw and tomato corn salad with it!


I may be compensated through affiliate links in this post, but all opinions are my own. This compensation helps with expenses to keep this blog up and running! Thank you for your support with PaleOMG!

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  1. Meg says:

    Random question but for OT workouts do you usually run or do the floor exercises first?

    1. juli says:

      i always run first!

      1. Natalie says:

        I was just going to ask this. I always start on the rower and am pissed when my splat points are low. I need to start with the run–barf.

  2. Michelle says:

    Thanks for sharing! I love that you share the workouts!!

  3. Emily says:

    Hi Juli! Question~ I’ve heard you mention that eggs cause you to have breakouts and I’m wondering how you determined that? I eat a hard boiled egg EVERY morning, and struggle with acne. I plan to cut them out for a few months & see if it makes a difference but I love them SO much that I’m having a hard time getting started!!! Just curious how you realized that was a trigger for you.

    1. juli says:

      i was having breakouts and i stopped eating eggs and my skin stopped breaking out. then whenever i eat eggs, my skin breaks out. it was pretty easy to figure it out once i removed it!

      1. Ariel says:

        Just fyi that perfect bars are made with egg powder as the protein source!